As Odin finished speaking, the people of Asgard were stunned at first.

Then they all ran back home, took out the coronation gift that Odin had prepared for the new king, and ran to the palace.

The palace had also been prepared long ago, and countless palace guards and servants began to arrange everything needed for the coronation ceremony in an orderly manner.

Arno looked down and saw this scene, and was speechless.

"Are you so sure that I will take over Asgard? You are actually ready."

Hearing this, Odin stood up from the throne happily and pressed Arno to the throne.

"That's not to be sure of you, but I like to make arrangements in advance when I make a decision.

Even if you don't take over the throne of Asgard, these things can be recycled and given to Thor or Loki."

Thor had a question mark on his face: "Father, I'm still here. Is it too much for you to say it in front of me?"

At the same time, Loki, who was accompanying the queen Frigga, sneezed.

Thor and Loki both knew that Odin did not give his son the right to inherit the throne.

Thor had no opinion on this matter.

Not to mention that he himself had no interest in inheriting the throne, he had only thought about inheriting it because it was his responsibility as the eldest son and the strongest god of Asgard.

Now someone is helping him to bear this responsibility, he is simply asking for it. He himself is not the material to be a god king, and freedom is the life he longs for.

What's more, this person is his mentor who made him fully awaken the power of Thor, so he has even less opinion.

As for Loki, it is useless for him to have an opinion. No matter which decision Arno or Odin makes, he can't interfere.

And after the incident on his own believer planet, he has a deeper understanding of the responsibilities that need to be taken on this throne.

His hard power is not enough to become a god king of a kingdom of gods that mainly relies on force. He does not have the ability to protect the nine realms and Asgard.

Just like more than a year ago, when Thanos made that false promise to spare the Believer Planet, when he took Thor back to the Believer Planet as soon as possible, there were already corpses everywhere, and half of the planet's population had been slaughtered.

Thanos had already left.

But he had no way to deal with it, because he did not have the same strength as Thanos to reach an agreement of equal status with him.

Whether Thanos's promise was effective was just a matter of Thanos's thoughts.

Regardless of whether he had done everything in the agreement.

So he could only vent his anger on the superstar with no limbs, and use the superstar's blood to cover up his incompetence and guilt towards the believers.

Until now, he did not dare to return to the Believer Planet. He could not face those believers who trusted him so much and regarded him as a god, and he did not dare to face the disappointed eyes of the believers.

So after asking his father Odin to help take care of the Believer Planet, he stayed in Asgard obediently to learn more magic from his mother.

Thor has already gotten rid of the title of Hammer God, and he can't fall behind. He also wants to get rid of the title of melee mage!

He wants to be the first mage in the Nine Realms!

A mage who can protect everything he wants to protect!

I've gone off topic, so the key is that Loki knows that his current strength cannot protect Asgard and the Nine Realms.

Therefore, although he didn't say it, he agreed in his heart that Arno, an outsider who is not weaker than or even stronger than Odin, took over the throne.

This is much better than letting himself who is not strong enough or Thor who is not smart enough to inherit Asgard.

"Are you ready to become a god king of a kingdom of gods?"

Odin handed Gungnir, the artifact representing the god king in his hand, to Arno on the throne, stepped back, and stood behind him.

C position has been moved.

Odin raised his right hand and shouted.

"The gods return, and the new king ascends the throne!"

Bang! ! !

After a crisp sound.

The next moment, the huge golden door of the palace slowly opened to both sides.

The Asgardian gods who had been waiting outside the door walked in one by one under the leadership of Frigga.

The "military generals" headed by Thor, the god of thunder, stood on the right side of the hall.

The "civil officials" headed by Loki, the god of trickery, stood on the left side of the hall.

Arno sat on the throne with his chin propped up and looked at everyone below indifferently.

He didn't know how to perform rituals.

The next step was basically Odin's operation, and he responded from time to time on the throne.

The process was nothing more than Odin emphasizing the power of the new king first, and then asking all the Asgardian gods to offer their loyalty to the new king, and Arno accepted their loyalty.

After accepting the loyalty of all the gods, it was time to take the last step.

That was to go to the God's Domain Square to show up in front of all the Asgardians, so that all the Asgardians would beThe people of Asgard know their new king.

But before that....

"Go out and let the people of Asgard prepare to welcome the new king."

Odin waved his hand and asked everyone to leave.

Thor and Loki also saw that Odin had something to say to the new king, so they led all the gods in the hall out.

The wide hall was empty for a while, leaving only Arno sitting on the throne, Odin and Frigga behind the throne, and the Kryptonians guarding him on both sides of Arno.

"So that was all the gods of Asgard just now?"

Arno glanced at Odin, and the meaning in his eyes was self-evident.

These gods are too weak, except for Heimdall who was not present because he needed to guard the Rainbow Bridge.

Among these gods, Thor is actually the most powerful one.

Even much stronger than other gods.

Including those gods of the older generation.

Although Thor is the son of Odin and was given the powerful godhood of Thor by Odin, it is reasonable for him to be strong.

But what shouldn't be is that, apart from Odin and Thor, there is no powerful god in the God Realm.

"Ah, I know what you are thinking. You want to ask why the gods in the God Realm are so weak, right?"

Arno nodded without comment.

"Ah, it's a long story..."

Odin sighed, and Arno interrupted his long speech.

"Let's make it short."

Odin: (ㅍ_ㅍ)

"Young people nowadays really don't respect the elderly or love the young.

Okay, I won't talk too much, let's make it short.

It's just that the inheritance of the high-level gods in Asgard is too demanding.

The Asgardians who can accept powerful godhood can only be talented.

And there are very few such people in Asgard's long history.

And you should also know that the gods of Asgard are more powerful as they get older, and the correspondingly stronger the godhood, the faster the power will increase.

This effect has both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that gods with powerful godhood can grow quickly and stand on their own, just like Thor.

The disadvantage is that as the power of the gods continues to grow, the stronger the godhood, the more time passes, the body can no longer withstand the surge of divine power, until it is burst by the divine power."

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