
Nick Fury looked at the restricted permissions on the screen again in disbelief.

Today, there are too many things that make him unbelievable.

Carol's defeat, Hill's defiance, and now even his permissions have been disabled!

He is the director of SHIELD. Who the hell has the authority to restrict his account? !

SHIELD was established with the authorization of the major powers of the United Nations. It is impossible for someone to directly disable his account, unless it is the United Nations...

Thinking of this, Nick Fury's pupils shrank sharply...

"Those bastards of the United Nations!"

He thought he would be held accountable for this action, but he never expected that he had been relieved of his duties by the United Nations before his action began.

How did they know so quickly? !

"They are not bastards. On the contrary, Nick, they are heroes who save the world."

A steady and calm voice came from the door of the satellite room, and Pierce, wearing a gray suit, walked in.

Behind him was a special forces team led by Crossbones and fully armed with guns.

"Pierce, it's you! You reported me to the United Nations?!"

Nick Fury's smart brain understood everything the moment he saw Pierce.

Why could the United Nations know about his actions that had not yet been launched so quickly and remove his authority?

The person who tipped him off was his immediate superior!

The former director of SHIELD who personally recommended him to the position of director of SHIELD, the current head of the World Security Council who is responsible for supervising SHIELD, his mentor, Alexander Pierce!

Nick Fury was completely unable to hold back after being betrayed by his most trusted subordinates and mentor one after another.

He rushed forward, grabbed Pierce's collar and asked hoarsely:

"Why! Why did you betray me, you, the SHIELD that I have spent all my efforts on?!"

Faced with the furious Nick Fury, the special forces team instantly aimed their guns at Nick Fury and were about to empty the magazines.

Pierce waved his hand calmly, signaling the special forces team to put down their guns.

He's still here, don't hurt yourself when you hit this turtle.

"Nick, it's not me, Deputy Director Hill, and SHIELD who betrayed you, but you failed us, failed the entire SHIELD, failed this country, and this world."

Pierce said indifferently, and pulled Nick Fury's hand away.

Nick Fury took two steps back, and his eyes scanned everyone with red eyes.

At this moment, he felt as if he was isolated by the whole world.

The people around him who were originally very familiar, or even his subordinates, were so unfamiliar.

The special forces with cold eyes full of murderous intent, Hill and SHIELD agents with disappointment in their eyes, and Pierce with a barely perceptible smile in his disappointment at the end.

All of this was seen clearly by his keen observation.

Is this still his SHIELD, the people he knows?

Pierce put away the smile in his eyes, took out a paper document, and spoke slowly again:

"The former director of SHIELD, Nick Fury, abused his power many times during his tenure.

First, he mobilized a huge amount of SHIELD funds to build many illegal safe houses for himself around the world.

Second, he secretly communicated with and sheltered the Skrulls, an alien race, which led to the murder and replacement of many national leaders and caused major losses to the world.

Third, he acted impulsively for his own selfishness and put the country and the world on the brink of destruction.

These three crimes were punished together. After consultation between the United Nations and the World Security Department, Nick Fury was stripped of his position as director of SHIELD, and..."

Bang! ! !

"Death penalty, executed immediately!"

A gunshot, Nick Fury suddenly felt weak all over. He lowered his head to look at the bloody hole in his heart. At this moment, the bloodshot in his eyes gradually dissipated.

He raised his head with difficulty and looked at Pierce who was holding a pistol. He wanted to say something, but the blood flowing from his mouth made him unable to speak. He could only let his powerless body fall to the cold floor.


Hill looked at this scene. Although he had expected it, he still couldn't help but want to step forward.

"Don't go over there! Otherwise I will shoot!"

Crossbones and other special forces immediately pointed their guns at her and all the SHIELD agents in the satellite room.

As long as they have the idea of ​​approaching Nick Fury to rescue him, they will shoot without hesitation.

Pierce ignored these. He walked slowly to the fallen Nick Fury with documents and pistols.

"Alas... Nick, tell me, why are you doing this..."

Pierce slowly squatted down and looked at Nick Fury's clear eyes.

Although he was shot in the heart, Nick Fury, who had been injected with a low-profile version of the super serum,He did not die immediately, he tightly grasped the corner of Pierce's clothes.

At the last moment of death, he finally remembered the oath he had made, the oath that he was willing to sacrifice everything for the country and the earth.

He also held this determination and joined S.H.I.E.L.D.

But why was he so impulsive, he shouldn't be like this.

He shouldn't offend the strongest man on earth for a group of aliens, for Carol who had never done anything for the earth.

I shouldn't be that kind of person, why would I...

Nick Fury's eyes widened suddenly, and a picture flashed in his mind. That was... the scene of him being brainwashed by a brainwashing machine hanging upside down.

"It's... Skrulls..."

Pierce was stunned when he heard this, and then relieved.

Although the successor he chose was deep-minded and did things by any means.

But the premise of everything was to focus on the earth, not to offend the god of the world who could destroy the world for a mere Skrull and a pilot. This was not the Nick Fury he knew.

So that's it, brainwashed by the Skrulls? Just like the Winter Soldier under his command.

But none of this matters now.

Pierce leaned close to Nick Fury's ear and said slowly in a voice that only the two of them could hear:

"Nick, go to sleep, it's over now, it can't be undone.

But in your next life, remember what I taught you before, don't trust anyone, let alone a group of green-skinned aliens.

It's better not to trust me... Finally..."

Bang!!! "Long live Hydra."

The gunshot and Pierce's last words entered Nick Fury's brain at the same time.

But one entered physically, and the other entered mentally.

Nick Fury's eyes widened, but unfortunately the bullet hole on his forehead made him unable to speak out his shock.

Pierce casually threw the bloody pistol in his hand to Crossbones next to him.

Then he wiped the blood off his hands with the document of Nick Fury's dismissal and charges, and covered his black face with the document.

"Take his body away and cremate it immediately."

Before leaving, Pierce looked at Hill indifferently.

"Former deputy director, Maria Hill will temporarily take over the position of director of SHIELD, but all actions must be reported to me and approved by me before they can be implemented."

Hill stared at Nick Fury's body with a complicated look in his eyes. His boss who had followed him for more than ten years, the king of agents he once admired, died so carelessly...

"Agent Hill, show your professionalism. Now is not the time to be sad!"

With Pierce's low shout, Hill got out of his complicated mood and nodded.

"I understand..."

Pierce sneered, turned around and left with the special forces and Nick Fury's body.

Nick Fury offended Arnold, and he didn't want to take over the mess of SHIELD now.

He didn't care what Hill thought, he just needed someone to temporarily take the blame, someone who could push her out to take the blame when Arno got angry.


On the other hand, although Nick Fury's end was tragic, Carol's was not much better than him.

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