The existence that could beat him back with one punch in normal state must be strong.

Now that his incarnation is not smaller than his own body, he has no confidence in winning.

Although he is the strongest among the Celestials, as the saying goes, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.

So he decisively chose to call for help!

Why is the Celestials called the Celestials?

Because they are a social organization!

Who the hell wants to fight you one-on-one!

Group fight!

Invisible waves emanated from Alisem and radiated to every corner of the universe.

Of course Arno noticed it, but he did not stop it.

Even if he could stop it with the power of space.

He had already calculated Alisem's strength with that punch just now.

Above Odin, below Loki.

Half a step to multidimensionality.

Completely capable of fighting.

I am invincible below multidimensionality.

One for one above multidimensionality.

As long as there is no multidimensional existence, no matter how many members of the Celestials come, he will not panic at all, but will only feel excited.

As the power gets stronger, the fun of fighting becomes less and less.

Kryptonians are never afraid of fighting!

Arisum looked at Tiamu, who was almost completely transformed into earth soil, and could not wait for the other members of the Celestials to arrive.

"God of the Earth, I have called other members of the Celestials. Now you have one last chance. I recognize the value of the existence of the Earth. You stop modifying Tiamu, and I will take Him away. How about that?"

Arisum no longer wanted to be an enemy of Arno at this time, and he had the intention to retreat. It was not worth it.

Tiamu had reached the growth stage, and the only step left was to absorb life forms.

He could just change another planet, why bother to be an enemy of Arno, who was not weaker than the Celestials.

After all, the power of this God of the Earth was not comparable to the God King that they could circle and kick around before!

"Oh, it's okay, why don't you kneel down for me, and I will let you go, how about that?"

Facing Arno's disdainful ridicule, Arisum's emotions that had remained unchanged for thousands of years fluctuated again.

He was too lazy to argue with Arno anymore, and his huge hand bypassed Arno and tried to rescue Diamu by force.

"Did I ask you to move?"


Arno's two huge eyes lit up like the sun, and two red hot eyes crossed the Milky Way and slashed across!

Boom! ! ! ! !

Countless planets instantly turned into nothingness in the red light, leaving no residue.

Arisum's outstretched arm was also broken at the shoulder, and the broken end was red and flat!

If you stretch your hand towards my Earth, your arm will be chopped off.

This is the second time that the Celestials have experienced such an experience for the small Earth.

The first time was Odin.

As we all know, Odin, the father of the gods, was almost kicked out of his shit by the circle because of this.

Will Arno, the new king of gods, repeat the same mistake?


Space wormholes of different colors unfolded one after another, and beings no smaller than Alisem appeared around Arno one after another.

Ethan, the searcher.

Jamia, the analyzer.

Nezar, the calculator.

Hagen, the measurer.

Including Alisem, the judge,

A total of five gods surrounded Arno with unparalleled pressure.

The personnel are in place!

Prepare for the circle kick they are best at!

"The gods on Earth killed Tiamu, and we will judge him, and then the Earth!"

Alisem looked at Tiamu, whose interior had been completely transformed into Earth soil, and his tone became cold.

Killing a god, then things will not end as easily as just now when he took Tiamu away and left!

The death of the gods must be sacrificed with the same blood! ! !

The other members of the Celestials did not speak, but all faced Arno, and the surrounding starry space was blocked layer by layer!

No one wants to come in today, and no one wants to leave!

Today, they will let the indigenous gods of this earth know the tragic end of angering the members of the Celestials.

Arno's eyes were red, and a cruel smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"Oh, so these are the only few people? Then before I take action, I have one last question, does anyone want to leave?"

If you don't want to leave, don't leave today, stay and turn into dust in the universe!

The atmosphere became more and more tense, and the battle was about to break out. A battle that affected the entire universe was about to start!

At this moment...

A strange wall of space suddenly appeared in front of Arno and the Celestials, whose space was blocked layer by layer!

Arno and the members of the Celestials recognized this thing instantly!

It was a cosmic barrier!

Isolating everyoneThe absolute domain between universes that allows them to not interfere with each other!

Then everyone became solemn!

Because this thing should not appear in the real world!

Without waiting for careful thinking, a big-headed monster rushed out of the cosmic barrier in a hurry, as if avoiding some terrible existence!


Then, a sound similar to glass breaking sounded!

A pair of white and slender hands stretched out from the cosmic barrier, like tearing a piece of paper, forcibly tearing the cosmic barrier in the middle!

A head of golden hair first caught the eyes of Arno and the members of the Celestial Group.

Then, a bright face, a red cloak, and the iconic blue Kryptonian combat suit appeared!

That is...

"Yo, you are all busy~"

The person who tore the cosmic barrier, "Supergirl", Yena Stark!

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