Arno doesn't think anyone has the power to remove his mind control.

Because of this power, he doesn't look down on the power of a mere superman.

After all, many of his own abilities are not acquired by genetic replication.

Rather, they are abilities that exist in his soul, such as the three Infinity Stones.

"Ahem, Σ_(꒪ཀ꒪」∠) vomit, what kind of stench is this, is it made of feces, so stinky?"

Tony next to him was not scared by Arno's means, but he was almost choked to death by the stench of the gasified Skrulls, and heaved on the side.

"Almost, but a species that is more disgusting than feces.

The Skrulls are called Skrulls, and they are an alien race that can replicate anyone's DNA.

Thus, they can completely become the replica's appearance from the inside out, and even have the replica's short-term memory. "

Tony's face changed after hearing this, and he immediately responded to the key question:

"Race? So this is not a superpower? How many Skrulls are there on Earth?"

He thought it was just a shapeshifter, after all, there are many people with all kinds of shapes and sizes.

So he was angry when he knew it was a shapeshifter, but he wasn't very surprised.

But it's different if it's a race. It's impossible for a race to have only this one person!

A race that can perfectly replicate anyone is a terrible disaster for humans!

Arno slowly looked at Tony and raised a finger.


Arno was unmoved and still raised his finger.

"One hundred? One thousand? Ten thousand? One hundred thousand!"

Tony asked four times in a row, and he shouted when he said one hundred thousand, but he saw that his brother's face didn't change.

He swallowed his dry throat and said in a trembling voice:

"It won't be a million..."

Arno put away his finger and nodded mercilessly.

"Wordfuck! Shit! One million! A whole fucking one million! How did so many alien bastards sneak into the earth! "

Tony cursed after hearing this and realized the seriousness of the matter. It was not only serious, but also catastrophic!

What does it mean that there are one million alien races that can transform into anyone lurking on the earth!?

It is no exaggeration to say that they can even directly overthrow the regimes of all countries on the earth and rule the earth!

And they can do all this without humans knowing it. They don't even have to do it themselves to make countries kill each other!

Thinking of all this, Tony's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he kept thinking about countermeasures with his invincible brain.

Arno's eyes were also violent, but his tone was still calm.

"Why can they sneak into the earth so quietly? This is to ask our traitor, Black Egg.

He helped those green monsters to the earth because of his stupid sympathy. "

"Black Egg? Are you talking about Nick Fury? Damn it! I thought he was just black-faced, but his heart is so black!

Is he fucking Alzheimer's? Or is he also an alien, letting so many shapeshifting races hide on Earth, is this something a human could come up with? !

I'm just fucking him &%*#...."

Tony's eyes widened, and he cursed, dragging out Nick Fury's ancestors who used to pick cotton and scolding him!

Arno didn't comment on this, he didn't know whether Nick Fury had Alzheimer's or not.

He traveled through time after Avengers 4, and although he knew something about the Skrulls, he didn't know there were so many Skrulls on Earth.

It's okay in the Marvel Universe where he didn't exist before, but now on my Earth, he dared to let so many Skrulls into his territory!

That's really like promoting belief in God in a Buddhist temple, forcing the abbot to kill people!

"It's just over a million, don't worry, I can deal with it today. "

Arno's eyes were shining with platinum light as he looked around, but he was actually looking around the entire earth, constantly locking onto his green-skinned babies.

Every time he saw a Skrull, no matter if it was in a transformed state or in its original form, he would mentally mark them all.

None of these green-skinned monkeys can escape!

They were brothers, and Tony saw at a glance that Arno was going to do a big purge, and hurriedly said:

"Wait! Wait! I think we need to discuss it again!"

Arno frowned and looked at Tony, the light in his eyes converged, and he had already marked all the Skrulls.

"You want to stop me?"

It stands to reason that the Tony in this universe should not be so soft-hearted as he was taught by himself.

Sure enough, the Tony in this universe is not so soft-hearted. He did not close the weapons department. While he is a hero, he is also a weapons dealer.Facing an alien race, you talk to a weapons dealer about kindness? Sorry, talk to his cannon!

"Stop you? Of course not!

I mean this incident is a good opportunity, I plan to let the entire Justice League participate!

This is not only their first group battle, but also a test to see if there are any of them who are not worthy of staying in the Justice League!

The Justice League represents justice, but it represents the justice of mankind, and does not need saintly bitches!"

Tony's eyes are firm with a hint of cruelty.

After hearing this, Arno silently relaxed his clenched fists, he was very satisfied with Tony's words.

Just now, as long as Tony dared to say something pitiful about the Skrulls.

He would give Tony a loving education and let him know that Jay Chou has a song called, listen to your brother, don't let yourself get hurt!

"Well, then do as you say. Go and gather the members of the Justice League."

Tony shook his head and pointed at Arno:

"No, you go. You are the core of the Justice League, and you are the leader!"

"It seems that you really intend to hang a few pendants for your brother. Okay, most of them are acquaintances anyway."

Arno didn't have too many thoughts about the Justice League. He was neither happy nor impatient.

For the Justice League, he felt that more of them would not be too much, and less of them would not be too much.

"Keya, take care of the house. I will take Kelly home soon." (The replaced manor maid.)

"No, sir, please allow us to go with you.

This is not only your business, but also a common business for me and everyone in the manor."

Keya, who always obeyed Arno's orders, said no to his orders for the first time.

He looked at the angry eyes of Keya and the many maids behind her, was silent for two seconds, and nodded.

Well, let them experience it.

Otherwise, if you stay in the manor for too long, you will easily become a caged bird with nothing to do but good looks.

"Come on, let's go vent your anger together and bring back our families."

After Arno finished speaking, he put his hands behind his back and slowly flew towards the base of the Justice League.

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