Odin's one eye revealed a trace of sadness, which was an inevitable result for the Asgardian gods.

He finally sighed:

"So the powerful gods of Asgard will become fewer and fewer as time goes by. Some of them died in battles, and some were killed by the backlash of divine power.

I, an old man, have been the one who has lived the longest..."


Arno nodded and had no opinion on this.

Although it seems that the setting of being blown up by one's own divine power is outrageous, it is actually normal to be unable to bear it.

Just like Kryptonians cannot absorb too much solar rays at one time.

For example, in order to become stronger quickly, Arno himself went to the surface of the sun to absorb sunlight at the beginning, and his body would not be able to bear it, so there is a risk of being blown up or turned into energy.

But the difference is that the physical strength of Kryptonians will continue to increase with the strengthening of solar rays.

As long as there is a degree, don't absorb too many solar rays at one time, theoretically, you can become infinitely stronger.

One day, the sun will no longer be the upper limit of Kryptonians, but just the foundation.

Just like Arno, he doesn't need the sun's rays to become stronger.

The infinite energy in his body is strengthening his body all the time.

But the Asgardians can't do that. There is a limit to how much their bodies can be strengthened by divine power.

As the body's strengthening reaches the upper limit, the divine power will not stop increasing, so it is natural that there will always be a day when it will be blown up.

Odin suddenly stared at Arno with burning eyes, and a crazy look flashed in his eyes.

"Do you know? The growth of divine power is unlimited, and only the Asgardians are limited.

Do you want to know how strong the godhood of Asgard can be if the divine power continues to grow infinitely?"

Arno narrowed his eyes and guessed what the old man Odin was thinking.

"Oh? It seems that you have some ideas?"

Sure enough, Odin took out a diamond-shaped crystal emitting golden light from the void the next moment.

The surface of the crystal exudes hot and vigorous divine power.

Arno and General Zod, who was guarding him, felt a warm energy surge into their bodies.

This is... the power of the sun!

"One of the main godheads of Asgard, and also one of the most powerful fighting godheads, the godhead of the sun!"

Odin stared at Arno intently, and his tone, which was always leisurely and contented, became hurried for the first time.

"The infinity of the godhead plus your talent for infinite strengthening, I want to try to see how high you can bring it after inheriting the godhead!"

Odin waited for Arno's answer with a short breath. The one who was restricted was never the godhead itself, but himself as an Asgardian!

If he had Arno's talent for infinite strengthening, plus the infinity of the godhead.

Then he didn't have to fall into Odin's sleep frequently to suppress the growth of his divine power. He didn't dare to think how strong he would become!

Then when he faced the group of terrifying beings in front, he would not just cut off one of their arms and then be beaten up!

He alone can kill those nine unethical bastards!!!

And he has a premonition that those beings will come to Earth again one day!

And then, it will be the time for the new God King to avenge him!!!

Arno casually took the Sun Godhead from Odin's hand and played with it, looking at the excited Odin and said slowly:

"Tell me, the real purpose of your doing this, I don't believe you just want to see how much effect the power of the Godhead can have on me."

The burning in Odin's eyes gradually subsided, and he did not deny it, but said directly:

"I want you to inherit the Sun Godhead for two reasons.

First, if you have the power of the Godhead, you will become a true Asgardian God, and the people of Asgard will be more convinced of you.

The second is..."

Odin paused, and the golden power in his hand emanated, forming a picture in the air.

That was Odin, wearing the Destroyer armor, riding on an eight-legged Pegasus, holding Gungnir, looking majestic.

Opposite him, there were nine huge beings covered with some strange armor.

The background of both sides was the earth.

Odin looked majestic, and he cut off the arm of one of the beings at the beginning.

And then... nothing happened. Odin was then beaten and kicked by the nine beings, and the battle ended tragically.

"The Celestials?"

Arno frowned when he saw this picture.

So is this a movie universe or a comic universe?

In the comic universe, the appearance of the Celestials is not surprising. After all, this Celestials, like Galactus, has a high setting, but it is still a Celestials that are often abused and wiped out.Very active.

But if it is in the movie universe, there is very little description of the Celestials, and only some scenes appeared in Guardians of the Galaxy.

For example, the mined head of the Celestials, and one of the Celestials who used the power stone to destroy a planet.

But Arno, based on the current superheroes and strength on Earth, this should be the movie universe.

Or did Marvel completely introduce the outrageous existence of the Celestials after Avengers 4?

After all, after Avengers 4, he traveled through time and did not know Marvel's subsequent plans.

But think about it, Loki in a certain universe has become the story god in charge of the multiverse timeline, it seems that the appearance of the Celestials is not surprising.

"Yes, the Celestials, one of the oldest and most powerful beings in the universe, came to Earth a long time ago and wanted to destroy it.

But the Earth was already my territory at that time, and I would not let anyone mess around in my territory. Even if the enemy was extremely powerful, I was not afraid.

I ordered the Dwarf King at that time to build a Destroyer Armor specifically for the Celestials, and gathered the blessing power of Asgard and the gods of mankind, and confidently confronted the Celestials head-on.

As a result, you can see that the Destroyer Armor really made me extremely powerful.

But the Celestials are also extremely powerful, and most importantly, they never fight alone, but fight in groups.

So there is no doubt that I was defeated miserably, even my body was almost broken, and my soul was beaten out of my body.

If Frigga had not reached an agreement with them to give the Earth another chance, I might have been killed by them long ago, and the Earth would have been destroyed long ago."

Odin still had a trace of unwillingness in his eyes when he said this.

At the moment when a man was at his strongest in his life, he was beaten and kicked before he had time to show his power. In the end, he was saved by his woman.

No man can let go of this matter!

Arno said thoughtfully:

"So you hope that I will inherit the sun godhood and avenge you as an Asgardian?"

But Odin shook his head:

"It's not entirely for this reason. The most important thing is that I was defeated at the beginning. Although Frigga reached an agreement with them, the Celestials gave the Earth another chance.

But they also put a seed of a Celestial cub into the interior of the Earth.

The seed absorbed nutrients and fell asleep in the interior of the Earth, waiting for the number of life forms on Earth to reach the standard of "God Appearance" and breed new Celestials.

And the life forms on Earth are already close to the standard, so sooner or later you will face them."

Odin's tone was light, but Arno's brows were more and more furrowed.

Platinum light bloomed in his eyes, and the whole hall was filled with platinum light.

His sight reached the Earth through layers of space and distance, and continued to go deeper into the ground.

As the platinum light in his pupils became more and more dazzling, the outline of the Earth's crust and core, which were originally ordinary, completely changed.

Deep underground, a huge figure that occupied almost one-third of the Earth's size appeared in his eyes.

The appearance was extremely similar to the Celestials in the picture shown by Odin.

Arno's eyes were cold, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Very good, very good!

Originally, I thought the Skrulls were the biggest borers on the Earth, but I didn't expect that there was an even bigger borer inside the Earth.

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