"Observer, Frog?"

Arisum and other members of the Celestials looked at the panicked observer with some confusion.

Why did this guy who liked to spy on various parallel universes "outside the wall" appear in the real world?

Arno didn't care about this big-headed son. His attention at the moment was all on the woman who tore through the cosmic barrier.


A breath, no, multiple breaths of the same origin came from the woman.

Arno's eyes turned platinum and looked at this mysterious woman.

She wore a mind gem necklace on her neck, a time gem bracelet on her left wrist, and a space gem ring on her finger.

She wore a power gem wristband on her right wrist, a reality gem ring on her finger, and a total of five shining infinite gems on her body.

And the Kryptonian bloodline and the sun godhood in her body were perfectly integrated, and the whole person exuded infinite dazzling sun brilliance.

Kryptonian bloodline, infinite gems, sun godhood.

Arno frowned slightly. All these together were like another female version of himself in a parallel universe.

Obviously, being stared at, the female superhero in another universe also noticed Arno's "burning" gaze.

"Hey, handsome boy, you keep staring at me. Are you in love with me?

But unfortunately you don't have a chance. I already have three girlfriends."

Yena winked at Arno and looked at him with a playful expression.

Obviously, she also discovered the same aura in Arno, especially the Kryptonian bloodline.

"There are other Kryptonians in other parallel universes. Great! I thought that Kryptonians only existed in comics except me!"

Arno captured the key information and looked up at Yena's green eyes:

"Wait? Didn't you travel from the real world?"

Yena scratched her golden hair and spread her hands:

"Real world? What real world? Tony said that Howard found me in a Kryptonian spaceship when he was still in SHIELD."

"Tony? Are you related to Tony?"

"I guess so. Howard is my adoptive father, Tony is my brother, and my name is Yena Stark. Handsome guy What about you?"

"Arno Stark..."

"Wow! What a coincidence, your last name is Stark too! Wait, in this universe, Tony is not your brother too..."

"No, I am his brother. In the next universe, Tony may have a Superman brother..."

"Oh, it turns out not to be, I was wondering how it was... Wait!"

Yena nodded, then realized:

"You are Tony's elder brother? Then wouldn't it be my elder brother if rounded off?"

"One thing is one thing, the universe is different, there is no need to force a relationship..."

Arno sighed, and had guessed what was going on.

Our Lord of Stories is not only good at making up stories, he used to be a naughty God of Tricks.

How can the God of Tricks have only one plan...

It seems that Loki brought not only a Kryptonian, but also another Kryptonian in another universe.

And he is a real Kryptonian, not like me, who has Kryptonian genes in his body but his soul is a soul that traveled from the real world.

His body is from the Marvel Universe, his genes are from the DC Universe, and his soul is from the real world, which makes him look like a bastard...

But thinking about it, maybe his own soul is not a "real person" at all, maybe just a small line of writing, he feels that being a bastard is not a big deal.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter. Instead of thinking so much, it's better to be yourself..."

"Handsome boy, you are right, Tony also said so~"

Yena's figure slowly flew over and gradually grew bigger.

When she came in front of Arno, she was only half a head shorter than him.

"Speaking of which, are these weird guys besieging you? Do you think that we Kryptonians are isolated and helpless in this universe, so we are easy to bully?!"

Yena took a step forward, the red light in her eyes was extremely dazzling, and the expression on her face was a little crazy.

Arno looked at Yena, who was standing in front of him like a protective child, with some surprise, but he felt relieved after thinking about it.

After all, Kryptonians are united and united in all other matters, unless it is about the origin of Krypton.

Even Clark, a Kryptonian with a saintly nature, had to kill General Zod, who was determined to die, out of necessity in his original world.

Not to mention Yena, a Kryptonian who had never seen her own kind since she was born and finally met one of her own kind, the joy of meeting a fellow countryman in a foreign land must be extremely strong..

"Although I can tear them apart without help, if you want to play, then come along."

Arno glanced at Yena, who was full of fighting desire, and did not refuse her help.

There is no need to be so polite between Kryptonians.

Not to mention that she is half a sister from another universe.

Arno and Yena, both of whom belong to Krypton and the Stark family, quickly established a preliminary friendship and reached a consensus to abuse the Celestials together.

The Celestials also had a simple communication with the Observer and roughly understood the whole story.

Simply put, the Observer picked a universe to give an off-screen speech to the audience as usual.

But when he randomly selected the universe where Yena was, an accident happened.

At that time, Yena had inherited the Sun Godhead and had four Infinity Stones.

And she had just obtained the fifth one, which was also the most suitable power stone for Kryptonians, and was fusing her power.

When Yena, who was fusing, broke through the limit of power, she accidentally discovered the Observer who was passionately explaining "outside the wall".

And he tore the cosmic barrier into the infinite cosmic barrier and found his true body!

Although the Observer has a high dimension and strong power, it is limited to the crushing game.

In front of the same level, his fighting ability is not enough, and he was directly beaten by Ye Na, a Kryptonian!

In this way, the Observer fled in various universes in panic, and Ye Na chased him all the way!

He fled, she chased, and he couldn't fly away~

Until he came to this universe and met several people from the Celestial Group confronting Arno, he had time to breathe.

After hearing what the Observer said, Alyssem's heart was shocked.

According to what the Observer meant, he brought a being who was not weaker than the God of Earth here!

This big-headed idiot brought the devil into the village! ! !

Originally, to deal with Arno, he called four members of the Celestial Group with stronger strength, and felt that he was already sure to win.

Now he felt that the people he called were just like what Arno said before, just a few people? Not enough!

A signal wave of reinforcement came out of Alisem again, and he planned to summon members of the Axe Gang... the God Gang to besiege again...

It would be better to have another hundred or eighty people, otherwise he always felt that there would be accidents.

But accidents often come faster than he imagined. This time, the signal wave of reinforcement disappeared without a trace immediately after leaving the body!

Alisem's heart skipped a beat again!

Damn, the phone line was unplugged! ! !

Alisem suddenly raised his head, and his six eyes quickly looked around!

I saw that the original surrounding starry sky and the surrounding planets were now turned upside down!

Is this the mirror field plus space blockade? !

"Mirror space, have you joined Kamar-Taj?"

Arno glanced at the strange scene around him indifferently. He didn't expect that this was still a female superhero who could do magic.

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