Although the others had some absolute trust in Arno, they did not quite understand what Arno meant.

In Tony's armor scan and Kaya's telekinesis, no problems were found with the maid mentioned by Arno.

Even under the perspective of other Kryptonians, this was just an ordinary person.

But the other Kryptonians did not care, they were only loyal to Arno.

Seeing Arno pick up one of the maids, their eyes all lit up with the iconic fiery red light and looked at the others.

As if they would shoot anyone without hesitation if others dared to move.

"What a disgusting ability, even DNA can be perfectly replicated..."

Arno looked at the maid in his hand with disgust, and the power of the mind invaded her brain.

The maid's eyes became dull in an instant, and her skin turned from white to green, from a human to a Skrull.

Others in the manor, including Tony, were also shocked.

Someone could actually switch people under their noses, and they hadn't discovered it yet!

Tony looked unhappy. He would come here from time to time when Arno was away.

He was afraid that someone or some force would take advantage of Arno's absence to do something bad to Arno's manor.

He thought he had taken good care of Arno's manor before.

But he had penetrated into the manor for who knows how long!

This was a slap in the face!

Tony couldn't help but step forward and carefully observe the green-skinned goblin who could escape the scan of his armor.

Zod and other vigilant Kryptonians frowned when they saw that it was the master's brother, but they didn't cut Tony in half.

However, Fiora still stared at Tony who was close to Arno. As long as he did something that was not good for the master, she didn't care who Tony was.

Kaya's already expressionless face became even colder.

As the housekeeper of Stark Manor, someone actually sneaked in one day, but she didn't notice it, and took away one of their family members.

This was simply her biggest dereliction of duty!

Her eyes were cold, and her telekinesis spread out to cover all the maids, making them unable to move under the heavy pressure in the air!

This was not only because she suspected that there were still transformed lurkers among them, but also to prevent them from moving around and being killed directly by Zod and others.

She could feel that the murderous intentions of these people with similar abilities to the master were no joke!

Arno did not care about the ugly expressions of the people around him and the tense atmosphere.

It was just that the power of the mind kept reading the memory of this Skrull.

He soon understood her identity, the time and purpose of her infiltration.

The identity was that disgusting Skrull, a stupid alien who could transform into any species.

The infiltration time was in the past six months. While she was away, she sneaked into a shopping maid and replaced her identity.

The purpose of lurking in the manor was very simple, to steal his DNA and copy his superpowers!

According to the memory of this Skrull.

Now the Skrulls on Earth are divided into two factions.

One faction is the conservatives led by Talos who are full of hope for Nick Fury.

They have been waiting for Black Egg and Aunt Marvel to find a new home for them, and they work illegally for Black Egg.

As for the other faction, it is the militant faction led by Gravik, who has long been dissatisfied with Black Egg's promises.

They are completely disappointed with Black Egg, who keeps making promises three years after three years, and there is no end to the three years.

They plan to create their own new home.

But they don't plan to find it with their own hands.

Instead, they plan to take the earth, a ready-made Feng Shui treasure land, for themselves and eliminate the natives on it.

The premise for doing so is that they need to have enough confidence to fight against the whole world.

They have now lurked in government departments of various countries, kidnapped and replaced senior personnel of various departments, and the regimes of the ordinary world can be overthrown in a single thought.

But in the extraordinary world, they don't have enough strength yet!

So this group of Skrulls of the Fighting Faction set their sights on the God of the Earth, the most popular and powerful human on Earth.

Arno Stark.

They created an evolution machine that can evolve ordinary Skrulls into Super Skrulls!

An evolutionary species that can not only change into anyone's appearance, but also copy the abilities of the copied person!

But this also requires certain prerequisites. Unlike changing into other people, you only need to take a look. The ability to copy requires obtaining the genes of this person first.

And the leader of the Fighting Faction, Gravik, is the first Super Skrull, so he set his sights on Arno's genes.

As long as you have his genes, conquering the earth is no longer a dream!

Sigh——————Arno laughed disdainfully when he saw this.

Occupy the Earth and copy my abilities?

Really, you don't know how to live or die!

A look of cruelty appeared in Arno's eyes!

As the power of the mind was withdrawn, the Skrull in his hand woke up.

"Want my DNA? Here, can you bear it?"

Arno threw the Skrull on the ground, and the power of space emerged from the fingertips of his right hand. With great force, he cut a small cut on his left palm.

After a drop of red and gold blood flowed out, the wound healed instantly. Arno dripped that drop of blood directly on the forehead of the Skrull on the ground.

The Skrull on the ground was ecstatic. This was the gene of the strongest person on earth!

However, before she could save Arno's blood, a burning sensation came from her forehead and soon spread throughout her body!

"Ah ... Blood-red bubbles appeared on her green skin, and her muscles were rapidly melted by the high temperature.

Then came the bones and internal organs, and finally the brain and heart, until the whole body turned into a pool of dark green sticky blood.

And the blood also vaporized, leaving no trace before it ended.

Watching the Skrulls turned into nothingness, disappearing more thoroughly than Thanos snapped his fingers, without even ashes left.

Arno's eyes were full of ridicule and disdain, wanting my genes.

Sorry, I locked them up a long time ago.

After his life level rose, every cell in his body was integrated into his will control, and every cell out of the body exceeded 10,000° high temperature.

Even if you can get it, you must first be able to withstand this terrifying high temperature, and secondly, you must be able to resist your own will contained in the cells.

Otherwise, even if you fuse your own cells, you will only become a puppet controlled by yourself.

Oh, by the way, the power of that will must exceed the upper limit of his mental power to be released, that is, exceed the power of the Mind Stone.

It is still an enhanced version of the Mind Gem. After all, its original stone is not the common stuff from other universes, but one that has been enhanced by someone.

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