I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 204

After hesitating for a while, Xia Kang raised his head and looked at Chen Ye. Judging from the large number of monsters in Ni Luoguo before, Da Xiaguo has already spared no effort to protect the powerful, as well as the evil things that appeared in the Bone Sword Forest, and the ruins of Yunjin Emerge


But now the invading monsters are definitely stronger.Even so powerful that they can’t imagine,

"Don't worry and you will finish

Touched in.But it has not reached the point of complete maintenance.but.Several regiments also need to make fresh blood as soon as possible..

Chen Ye rolled his eyes and left for a while.

"at last!.,

I heard Chen member.The great gods made them all full of yearning, especially the strong ones in the cult appeared one after another.Let them all look forward to becoming one of them. Now, this moment is finally coming.

Chen Ye glanced at the excited crowd, "It seems I am thinking too much.

Chen Ye sighed in his heart.

But he knew that he still had to give him

We dropped a little bait.The name of the single sect.It is impossible to let countless people give you their lives.

"System. Can you invade the mission system of the Exorcist Guild? Add my mission,...

He wants to intimidate the whole world.Let people all over the world do tasks for him.And Taixia Kingdom.It is the first experimental site mountain.

208. Distribution of golden crystals (5/6)

"Yes, the host is asked to determine the allocation of rewards for the completer and the host before posting the task.

The priest system is still very confident in itself.Directly request Chen Ye to carry out further operations.

"Are the quota allocated?"

Chen Ye frowned.

If it is normal, he will definitely let the system allocate all rewards to himself without hesitation.

But now the task of the system has been updated, if it is only enhanced by itself.And let those guys give up the practice and do tasks for themselves.I am afraid it will not be long.The power of this world will stop.

There is even a risk of regression.

Chen Ye himself is not worried about the power of this world, but worried that these guys will become more powerful in the future.

"Experience assigns "One Five Seven" to them 40%, the prestige value is all mine, and the others are mine.

Chen Ye thought for a while, and thought of the usual routines of previous capitalism.Commanded towards the system.

"The σL invasion is successful, and the mission is successfully released. After completing the mission, the mission performer can choose to deliver it. After that, the system will obtain the corresponding mission item from the target's possession."

The voice of the system rang in Chen Ye's mind

Chen Ye is not surprised that the system can directly collect other people’s belongings and even the corresponding task items from the storage kit. After all, these so-called monsters and task items are produced by the system. If it does not Ability to recycle.Chen Ye wanted him to give in.

Chen Ye and the system are like a slave owner who is planning how to enslave the world, and they have made all plans.

The next step is to see how I made these guys willingly enslaved by myself.

Take a deep breath.Chen Ye suppressed the excitement in his heart.Calmly looking at the strong man in front of you


"Do you want to be the two members of the Order?"

Chen Ye looked at the crowd with a plain expression, without a trace of emotion in his tone.It's like conveying a certain order.

Hear what Chen Ye said.No one denies that the top holy land masters all want chicken to eat rice.Crazy nodded his head.

Behind the crowd, the next generation of geniuses who came to watch, all looked at their elders with weird faces.

Among them, Lin Qi is also among them.

Lin Qi's identity has not changed..

She is still the proud girl of Taixia Kingdom.

It is still the object of countless people's admiration.

At that time, she knew that no one could notice.

Lin Zhong's identity has not changed.It is still the second lady of Wu Shengbao.But the existence of Chen Dui.A few more identities.Jian Ye's friend, Duhuang's student, any one of the two identities alone was enough to shake Daxia Kingdom.

Lin Qi didn't dare to look at anyone.I can only lower my head secretly

No one noticed Lin Qi's condition.Because Chen Ye has attracted all Ling's attention.

Chen Ye was still calm, as if a word made the lord of all forces like

Therefore, it is not worth mentioning at all.

"Do you want to learn the skills of the Order?!"

Chen Ye continued to ask.

"Like Chen Ye. You promised me before. Let me learn the spiritual fighting skills of the Order."

Chen Ye just finished speaking.Xing Zhi called out immediately.He still hasn't forgotten Chen's promise to him when he sat at the Yunjin Ruins.

Chen Ye-Two froze.It was also a moment when he remembered that he seemed to have promised this guy.

Chen Ye didn't lift his head either.There are five more golden crystals on his hand.

"You guys, two

One person."

Chen Ye directly abandoned the leader of the group of forces and turned to look at Lin Xue and the others.

"So pretty."

Girls have no resistance to shiny things.Lin Xue took a golden crystal without hesitation, and said excitedly.

The last one was thrown by Chen Ye to Xing Zhi.

Other people's gazes also fell tightly on the golden crystal.This is something they have never seen before, obviously they have not tried it.But everyone can be sure.At the current industrial level.No one can imitate it.

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