"You... this... evil... demon..."

Phastos' head was crushed by one third, and he spoke his last words word by word.

Arno said his last words to him without any expression.

"Yes, I am a demon, but those you confessed to are even more so."


The black tomatoes burst with red juice, and the repentant finally paid the price for the mistakes he made.

"Garbage cleaning, it's the turn of the real owner."

Killing these Eternals is as boring as crushing a group of ants, and the main course is still to come!

The red particles in Arno's palm are spinning like a spiral ball!

"You like to watch, right? Then watch your new member turn into dust, Arisom!"

Arno looked up at the blue sky, with a cold murderous intent in his eyes.

He had discovered this red guy with six eyes staring outside the earth early in the morning, the existence that sent them to the earth in the minds of the Eternals.

The Celestials, the Judge, Arisom!

He has been secretly observing outside the Earth since the Eternals arrived.

He was indifferent to the death of his subordinates, as if the deaths were just a group of waste that could be manufactured and discarded at any time.

Oh, what a ruthless master.


Pry open the clouds to see the true face!

A huge crack appeared in the sky, and a six-barreled head larger than the Earth appeared above the Earth.

Just the visual impact, this head larger than the entire Earth is despairing.

It's a pity that other people on Earth don't have the blessing to enjoy this visual impact.

Only Arno and Fiora, who were facing the Celestials, saw this scene!

"God of the Earth, stop it. In view of your performance, I will re-judge the creatures on Earth and give them another chance..."

Looking at Fiora, whose biological force field was rising wildly under the pressure of Arisom's momentum, Arno waved and sent Fiora back to the manor.

Fiora can't help in the next battle.

"You give the Earth a chance? Have you asked me, the captain, whether I will give you this chance?"

Arno sneered, and pressed the crimson Rasengan in his hand to the ground without warning!

The reality force condensed by Arno instantly penetrated the bottom layer and went straight to the sleeping god in the center of the earth!

Alisem didn't expect that Arno would dare to take action in front of him, and he did it so fast that even he didn't react in time.


With a loud shout that resounded through the world, a huge hand that covered the sky and the sun pressed down from outside the Earth.

The hand was so big that it was endless!

It's hard not to guess, will this slap the Earth into slag?

The answer is yes!

If the attack is aimed at the Earth, and no one stops it, then this slap will definitely finish the Earth.

But fortunately, this planet has a powerful owner.

"Hmph, size is meaningless in front of me!"

Arno snorted coldly, and punched upwards without even charging, just hitting Alisem's palm line!


In a silent buzzing sound, Arno did not move at all!

And the huge palm that covered the sky and the sun was blasted out of the earth by Arno's small fist, which was not even a grain of sand in comparison!

And the huge force of the collision between the two, as long as a little bit of it was revealed, the earth would be torn into pieces!

But, this is Arno's earth.

No one can destroy it without his permission.

Just wrapping the entire earth with a biological force field, it will completely eliminate the aftermath of Alisem's attack.

"God of the Earth, stop immediately. I admit that you are very strong, but with the absolute size difference, you can't take care of every corner of the earth. If you don't stop, you will bear the consequences for the earth!"

Arisum looked at Tiamu, who was being eroded by the power of reality and turned into the body of the origin of the earth. His voice, without any emotion, fluctuated slightly.

"Size difference? Is the bigger the stronger?"

"No, but when the size reaches a certain level, the bigger the body is, the more destructive the power is bound to be under the same power."

"Oh, really?"

Arno didn't take Arno's warning seriously at all, and his body rose from the ground in the red light!

Big, big, big! ! ! !

Buildings, cities, continents, planets!

Arno's body didn't stop growing until his body was more than hundreds of thousands of meters, a head taller than Arno!

And this huge change was completed almost in an instant!

Arno's body shape change is not like Alyssem hiding in the void, only a certain existence canSee.

He directly spread out his body in a high-profile manner, and his entire huge body directly blocked the sun's light, plunging the earth into darkness.

People on the earth could only vaguely see a familiar huge outline, and were shocked to find that it seemed to be... Superman?

Alisem was also shocked to look at Arno, who was taller than himself in the universe.

Although size does not absolutely equal strength, as he said, when the strength in the body is similar, the difference in size often shows different destructive power.

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