Soon it was almost noon.

A Maybach and a pickup truck stopped at the gate of the manor.

Sitwell got out of the Maybach driver's seat and opened the back door.

Pierce stepped out of the car and smiled at the huge manor in front of him.

"The military is really generous..."

Pierce said a sentence that was not sure whether it was admiration or ridicule.

The tall iron gate of the manor slowly opened to both sides, and the red-dressed maid Kaya walked out.

Behind her was a team of maids holding guns.

"Mr. Pierce, welcome to Stark Manor. I am the housekeeper of this manor, Kaya Soroya.

Next, we need to conduct a routine inspection of the items you brought. Please understand."

Facing the expressionless words of the maid, Pierce did not have the airs of a minister of the World Security Council, and said kindly:

"No problem, Miss Soroya, this is your duty, it should be."

Pierce stepped aside and made a gesture of invitation.

Keya waved, and the maid behind her took out professional equipment and began to scan the vehicle and the items in the pickup truck.

A few minutes later, the maid team returned and nodded to Keya.

"I'm sorry for the offense. Please come this way. The master has prepared a sumptuous lunch for you."

Although Keya's expressionless face showed no sincerity of apology, Pierce still did not show any dissatisfaction.

After all, he knew very well that these maids could not be treated as ordinary servants.

In this manor, they are the masters.

There is no difference between offending them and offending Arno.

Pierce took the lead in keeping up with Keya's pace.

Crossbones carried a huge architectural model, and Sitwell also held a large box of information, and the two followed closely.

Pierce did not ask too many people to follow.

In fact, if there were not too many things to take, he might come alone.

After all, the number of people here is meaningless, and it will make him look narrow-minded.

Following Kaya to the restaurant, Arno was already sitting at the main seat, and on his left was a woman with reddish-brown hair.

Pierce recognized her at a glance. This was the woman who almost caused the destruction of the entire Hydra.

The target of Baron Stark's capture, the woman codenamed Scarlet Witch!

Arno did not stand up, and pointed to the seat to the right of the main seat to Pierce:

"Please sit down, Mr. Minister from the World Security Council."

Pierce sat down with a calm expression and a friendly smile on his face:

"Just call me Pierce, Arno, can I call you that?"


Pierce smiled even brighter when he heard this, and he sat down and said:

"You may not know me, but your father, Howard Stark, and I are actually friends for many years, and we are also comrades who fought together in the past."

Pierce smiled nostalgically at the right time after he finished speaking, as if he missed the old days very much.

"Howard's comrade?" Arno looked at Pierce with interest.

He really didn't know that his cheap father who left behind billions of dollars had also joined the army.

"Perhaps you don't know that Howard is not only a great scientist and businessman, he also joined a secret organization."

Arno raised his eyelids: "Oh? What secret organization?"

"A global supernatural law enforcement organization, the full name is the Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency."

"This name is really long and ugly, are you afraid that others will remember it?"

"Haha, actually I think so too. I'll tell Fury later and ask him to consider changing it to a simpler name."

"Well, let's talk about this organization."

Arno and Pierce exchanged a few simple pleasantries and talked about business.

Pierce said seriously:

"You may have heard of this organization. It was founded during World War II to deal with the notorious Hydra at the time.

And your father also joined at that time, or founded the Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency with others.

Captain America Steve Rogers, legendary agent Peggy Carter, and your father, genius scientist Howard Stark, are all its founders.

Speaking of which, your father is not only my friend, but also my predecessor who led me at that time."

After hearing this, Arno looked at him deeply:

"Oh? Aren't you the Minister of the World Security Council? Have you also joined this bureau with a long and ugly name?"

Pierce smiled slightly without changing his expression: "I was fortunate to serve as the director of the bureau, but I am old and unable to do it, so I retreated to the second line and became a minister."

Arno nodded and said nothing more, looking at the two people who were standing at attention with models and cardboard boxes next to him."Don't be so nervous, put down your things, and sit down to eat together."

Crossbones smiled politely at Arno, nodded, and gently leaned the model against the wall.

Passing by the still stiff Sitwell, he kicked him without leaving a trace.

Sitwell reacted, suppressed his pounding heart, put down the box, and sat down with Crossbones with a stiff expression.

When he really faced Arno, Sitwell found that he was more nervous than he thought.

In front of this god of the world, he was afraid that he would expose something if he was not careful, so the more he was afraid, the more nervous he became.

Arno didn't care about this little bald man whose heart beat like a drum in his ears.

He just thought he was nervous because he knew the power he had shown before.

"Kaya, serve the food."

As Arno spoke, a steady stream of plates were brought in.

"Mostly Chinese food, the manor is used to it, please forgive me if the hospitality is not good enough."

Arno said politely.

Pierce didn't care at all and picked up the chopsticks skillfully: "In fact, I also like Chinese food with rich flavors. It seems that we are really compatible."

During the meal, Pierce did not deliberately mention the matter of the Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau.

He just chatted with Arnault about family matters. When he said goodbye, he handed Howard's relics to him and said goodbye.

On the way back, the temporary driver Sitwell couldn't help but say:

"Sir, can we just give him such an important thing today? Don't we take the opportunity to get closer to him?"

"It may be very important to us, but for him, even if he cracks the secret, it is just a souvenir. Today is already a good start."

Pierce sat in the back seat and closed his eyes and said leisurely.

It is worth it to be able to establish a relationship this time.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. As long as there is a relationship, it will be much easier to contact later.

Pierce's mouth corners slightly raised. For the first time in more than ten years, he felt so relaxed.

New York City, Manhattan, Central Avenue.


A huge gray-green skeleton monster roared to the sky!

A huge sound wave spread from around him, shattering countless glass!

"Hulk! Get out!"

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