After knocking the Destroyer away with another punch, Arno frowned at the tragic scene around him.

As more and more frost giants poured out of the town below, the SHIELD agents and the local police station were no longer able to resist.

Both the numbers and the individual strength of the two sides were not at the same level. Ordinary people could hardly kill the frost giants effectively with their guns, and were soon torn into pieces.

All the police officers in the local police station had been killed, and only Coulson and Hawkeye, who had just escaped, were left in SHIELD. A few senior agents were still holding on to the frost giants to protect the civilians from retreating!

But they and the remaining townspeople were also surrounded by the frost giants and had no way to escape.

I'm afraid that within ten minutes, the entire town will be completely slaughtered by the frost giant army.

"Making my Earth so messy?" Arno was a little angry.

Although he didn't think he was a saint, I could bully the people on my territory, but not outsiders!

It seems that he has been playing for too long, making the people of the God Realm feel that he is also easy to bully!

Arno's eyes lit up with a brighter red light than before, and a cruel arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

No more playing, quick battle!

The beam of destruction shot from behind, and Arno turned his head and burst out with a fierce heat vision!


One red and one bright yellow energy beam collided, but it only lasted less than a second, and the bright yellow energy beam was completely crushed, and the red light occupied all vision!

The scorching heat vision pressed the destroyer's destruction beam directly onto it, and the powerful impact overwhelmed it and continued to impact and oppress it!

Arno stopped the heat vision until the upper body of the destroyer was burned red by the heat vision.


With a huge sonic boom, Arno swooped down from the sky with boundless power and knelt hard on the chest of the destroyer!

The surrounding area of ​​a thousand meters was instantly shattered, the ground sank violently, and the town where Arno and the Destroyer were located shook violently!

The Destroyer's red chest was sunken!

Without waiting for the Destroyer to resist, Arno punched it one after another!

The indestructible Uru steel on the Destroyer continued to dent under Arno's iron fist!

The ground was also sunken by the huge force!

The ten-mile radius roared and cracked like a natural disaster, houses continued to collapse, and the scope of the disaster was still spreading around!

The creatures around here were in big trouble, either falling into the cracks and dying, or being crushed to death by the collapsed houses.

Fortunately, the people in the town had been almost killed by the frost giants at this time, so few people died for this reason.

On the contrary, the densely packed frost giants around them could not be avoided or escaped, so there were heavy casualties!

The Destroyer, who was the focus, was even worse off. Arno punched him repeatedly, and the huge force made it unable to get up!

It had no choice but to open its visor again, and the bright yellow light continued to accumulate power, ready to blow Arno away!


Arno sneered, and reached his right hand directly into the Destroyer's visor, which was accumulating destructive energy.

In an instant, the hot energy continued to burn Arno's hand!

Even if steel fell into this powerful energy, it would instantly vaporize, but Arno only felt a burning sting in his hand!

Arno not only did not let go because of the burning pain, but his other hand also reached into the visor, and the two hands held the Destroyer's side armor together!

The Destroyer felt the crisis, and regardless of the fact that the power accumulation was not yet completed, the bright yellow violent energy directly hit Arno's resolute face!

But Arno did not dodge this violent energy, and did not even blink!

Facing the burning on his face, he slowly exerted force with both hands.


Tear it apart!!!

With a low shout, Arno tore the head of the Destroyer in half with brute force!

Loki, who felt the Destroyer losing control, looked back at the last scene, and fear spread in his heart!

"No! This guy can't be allowed to survive! He is simply not a human! Too scary!"

Even the Destroyer, who was blessed by the power of the gods, was torn apart by this mortal... no, it was the Midgard strongman, so it would be easy to tear myself apart!

Loki's hand holding Gungnir was trembling a little, and he walked quickly towards the Rainbow Bridge.

"Only one step away, my plan will succeed, and I must not retreat at this time!

As long as it succeeds, then whether it is this Midgard strongman, Thor, or even the Frost Giants, they will all disappear together! I am the final winner!" Loki looked at the Rainbow Bridge with a crazy look on his face.


The beam of destruction dissipated, and Arno stood up and huggedThe sun after the battle fell on him, and his body was still emitting hot steam from the Destroyer's beam.

As the sun shone on him, he consumed the energy and recovered completely in an instant.

Arno looked down at the Destroyer, whose chest was almost torn, and exclaimed:

"What a fair and exciting battle, you are really good!"

At least it was really good for him, no creature could fight with him to this extent like the Destroyer.

Destroyer: ...

"Next, it's your turn, little bugs."

Arno appeared in the sky in an instant, looking down at the blue ocean that almost filled the entire town.

In the middle of the blue ocean composed of frost giants, there is a very small vacuum zone.

Thor, Coulson, the four fools of Asgard, and several SHIELD agents leaned against the bus, looking at the dense and endless frost giants around them with despair in their eyes.

Barton, who only had the last arrow left, sat helplessly on the roof of the bus with the tire pierced by the ice blade.

He was about to run out of arrows, which meant that his life was about to come to an end.

"It seems that the wine I owe you is gone, Arno."

The townspeople who survived in the car closed their eyes in despair in the face of such a stunning scene, clasped their hands together and prayed to God for a trace of absurd salvation.

Unfortunately, there is no God in heaven, and there is only one person who can stand forever in heaven.

The noisy roar of the frost giant army suddenly quieted down.

"I think it's better to pay for your wine as soon as possible."

As the plain voice sounded in everyone's ears, they opened their praying eyes and looked up at the sky.

The tall figure and the black cloak brought the purest hope.

The hearts of everyone who fell into hell were revitalized in an instant.

Just because the person who came was invincible!

"Arno, you're just in time."

Barton let out a long sigh, threw away his beloved bow, and lay down on the roof of the car, smiling at the man who brought salvation in the sky.

The bald guy at the scene, our Hydra comrade Sitwell, fainted because of the huge emotional gap.

Coulson's eyes were also full of admiration. The position of Captain America in his heart was in jeopardy, and he was about to become Captain Superman.

And Thor was worthy of being the god of thunder. Even if he was deprived of his divine power, he was still the one who looked the most mentally healthy among them. He was a spirited young man.

Thor shouted happily: "Midgard's strong man, you are so great, I swear I must make you a prince!!!"

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