"Oh? I'm curious about what made you, the second prince of Asgard, come to me, your former enemy, to kill Thanos and the superstar?"

Arno looked at Loki's hateful eyes curiously.

If he remembered correctly, in the original Avengers, Loki voluntarily attacked the earth with the help of Thanos and wanted to become the master of the earth.

Loki was silent for a while, and then slowly said:

"He and his men killed many of my believers on my planet, and now half of the lives of the people on that planet are in his hands!

I don't believe his nonsense that he will let my planet go if he helps him invade the earth and get the cosmic cube. Only when he dies can I be completely at ease!

And I believe that as the master of the same planet, you will understand my feelings."

Loki's words surprised him in the first part, made him feel understood in the middle part, and directly touched his heart in the last part.

Master of the planet!

Yes, this young man is good at talking and has a future.

Seeing Arno's approving look, Loki smiled slightly and continued:

"And the point is, if you help me, not only will you have the scepter that can control all living things, but also the Cosmic Cube with infinite energy."

"Foolish, if you kill Supergiant, won't the Cosmic Cube still be mine?"

"Yes, this is exactly in line with my request. If you kill Supergiant, you will definitely offend Thanos, and you will have to fight him sooner or later. It's better to kill him as soon as possible. This is a win-win situation, isn't it?"

Loki showed a triumphant smile.

Arno smiled at the words and raised the wine glass in his hand to Loki:

"Interesting, I have to say you have a way. I agree to your request."

This Loki is very interesting, completely different from the impulsive Loki who only knows how to pit his brother in the movie.

I'm afraid that from the beginning when he handed the Mind Scepter to him, he was sure that he would help.

Tony, who had been listening and silent, frowned after listening to Loki's words.

He looked at Loki deeply, and finally said to Arno:

"Arno, there have been more and more supernatural events and even alien invasions on Earth in recent years, and each one is bigger than the other.

We can't continue to be so lax, fighting on our own, and always have to rely on you to deal with those major events that will affect the world!

We must establish a super alliance belonging to the earth, so that we can handle major supernatural events in addition to you!"

Tony said the plan that had been in his mind for a long time.

"Super Alliance? It seems that you have had this idea for a long time?"

Arno showed a strange look on his face. Is fate still going to make the Avengers appear?

It's just that this time it was not formed by Nick Fury, but by Tony.

"Yes, I had the idea of ​​arming the whole world with armor during the Frost Giant incident two years ago, but this idea is too difficult to realize.

Not to mention the large number of steel armors, the amount of information that can control the crimes happening all over the world in real time is too large, and Jarvis is not capable of it yet.

So I decided to set up a super alliance composed of people with special abilities to deal with the major events that are about to happen on Earth."

Tony did not deny it and directly stated his plan.

Arnault looked indifferent. Although he felt that he could protect his own Earth well, Tony wanted to contribute himself, so let him play.

He asked casually without caring: "It's up to you, what is the name of this alliance?"

He just asked casually, because in his mind, the name of the Avengers Alliance was probably a foregone conclusion.

Tony looked at Arno seriously and said slowly: "The name of our alliance is the Justice League!"


With the sound of wine spurting out, Tony was sprayed all over his trouser pocket.

It was not Arnault who was sitting opposite him who was spraying, but Wade who had been eavesdropping under the table.

"Are you really not afraid that DC will sue you for infringement with this name?"

Tony looked at his soaked pants, kicked Wade who was eavesdropping under the table, and gave him a middle finger:

"Stupid, I acquired DC a long time ago, I am the largest shareholder of DC Comics, I can even add myself to DC Comics!"

Wade lay on the ground and did not forget to complain: "This damn money power can actually cross the boundaries of the universe and directly acquire the opponent."


New York.

On the top of Stark Tower.

In front of a machine transmitting a blue beam of light.

Dr. Eric, whose eyes were abnormally white, was looking at the expanding blue space wormhole in the sky with an obsessive look.

"It's incredible, I didn't expect that one day I would be able to see the sky with my own eyes.The birth of the space wormhole. "

Hawkeye, who was responsible for protecting Dr. Eric, couldn't help but say:

"Congratulations, Dr. Eric, you are now the first person on Earth to create a space transmission device, and you are a well-deserved super genius!"

Although their minds were controlled by the superstar, they retained their normal thinking ability.

This is how they can maximize their own knowledge and power.

"Indeed, maybe if you work hard, you can open the door to other worlds and let me go home~"

A naughty voice came from behind the two.

Hawkeye didn't hesitate at all, turned around and shot an arrow, which was almost faster than a bullet, and there was no way to react.



"What an unfriendly way to greet, it reminds me of that bastard Francis."

Deadpool casually pulled out the arrow stuck in his forehead.

Hawkeye squinted at the arrow pulled out of Deadpool's hand, and the many fallen mercenaries behind him.

"Deadpool? ”

“Long time no see, Hawkeye~

Even if your eyes have cataracts, they are still so sharp.

By the way, I have always been curious. Is it true that you can see the women's bathhouse clearly from 800 meters away?”

“Of course it is... fake!”

Swish x 3

Three arrows were instantly shot by Hawkeye, shooting at Deadpool's head, heart and brother at the same time, three killing moves!

Deadpool grabbed the heart and the two arrows below with both hands, and bit the arrow shot at the head with his teeth.

“Sometimes I really want to ask, how can you make so many facial expressions with a mask on, and even bite the arrows!”

Deadpool spit out the arrows in his mouth, the mask smiled evilly, and drew out the double swords:

“Because I am the protagonist~”


A fierce flame broke out on the double swords.

“Try my breath of fire! "

Deadpool held a long sword burning with fierce flames. In Hawkeye's wide eyes, he turned into a shadow and disappeared on the spot.

He appeared again, holding two burning swords in front of him.

Hawkeye's pupils shrank. It was so fast! He couldn't react at all!

When did Deadpool's speed become so exaggerated!

Before he could counterattack, Deadpool's sword was already close at hand. It was over!

Hawkeye closed his eyes.

Bang! Bang!

Deadpool knocked the two men unconscious with his plain handles.

Deadpool blinked at the void: "I lied to you. I don't know how to cross the dimension~"

"My mission is completed, 10 million in hand~"

"Next is the high-end game, which is not something a common soldier like me can participate in~"

Deadpool, who has a clear self-awareness, put back the two swords, carried the two fainted people and ran away happily.

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