"It's so boring. I thought I could see Thor appear..." Arno shook his head in disappointment.

I thought it was the return of the real god, but it turned out to be a big shit.

"So he's not Thor, he's really a psychopath?"

After hearing this, Barton looked at Thor, who was wearing a hospital gown and howling at the sky, and smiled.

He said, there is no god in this world.

Isn't the only one who can be called the god of the world right next to him?

"No, he is indeed Thor, but Odin has deprived him of his divine power and can't lift the hammer."

Arno glanced at Barton, whose smile was frozen, and ruthlessly dispelled his luck.

He didn't lower his voice, and everyone around him heard it, and they all had incredible expressions.

Of course, this is limited to the people of SHIELD who know Arno's identity.

And Jane and the other two looked at him as if he was a psychopath.

I think he should go to the hospital with Thor as a patient.

"It's boring. Let's go, Clint. Let's have a couple of glasses of the good wine you mentioned."

Arno shook his head in boredom. If Thor couldn't lift the hammer, what was the point?

Didn't he come here to see how strong the real Thor was?

Now Thor was impotent, it seemed that he would not be able to see the majesty of Thor for the time being.

He turned around and was about to have a couple of glasses with Barton, and come back when Thor was cured of his impotence.

As soon as he turned around, he suddenly looked up into the sky.

Under Arno's super vision, he saw a colorful light from outside the earth falling towards their position at a high speed.


There was a loud bang in the sky, and a colorful beam of light appeared brilliantly!

God's Domain, Asgard, Star Destroyer plus Teleportation Weapon, Rainbow Bridge.

The Rainbow Bridge fell beside Thor, who was kneeling beside the hammer in a daze.


In a buzzing sound, four figures wearing ancient European armor walked out of the colorful light of the Rainbow Bridge.

It was the Four Fools of Asgard.

The elegant blond swordsman, Fandral.

The black-haired yellow warrior, Hogan.

The rough fat man carrying a big axe, Volstagg.

The heroic female warrior, Sif.

Everyone around except Arno was stunned.

Especially Hawkeye.

He felt like he was slapped in the face today.

"Are they also gods..."

Barton asked Arno with a twitch in his mouth.

"Congratulations, you got it right, but there is no reward." Arno looked at the four people with interest.

However, is this the god in Norse mythology? Why does it seem so bad?

The physical strength is much higher than that of normal people, but it seems to be several times stronger than normal people.

At this level, even Hulk can beat the four of them with one hand.

If the so-called gods are all as strong as them, it would be too disappointing.

The four idiots of Asgard didn't know that someone was slandering them in their hearts. They didn't care about the stunned people around them and surrounded Thor.

"Thor! Thor! We need you. What's wrong with you? Wake up!" Sif shook Thor, who was kneeling on the ground, anxiously.

But Thor didn't move, as if he had lost his soul.

"Sif, get out of the way. I'll do it!"

The situation was urgent. Volstagg, who had a bad temper, was not as gentle as Sif. He pulled her away and slapped her directly.


Sure enough, this trick is always the most effective way to refresh the mind.

Thor covered his face and came back to his senses, staring at Volstagg blankly.

"You hit me?"

Volstagg dodged and glanced at the whistle on the side: "No, you had a nightmare, I just got here~"

"Really? But why does my face hurt so much?"

Thor touched his swollen face in disbelief.

Sif kicked away the nonsense Volstagg, grabbed Thor's shoulders and lifted him up, saying anxiously:

"Thor, no time for idle chat, listen to me, the situation is urgent now!

Odin has fallen into a deep sleep, and now Asgard is temporarily controlled by Loki!

But he is not satisfied with this, he knows that you have taken back Thor's hammer!

So he plans to send the Destroyer to kill you, and if you die, he can inherit the throne forever!"

Thor was held in the air by Sif and caught the key words, his face full of disbelief and excitement, "Loki wants to kill Me? Impossible! Absolutely impossible!

Although Loki likes to play pranks on me, such as stabbing me with a sword, letting snakes bite me, etc., he will never kill me!

We are brothers!"

Hogan, who has always been calm, held down the excited Thor and spoke silently, confirming Sif's words:

"Thor, what Sif said is true. The four of us originally planned to ask Odin to forgive you, but Loki was on the throne.

At that time, Loki was using Gungnir to give the Destroyer the order to kill you, and weI came to inform you as soon as I heard it.

Heimdall deliberately let us down secretly, and this can't be hidden from Loki for long.

Time is urgent, and the Destroyer may arrive soon, so we must immediately return to Asgard through the Rainbow Bridge and let you regain the throne. "

Hogan's words completely crushed Thor's heart.

That's good now.

Not only is the power gone, but the hammer is gone.

Even his brother is gone!

He wants to kill himself!

"No...no! This is impossible!"

Thor sat on the ground in despair. He and Loki loved each other so much.

How could this happen? Why!

Fandar, who had been silent all the time, also spoke up: "There is no time to grieve for you. You are Thor, the god of thunder. Cheer up. We must go back and regain the throne immediately! "

Thor did not cheer up after hearing this, but looked at the hammer on the ground beside him in a lost state and said:

"No, I have not recovered my divine power, my father still has not forgiven me, and Mjolnir has chosen someone else. I am not qualified to go back and fight for the throne..."

Now it was the turn of the four warriors of Asgard to be shocked.

Sif was the first to come to her senses. She loved Thor more than the identity of Thor.

At this moment, she couldn't help but feel distressed when she saw Thor's lost state, and was about to comfort him.


Another rainbow bridge fell, and a louder landing sound was heard in the light column.

Just by the sound of the landing, you can tell that there is a big guy inside!

Sif and the other four changed their faces.

"Oh no, it's Loki, the Destroyer is coming! "

Sure enough, a tall silver-gray metal monster stepped out of the newly opened rainbow bridge.

Asgard, the Destroyer is here!

The Destroyer looked at Thor and paused at Sif and the other four.

"I am the king. You betrayed your new king. Heimdall dared to let you go without permission!"

Loki's voice full of jealousy and anger came from the Destroyer.

It's like this again. Why did Thor get demoted to the mortal world, and there were still so many people helping him!

Why does it seem like the whole of Asgard is revolving around him!

Volstagg was outspoken and cursed directly:

"Loki, you have evil intentions. You actually want to kill your own brother to seize the throne. You are not worthy of being the king!"

"I am not worthy? Fuck you, you fat man! "Loki was almost fuming.

In anger, the Destroyer's head armor unfolded piece by piece, and a bright yellow beam shot out, directly knocking Volstagg away.

It just happened to fly towards Arno who was watching the show.

Looking at the fat man flying towards him, the kind-hearted Arno of course... dodged sideways.


Volstagg smashed into the ruins behind Arno.

Arno looked at the traces of the beam of light that was still warm in the air and licked his lips excitedly.

This thing looks a bit similar to his own thermal vision, so which one is stronger?

Arno's eyes lit up red, and he decided to put the truth into practice.

"I shouldn't care about your family affairs, but who let you affect me~"

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