Sif and the other four suddenly didn't want to recognize this prince who looked like a fool with excitement.

Although they were not as exaggerated as Thor, their eyes were full of admiration for Arno.

Asgard has always worshipped and respected the strong!

Arno just smiled at the reactions of the crowd, and he didn't feel the so-called satisfaction that those superheroes felt after saving people.

He turned his head calmly and looked at the frost giants who didn't dare to come forward because of him.

"The farce should end, frost giants, so are you afraid of ice?"

The frost giants didn't understand what he said, but they saw the devastating battle between Arno and the Destroyer, and knew that this was a strong man who was not inferior to their Wang Laofei, so they didn't dare to act rashly.

Obviously, Arno didn't want to hear their response.

As soon as the voice fell, Arno spit out a white cold current from his mouth.


As the cold current spread, from the innermost circle, circles of frost giants were instantly frozen into popsicles and became frozen giants.

Other frost giants realized that something was wrong and tried to run back.

How happy they were when they came, how fast they ran now.

It seems that frost giants are not afraid of ice at all.

A trace of satisfaction flashed in Arno's eyes as his curiosity was answered, and then he increased his freezing breath.

In an instant, the cold current covered the entire town, and tens of thousands of frost giants were frozen into ice sculptures!

The surviving Coulson and others shivered as they watched this shocking frozen miracle.

You still say you are not Superman, but now you even have a freezing breath!

Not only the survivors, but Nick Fury and Pierce, who were far away in the Triskelion Building, were also extremely shocked when they saw this scene in the satellite image!

Nick Fury seemed unmoved, but his hand unconsciously held an old-fashioned BB machine in his windbreaker pocket, as if this would give him a sense of security.

Pierce smiled helplessly. Sure enough, he didn't test whether he was Superman, but it was the right choice to make friends with him. With freezing breath, it was completely fine to define him as Superman.

With so many alien creatures invading, of course, it was not only SHIELD that was paying attention to them using satellites.

The military has also been paying attention. In fact, their army has formed a siege around the town within a radius of 100 miles.

But when the military leaders learned that Arno was also among them, they gave up the plan to attack in order not to disturb the interest of the boss.

Why do they need their army when the boss is here? Will it increase casualties?

After seeing Arno's freezing breath, the military leaders were not too worried.

Funny, as if they could rest assured that Arno Stark didn't have freezing breath.

Whether there is freezing breath or not, it is not much more difficult for Arno to crush them than to crush an ant.

The difference is only the difference between being shot to death by laser, being beaten to death by a punch, or being frozen to death.

Wouldn't it be better for them to stay alive and not to have an enemy with Arno?

You should know that the last military high-ranking official who had an enemy with Arno not only lost an arm, but his support in Congress has plummeted, and no one dares to support him anymore.

The future is bleak.

Not to mention the different complex feelings in the hearts of the people who are secretly paying attention to this place.

The survivors are shivering more and more. Of course, they are not shivering because of Arno's freezing breath, but because it is too cold!

The whole town is covered with frost. I'm afraid it's colder than the North Pole now!

If this goes on, it won't be long before they all die of body temperature imbalance.

Arno also noticed their rapidly decreasing body temperature, especially Patton who likes to wear sleeveless combat uniforms. Both arms are frozen purple!

Arno landed on the roof and threw Barton, who was lying exhausted on the roof, into the car through the window.

Then he glanced at Coulson and the others and said, "You guys, go in too."

Coulson and the other agents were almost frozen to the point that their lips were purple and they couldn't speak. They could only nod gratefully to Arno and quickly carried the fainted Sitwell in.

Although Thor was only wearing a short-sleeved shirt, he didn't look seriously injured. He walked up to Arno and patted his chest generously:

"Midgard's strong man, thank you for your help and bravery!

When I return to Asgard, I will definitely ask my father for credit for you. If you need my help in the future, please feel free to ask, I will never refuse!"

Sif and the other four also echoed and thanked him.

After all, if it weren't for Arno, they wouldn't be able to bring Thor back, let alone keep him alive.

