After saying that, the old white man who had been arguing with Deadpool walked out of the reception in a swagger.

"Shut up! Stan Lee!"

Deadpool could no longer bear it and yelled at the old white man who left in style.

But the only response he got was the international gesture of the cool back.

"Everyone, please make way!"

At this time, a fat man and several security guards escorted Pepper through the crowd and walked onto the stands.

Pepper took the microphone from Deadpool without hesitation and smiled professionally to everyone:

"Sorry, everyone, this is just a joke. I will host today's reception. If you have any questions, you can ask them in an orderly manner. I will answer them as appropriate."

The arrival of Pepper made the atmosphere on the scene obviously warmer.

Deadpool looked at the enthusiastic people at the scene with dissatisfaction: "You are treating him differently, this is discrimination!"

Unfortunately, no one cared about his mood.

Happy and several security guards directly lifted his hands and feet and carried him down.

The reporters present were very happy about this.

Compared to this pervert in a red tights who farts all the time, Pepper Potts, who is obviously Tony Stark's personal secretary, is more convincing to them and knows more.

The first blonde reporter to report asked the question:

"Ms. Potts, is it true that the terrorists recently circulated that weapons made by Stark Industries appeared in their hands?"

Pepper paused with the microphone, then slowly spoke:

"It's true. On behalf of Mr. Stark, I would like to apologize to the people who have been hurt. This is indeed due to our negligence.

For this, Mr. Stark has set up a "disaster relief" department. All victims or their families can come to Stark Tower or contact us online to verify and receive the corresponding compensation.

I know that this can't change anything. You can continue to hate us or scold us, but the dead are gone, and the living should live well.

Not to mention the heart, but Mr. Stark and I hope that at least this compensation can make your material life better. Finally, I'm sorry!"

Pepper finished the last sentence and bowed deeply to all the cameras of the reporters.

This passage and the picture were also broadcast live by many TV stations.

The whole place was dead silent.

None of them expected Stark Industries to admit this directly.

In their expectation, Stark Industries should have excused themselves with various reasons.

"Then Miss Potts, may I ask if there is any inside story about this matter? Why did Stark Industries have a weapons leak?"

It was still the blonde reporter.

When the other reporters reacted, they all looked at her with resentful eyes.

She alone took up two questions.

But who made them just shocked by what Pepper said.

Pepper straightened up, took out a manuscript, and then tore it up and threw it on the ground.

"Although in order to avoid unnecessary panic, the relevant people gave me a perfect explanation.

But it is wrong. The weapons appeared in the hands of terrorists, not because of spies or other things, but because the directors of Stark Industries jointly sold them to terrorists.

Led by the third shareholder Obadiah Stani, half of the directors participated in it.

And they will not only be "fired", but also held accountable by Stark Industries for this."

At the end, Pepper's eyes were a little complicated.

It was fired, but it was a direct expulsion.

Holding accountable means exchanging their shares for money and using them for disaster relief departments.

The relevant people in the audience, Coulson looked at the torn manuscript helplessly.

This is the perfect explanation that I spent a day and a night to edit.

But he dared not have any dissatisfaction, after all, the director repeatedly warned him not to make Stark Industries unhappy again.

The last agent who did this is still working as a laborer for them.

"Excuse me, what does Stark Industries think of Iron Man who destroyed more than a dozen terrorist bases in a row?"

Finally, the other reporters waited for the opportunity to ask questions, and they immediately mentioned the most talked-about Iron Man.

Chili Pepper regained her calm expression: "As for this Iron Man, I know almost the same as everyone else. In my personal opinion, he is a righteous man, but Stark Industries will not comment on this."

"But every time the terrorist base attacked by Iron Man has weapons made by Stark Industries, how does Stark Group explain this?"

"Can we guess that Iron Man is the latest robot developed by Stark Industries, an advanced weapon specially made for clearing out and retaliating against terrorists who have Stark weapons?""Why didn't Mr. Tony Stark attend the reception? Does he have a close relationship with Iron Man, or is he the one who made Iron Man?"

"If this robot is made by Stark Industries, will it be included in your arms sales in the future?"

"Excuse me..."

As soon as the hot topic of Iron Man came out, the reporters at the scene no longer cared about order.

One question after another was asked, but without exception, they were all about Iron Man.

Pepper faced the noisy scene and many questions with a blank expression.

Of course she knew that Tony was Iron Man, and Iron Man was not a robot at all.

It was an iron suit, a revenge weapon driven by Tony himself.

Since Tony came back, even though he had just finished the operation and was still recovering, he was designing his Mark II day and night.

After he had been almost sleepless for 20 days, he finally made the Mark II.

In the face of her strong opposition, Tony, who was still injured, put on the cold armor.

Tony's revenge also began from then on.

She raised her watch and tapped it lightly, and a map emerged.

A small red dot on the map moved towards her at a very fast speed.

"Everyone, I can't answer the question about Iron Man, but someone can."

Chili's tone was not heavy, but it made the scene quiet instantly.

Many reporters breathed rapidly, and their eyes were about to pop out.

Their professional sense of smell made them smell a big news that was about to explode the whole world!

Chili took two steps back and raised her hand slightly:

"Let us invite Iron Man himself to answer this question for everyone!"


As soon as the voice fell, the red and gold figure fell from the sky to the stage at a very fast speed.

"Oh my god, the superhero has landed! Look at the superhero landing!"

Deadpool in the audience slapped Happy next to him hard and screamed!

"Damn it, I swear if you dare to slap me again, I will slap you in the face with my stinky leather shoes that I haven't washed for ten years!" Happy looked unhappy.

He was already extremely disgusted with the guy who had taken his job as Tony's personal bodyguard.

But now he had no time to slap him in the face with his stinky leather shoes, and he was staring at the iron man on the stage.

He had a vague feeling that he had completely lost his role as a bodyguard.

Amid the exclamations of the audience, the iron man slowly stood up.

The iron mask opened, revealing Tony's resolute face.

"I am Iron Man!"

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