But Thor drove the car out of respect for Loki, because last time he sparred with Arno.

Arno hit him on the head with his hammer while carrying him to the sky.

Only then did he realize that being carried and flying without control was not a pleasant and even painful thing.

Not long after, Thor brought Loki to a building with only two floors, but much larger than other buildings in the manor.

Pushing the door in, the spacious hall was bustling.

Various snacks floating in the red mist, silver figures quickly shuttled through the red mist to sweep away the snacks, and many maids who were clapping and clapping to make fire.

And the Hulk who was drinking with the shirtless Wade... um... Hulk!

"Is it really... lively here?"

Loki looked at the scene of everyone showing off their magical powers with a twitch at the corner of his mouth, and he had doubts that this was really a mortal world.

Thor looked proud, as if this was his territory: "Right, the atmosphere here is nice, it's like home here, do you want to stay here too?"

Without waiting for Loki to answer, a big green hand grabbed his cape and pulled him back.

Hulk said with a blushing face:

"Thor! Come drink with Hulk! Wade, weak! You, strong!"

Thor smelled the alcohol on Hulk, which was stronger than his own, and his face changed: "Hulk, how much have you drunk? This is the wine I brought from Asgard!"

"Hulk, listen to Thor, keep drinking! You keep drinking with me!"

Hulk said and dragged Thor to the wine table.

"Loki, I'll come to you later, you go and talk to Arno first!"

Loki nodded to Thor. I don't know why, although he has never seen Hulk, he feels inexplicably afraid of Hulk.

Loki shook his head to dispel the idea. He was just a mortal who looked bigger. How could he be afraid?

He turned his head and looked around. He soon found his target this time, Arnos Stark, the strongest man in Midgard.

He came to Earth this time to complete the deal with Thanos.

He brought the Cosmic Cube back to Thanos and attacked Earth.

Thanos spared his planet and his believers.

He got the Cosmic Cube easily.

Because Thanos sent him a capable "helper", Supergiant.

Thanos used the spatial ability of the Cosmic Cube to teleport him to the location of the Cosmic Cube in reverse.

And the base guarded by only mortals was equivalent to no one guarding it for him and Supergiant.

Supergiant controlled everyone with his mind in just a moment.

If he hadn't proposed to kill everyone here, the Earth would be more vigilant. Supergiant also planned to control these people to kill each other.

Just like what Supergiant did to his believers on his planet.

It was easy to get the Cosmic Cube, but it was not so easy to attack the Earth.

Although this was just a mortal planet, it did not mean that there was no resistance.

Not to mention that the human army was not something that he and Supergiant could conquer alone.

What's more, there was a powerful supernatural being like Arno.

As for how Supergiant knew Arno's information.

This was not a difficult task for someone with mind control.

Supergiant controlled Hawkeye and knew a lot of secret information about the Earth that was unknown to the public.

Among them was Arno, the God of the World.

Although Supergiant did not think that this Earthling could be compared with his father, he still did not choose to attack Arno rashly, but was ready to send out a large army to attack the Earth directly.

Therefore, she and Loki took two steps. She took Dr. Eric, who was studying the Cosmic Cube, and Hawkeye to collect and make materials that could open the portal.

Loki was arranged by Supergiant to take the Mind Scepter, which was said to be able to control all living things, to disrupt the most powerful combat force on Earth, so as to buy time for her to open the space gate.

Loki thought about the purpose of this time, his mouth slightly raised, and he walked towards Arno with the Mind Scepter.

He was listening to Tony say that his new battle armor was going to be remotely detached and automatically armed.

Arno suddenly looked at Loki who was walking over, and Tony also saw the stranger in the party and stopped explaining his next battle suit.

"Respected Midgard strongman, first of all, I sincerely apologize to you for my reckless and stupid behavior last time."

Loki bowed his head and apologized as soon as he came up, with a very humble attitude.

"Oh? This time our Second Prince came down to apologize to me specifically?"