Arno liked Thor's outspoken character and patted him on the shoulder:

"Don't worry about it, it's just something that happened to me.If you really want to thank me, then after you recover your divine power, I hope to fight with you and let me see the true power of Thor. "

"No problem, I will definitely take back Mjolnir, and then we will have a good fight!"

Thor would certainly not refuse this. For the Asgardians, fighting with the strong is a great honor.

"Well, go in, I'll take you away first. "

Thor and the other five nodded and got into the bus decisively.

Although they did not lose their fighting power in this extremely cold environment, as warriors, they knew better that their strength could not help Arno, and staying would only cause trouble for him.

Driver Chris nodded to Arno and closed the door.

Arno looked at the sky above the Rainbow Bridge and saw another figure coming down. It seemed that the main force was coming.

He lifted the bus with one hand and disappeared in an instant.

A few seconds later, he appeared out of thin air in the same place.

Of course, he would not teleport, it was just an illusion caused by the speed being too fast.

Triskelion Building, S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

Many agents took out their pistols and looked at each other in confusion at the bus that appeared out of thin air in front of their own door.

"Ah? Home? "

Barton had just laid down when he was startled by the sound of a gun safety being released. He was also confused when he saw the SHIELD headquarters outside the window.

"All agents, put down your weapons, remove your guard, and return to your respective posts."

A steady voice came, and a black-boiled egg appeared in front of everyone.

"Okay, Agent Coulson, Agent Barton, tell me what's going on."


Not to mention a certain suspicious-minded boiled egg in SHIELD.

Arno returned at the right time, and a tall blue figure just walked out of the Rainbow Bridge.

Laufy walked out slowly, with his hands open and his eyes closed, ready to welcome the cheers of his people!

But the world was silent, with only a gust of cold wind blowing.

"Huh? ! "

How could Midgard be so cold? Even colder than Jotunheim!

Lao Fei suddenly realized something was wrong. Why was it so quiet? He opened his eyes abruptly and saw a shocking scene.

As he had guessed, his people had occupied the entire town where Thor was!

But why were they all ice sculptures!

He turned his head abruptly and looked at the black figure that stood out among the ice sculptures.

"Who are you! "

Laufy stared at the Midgardian who was looking at him curiously, and the blue hairs on his body stood up!

He will die! He will die! He will die!!!

He looks ordinary, but his sixth sense is giving him a crazy death warning!

"You don't look much different from an ordinary frost giant..."

In Arno's eyes, Laufey's muscles, internal organs and skeleton were extremely clear.

In his opinion, this king of frost giants is only a little stronger than ordinary frost giants except for the energy in his body, and there is not much difference.

"Is the legendary king of frost giants just like this? "

Laufey was a little angry when he saw Arno's disappointed look.

If he had seen this strong man who could freeze tens of thousands of frost giants before, he might have retreated because he lost the Frost Box.

But it's different now!

Laufey sneered with a crooked mouth!

"Midgardians, you will pay a heavy price for your ignorance and disrespect to the King of Frost Giants!"

The Frost Box appeared in his hand.

That's right, Loki gave him the Frost Box in advance so that he could lead the army to attack Midgard and kill Thor without worry.

Although he felt that Loki's behavior was stupid, he thought that he would have to rely on Loki to go to Asgard to kill Odin later, so he didn't take the thing and do nothing.

After all, in his opinion, with the Frost Box, he dared to fight Odin, not to mention Thor, the god of thunder.

He even planned to give Asgard a chance that he would return to his prime. The return of the horse's power!

That is to let the army slaughter all the people in his place in front of Thor, let the nine realms see that Asgard has no ability to control the nine realms!

He, Laofei, can kill his people in front of Thor, the heir to the throne of Asgard, and he can't do anything!

The result is not as expected. He didn't expect that Midgard, which is at the bottom of the ranking, actually has a super strong man who can freeze tens of thousands of troops!

And the powerful pressure on his body is no less than the oppression Odin gave him back then!

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