Loki saw Arno with glowing red eyes but he didn't take him seriously. Instead, he felt that his dignity was challenged.

A mortal is a mortal. So what if his eyes glow? He is just a mortal with glowing eyes!

"Mortal, you are looking for death!"


The bright yellow beam from the Destroyer's head burst out again and shot straight into Arno, bound to blow this guy who dared to blaspheme the gods to ashes!


But the scene that Loki expected the Destroyer to easily blow this mortal into ashes did not appear.

Two red beams that seemed much smaller than the Destroyer's beams actually resisted the Destroyer's attack!

Loki, who was controlling the Destroyer on the other side, was stunned.

How could this be possible? The Destroyer is the number one individual weapon in Asgard!

The divine light in his eyes destroyed the world, and even Thor might not be his opponent!

How could a mere mortal resist it!

Loki was shocked and puzzled.

Loki knew why immediately.

Boom! ! !

A muffled sound of metal colliding was heard.

Loki felt that the vision of the Destroyer he controlled was spinning!

Arno used his heat vision to hit the Destroyer's beam and punched it away, then looked at Barton.

"Clint, I'll deal with this guy. You go evacuate the people in the nearby town, don't hit the children later."

"I understand. Be careful, thank you!"

Barton nodded and thanked him, then turned around and left with Coulson and the SHIELD people.

Arno is not Superman, he has no responsibility to help civilians, this is the responsibility of SHIELD.

In Barton's view, Arno reminded himself more as a friend, not that he really cares about the lives of those people.

After all, Arno is not a kind person in SHIELD's record, but full of blood and cruelty.

I owed Arno a favor, so it seemed that I really had to treat him to a good drink. Thinking of Arno's alcohol tolerance, Barton smiled bitterly.

These months of work were in vain.

As soon as Loki controlled the Destroyer to pull its head out of the yellow sand, a fist enlarged in his field of vision!


It felt like flying again.

Loki, who couldn't fly, experienced Thor's usual flying perspective again.

Although he didn't like it.

"Enough! How dare you, a mortal, treat a god like this!"

Loki's angry voice came from the Destroyer after it landed.

In response, Arno fell from the sky and punched the Destroyer into the ground!

Looking at the Destroyer, which was deeply sunk into the ground but still intact, Arno was satisfied.

It's really hard. This thing is a qualified sandbag.


Bright yellow beams of light kept shooting from the ground, and Loki tried to directly block Arno's evasion route!

He succeeded, and succeeded in making Arno too lazy to hide.


Loki watched one of the beams engulf Arno, and he was excited.

This difficult mortal finally died. After all, he was a mortal and could not compete with God!

The beam went out, and the Destroyer didn't even look at Arno in the sky. In his opinion, being hit by the beam of destruction could only be a wisp of ash, and there was no other possibility!

It stood up and jumped out of the deep pit, ready to continue to complete the main task of killing Thor.

"Mr. Sandbag, the game is not over yet. It's not good to leave early."

A faint voice came from the sky, but the Destroyer looked up suddenly!

I saw Arno standing in the sky without any injury, and even his clothes were not torn!

How could it be possible, that was a beam of destruction!

"It seems that you are ready for the second game."


Before Loki could react, a big hand occupied his entire field of vision.

Then there was the aerial perspective that he hated.

This uncontrolled flying reminded him of the time when Thor often took him flying. Thor always said "you're welcome" but never asked if he liked this feeling!

He didn't like it!

But it was useless. Arno's hand was like a clamp, firmly grasping the face of the Destroyer and flew high into the sky.

No matter how the Destroyer fought back, he couldn't let go.

Loki felt the force feedback from the Destroyer was like the feeling of hitting the Uru God Steel with his fist!

In one word, it's fucking hard!

Even if he couldn't fully exert the power of the Destroyer, the power that the Destroyer carried should be able to destroy the world!

The Destroyer was made of Uru God Steel and the power of the gods, but one day he would lose to a human in hardness!

Could this world be any more outrageous? He grew up eating genetically modified corn.?

Arno didn't know Loki's shocked thoughts, but he felt that the Destroyer's beating and massage was quite comfortable.

It was much more comfortable than the Abomination's, whose fists were soft and uncomfortable.

The Destroyer's fists were hard and powerful, more suitable for his steel body.

Bronski, who was drinking wine leisurely and basking in the sun in the manor, sneezed.

"No, we can't go on like this, the Destroyer is no match for this mortal!" Loki, sitting on the throne, looked gloomy.

Although the Destroyer has not broken the defense for the time being, if he continues like this, the Destroyer will be defeated sooner or later.

At that time, let alone killing Thor, it will be a problem whether the Destroyer can come back intact!

"We can only use the second plan!"

Loki's eyes flashed with madness!

Using this method will cause a large number of casualties, and he didn't think of using this method.

But who let this mortal ruin his own good things, the mortals of Midgard, if you want to blame you, blame the mortal who stopped me!

Loki disconnected and let the Destroyer start the automatic mode to entangle Arno.

And he was going to complete his crazy plan!

But what he didn't know was that after he started the automatic mode of the Destroyer, a golden light flashed on the Destroyer, and the momentum continued to rise!

Loki came to the entrance of the Rainbow Bridge alone and walked to Heimdall who was guarding the Rainbow Bridge.

"Will you be loyal to me, Heimdall!"

Loki held Gungnir and stared at the guardian Heimdall coldly and asked the last question.

"I am only loyal to Asgard."

Heimdall's golden pupils looked at Loki's cold eyes without fear.

Even if he knew that this would be the result, Loki couldn't help but feel a little angry!

"I am the king of Asgard now!"

"You are only temporary!"

Loki sneered.

"Sure enough, you have never recognized me!

But even if I am only temporary, I am still the king of Asgard!

You are relieved of your duties as a guardian!"

Loki raised Gungnir and pointed at Heimdall.

"Then I don't have to listen to you anymore!"

Heimdall slashed at Loki with a sword at lightning speed.

He could see every corner of the universe and had long discovered Loki's ill intentions. However, due to his duties as a guardian, he could not attack the king, even if he was a temporary king!

But now he is not a guardian. As a friend of Thor, he must stop Loki!

But Loki was prepared. The Frost Box appeared in his left hand, and a gust of cold air instantly froze Heimdall into an ice stick!

It turned out that he had already secretly taken the Frost Box, the artifact of the Frost Giants that was seized by Odin, from the treasury!

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