Arno was unmoved by his apology, and glanced at the scepter inlaid with a blue gem in Loki's hand.

Mind Scepter?

Or... Mind Gem!

Although I don't know what this thing is,Whether it will work on him.

But he was not prepared to try.

As long as Loki had the intention to attack him.

Then he would crush his neck without hesitation in an instant.

Loki suddenly felt a sense of horror, but he could not detect anything wrong.

He suppressed the inexplicable fear in his heart and smiled slightly:

"Of course not, I came here mainly to make a deal with the respected Midgard strongman."

Arno raised his eyelids and showed a hint of interest: "Oh?"

Loki slowly raised the mental authority in his hand and stretched it out to Arno.

Then... Arno took the scepter handed over by Loki.

Arno looked at the scepter curiously, or the mental gem on it, and said lightly:

"Oh? Instead of using it to control me, you are going to give it to me?"

Listening to Arno's words, Loki broke out in a cold sweat.

Now he finally knew what the creepy feeling was just now!

He actually knew that this scepter could control people's minds!

If I hadn't handed him the scepter just now, but intended to use it to control him, what would the consequences be...

Loki swallowed his dry throat, and the smile on his face became a little far-fetched.

Arno handed him a glass of wine, smiled and said:

"Don't worry, you made a wise choice, I won't shoot your head.

Tell me, what's your deal?"

Loki took the wine and took a sip, and regained his elegant and calm demeanor.

But there was a deep hatred in his eyes, but not for Arno.

"I will tell you the identity and purpose of the aliens invading the earth this time, you need to promise to do me a favor!"

Arno looked at Loki thoughtfully.

In the original book, although Loki was also assigned by Thanos to attack the earth.

But there were no other invaders in the original book, and there was only one Loki before the space wormhole opened.

"Tell me about it."

Loki did not hesitate and said directly:

"First of all, in addition to me, there is also a mind controller, Supergiant, who invaded the earth this time!

Her mind control is very strong, you must be careful, if you, as the strongest, are controlled by her mind, then everything is over!"

"And the mastermind behind the scenes is a being called Thanos, a notorious planet butcher in the universe.

Wherever he goes, half of the creatures on the planet will be slaughtered, which naturally includes the earth he is about to attack."

"But their goal this time is not only to attack the earth, but also to get the Cosmic Cube!

The Cosmic Cube is a space treasure that Asgard left on the earth. The endless energy it contains can open a space portal across infinite space distances. . "

"Now the Cosmic Cube has been taken by Supergiant, but I have never understood why he must do this.

Thanos clearly knows that my father is still alive, and my father will not watch the nine kingdoms under his command being slaughtered.

So he must attack the Earth after getting the Cosmic Cube, which is definitely not as simple as slaughtering half of the Earth's population. As for the exact reason, I don't know. "

"As for me, Thanos gave Supergiant the order to convey to me to disrupt the strongest force on Earth.

That is, use the Mind Scepter to control your civil war and buy time for Supergiant to manufacture the space teleportation device. "

Arno listened quietly to Loki's story, and his eyes looked at the Stark Building through a long distance.

Looking at Dr. Eric who was already building the space teleportation device, Arno smiled.

Interesting, it seems that the plot has completely changed, and the space teleportation device has been manufactured so much earlier.

Although he can go over now to destroy the space teleportation device and get the Cosmic Cube, putting an end to this invasion.

But he was not in a hurry. He took a sip of wine slowly and looked at Loki calmly.

"So, I have given you the information. What do you want from me?"

"Revenge! I want you to help me kill Superstar, kill Thanos and his army!"

The suppressed hatred in Loki's eyes finally broke out completely.

He would not believe Thanos' nonsense that he would let his planet go if he helped him attack the earth and take back the Cosmic Cube!

Do you think he is mentally retarded for such nonsense? Planet Butcher, I have never heard of him letting any planet go!

And although there is not half of the population, did the tens of thousands of believers who died in the square die in vain?

No! Their gods will avenge them!

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