"Stark Industries President Tony Stark, wearing an iron armor, descended from the sky at the press conference today and said frankly that he is the recently hotly discussed Iron Man!"

"He also said that this armor was born for revenge and justice!

In the future, if one more bullet of Stark Industries' weapons falls into the hands of terrorists, he will completely destroy the entire terrorist force. If you dare, just try it. He keeps his word!

And Tony Stark announced that the iron armor will never be included in the list of weapons sold by Stark Industries. Iron Man is him, he is the unique Iron Man!"

In the dark room, a bearded and long-haired strong man sat silently by the bed and stared at the news on TV.

A weak old man on the bed glanced at Tony, who was in high spirits in the news, and finally looked at the lonely back of his son beside the bed with difficulty.

He shed tears of regret, stretched out his hand tremblingly with all his strength: "Ivan, this should have been yours, this should have been left to you by me..."

Ivan Vanko was silent about this, just holding his father's hand silently to comfort him.

"This should have been yours... Stark took it all away... I'm sorry Ivan..."

The old man stared at Tony, who was the center of attention on the TV, and kept muttering and slowly closed his eyes.

Until his death, he had Stark in his eyes.


Feeling the old man's stopped pulse in his hand, Ivan Vanko lowered his head and roared in pain!

Turbid tears passed through the corners of his eyes, and the moment he looked up, his eyes were full of hatred!

"Tony Stark, I will make you pay the price and destroy your entire Stark family!!!"

The angry voice echoed throughout the room, and a demon full of hatred was born.

Triskelion Building.

Alexander Pierce looked at the reactor on the chest of Tony's armor in the news thoughtfully.

"A masterpiece beyond this era, a genius like Howard back then..."

He couldn't help but think of a young scientist who was as high-spirited as Tony now.

The former rival of Hydra, Howard Stark.

He also remembered the Howard relics stored in SHIELD and studied countless times.

An idea suddenly popped up in his mind.

Maybe he could use this thing to befriend Arno.

Anyway, SHIELD has been studying for so long and hasn't found anything.

Why not return it to Arno Stark to befriend him.

The more Pierce thought about it, the more feasible it seemed.

As for whether handing Howard's relics to Arno would strengthen the power of the Stark family, he said it didn't matter.

Arnold alone was so powerful that they despaired, so how much stronger could the Stark family be.

After all, Howard was a mortal. No matter how smart he was, the power he created could not be comparable to that of a god.

Pierce's thoughts flashed through his mind, and he had already made a decision in his heart. He pressed a number:

"Rumlow, take item No. 91, we're going to Stark Manor..."


In a huge laboratory, General Ross clenched his fists as he looked at the steel ceiling with a big hole in it.

"Bruce Banner! Hulk is mine! Mine!!!"

General Ross was determined to get this accidentally created monster.

But the monster's tyrannical power made him somewhat helpless.

Suddenly he thought of something and took out his mobile phone to open a news.

The mobile phone was full of video news about Tony Stark being Iron Man.

"If this set of war weapons is in the hands of the military, it will not only greatly enhance the military's strength, but it may not be impossible to capture Hulk!"

General Ross looked at the steel armor in the video with greedy eyes.


The world attracted countless eyes because Tony announced that he was Iron Man.

There was excitement, hatred, calculation, greed, and indifference in these eyes.

But none of this affects the tranquility of the manor.

The warm sunlight shines on the white bed, as if the sun particularly loves this manor, so that every corner of the manor is always filled with warm light.

On the bed, Arno hugs Wanda, who is wrapped tightly in the quilt and blushing. He is naked like a sculpture, watching the news on TV that has made the world boil.

"Iron Man..."

A smile flashed in Arno's eyes.

Has the so-called sacred timeline of the Marvel world begun?

Although he didn't see and understand all Marvel movies in his previous life.

But he also knows that from now on, the world will be full of disasters.

Superpower villains emerge in endlessly.

Superheroes are everywhere.

From the vast universe to theDark alleys.

They are full of super criminals and heroes.

There is even a purple sweet potato that will randomly wipe out half of the population in the universe.


Arno did not feel any fear about the population reduction plan of the family planning director.

There was even a hint of expectation in his eyes.

Of course, it was not his expectation for his plan, but for the purple potato.

It must be very strong to be able to kill half of the population in the universe.

I really hope he can take a few more punches from me.

After all, being invincible for a long time is also quite boring.

He was a little impatient to find that sweet potato and have a good talk with him, physically!

"That... Brother Arno... Can you go out first, I... I want to get dressed..."

Wanda in the quilt stared at Arno with her big watery eyes and interrupted his wild thoughts.

Arno looked at Wanda, who only had her head exposed, with amusement:

"We have done what we should and shouldn't see, what we should and shouldn't do, is there any need to be so shy?"

"Ah... stop talking, stop talking, get out, get out!"

It would have been fine if she hadn't said anything, but once she did, Wanda became even more embarrassed and buried her head in the quilt.

"Okay, I'll go out first, you get dressed and come down for breakfast."

Seeing that Wanda was about to become a steam girl, Arno stopped teasing her, casually took a dark blue shirt and walked out of the room.

The red-dressed maid, Kaya, came from the end of the corridor and bowed respectfully to Arno:

"Master, a man named Alexander Pierce has an appointment to visit. He claims to be the Minister of the World Security Council and is a former colleague and friend of your father."

As Kaya spoke, she gently reached out to help Arno button up his shirt.

"Howard's friend? I know. Let him come at noon. Also, prepare some blood supplements for Wanda in the next few days."

Arno smiled and touched the golden hair of the three-no girl, then walked downstairs.

Kaya glanced at the closed door of Arno's room, a trace of loneliness flashed in her eyes, and then immediately returned to her usual expressionless expression, turned around and followed Arno's pace.

She is the housekeeper of Stark Manor, Arno's housekeeper.

She should not have any objection to Arno's decision.

Even if it is about feelings.

The three-no girl followed Arno silently.


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