I became a priest in the beginning

At the beginning I became a priest. Chapter 205

More so

Someone’s heart is that it exudes a strong sacred aura. Although they don’t know what it is for, everyone present can guess this.

Only Xia Kang and Chen Xing were thoughtful, because the golden crystals in front of them were different from the three-color crystals Chen Ye left them.Think of those three

The effect of the two men stared at the golden crystal.I dare not relax for a while.The effect that this kind of crystal brings to them.Two people

Thinking back to Xingzhi's words just now.

"Scratch it."

Chen Ye said lightly.

Everyone was stunned.But no

He hesitated to break the golden crystal in his hand.




As if the sound of broken glass sounded, everyone's hearts were beating.

Only the golden crystals turned into golden light.Quickly blended into a few people.

At the same time, the bodies of several people have been slightly strengthened.But at this moment they are already the strength of exorcism masters.So it seems mediocre.

"From now on, you will be one of the cult."

Looking at several people, Chen Ye smiled slightly.Congratulations to a few people



The Demon King, GSD, and Nat Yaquese also spoke to several people at the same time.


Suddenly, all the people present boiled up, discussing one by one.While Xianji looked at several people, he knew that Lin 0.0xue and the others would be the first members of the cult.I didn't expect it to be like this.

At the same time, they all understood.The golden crystal just now.It is something that injects holy light into people.Have that golden crystal.Is equivalent to becoming

"Wow, I really envy them, they were actually caught by Master Chen Ye

A person who personally declares to be an order.

"Yes, but their identities are not ordinary. Didn't you see that handsome little girl. She is the second lady of Wu Shengbao. Her sister Lin Qi is the pride of the Great Xia Kingdom.

"Ah, really, I really envy her having such a younger sister.

The geniuses from the rear were also discussing, and the words of the discussion came to Lin Qi's ears.The face that made her face down was as pale as snow.

209. The'Making God' Project!(6/6)

Becoming a member of the sect makes Xing Yu them very happy.

However, Xing Yu was still obsessed with the skills Chen Ye said, and quickly looked at Chen Ye.

Before he had stopped, Chen Ye had already exported in advance.

"On behalf of the cult, I give you skills, the hammer of regret!"

Chen Ye has a solemn face.He whispered toward Xing Yu, and when he returned, Chen Ye outlined with his fingers on his chest: a golden cross that flew out quickly and fell into Xing's straight eyebrows

When replying to his opinion, Xing Yu had a golden cross-shaped hammer in his mind.He has feelings.As long as his mind moves.

You can communicate with the power of light in the body and use this spirit fighting technique.

"how about it?"

Xia Kang looked at Xing Yu and asked expectantly.

Others are also looking at Xing Zhi curiously.

_ "wait for me."

Xing Zhi didn't answer, but dropped a word, and then the figure rushed out quickly.

Xing went straight in the air.All the way to the south gate.


Just 18 when everyone didn't know why.A golden light suddenly lit up in the south.

I saw one thousand meters high

The shadow of a huge golden cross hammer appeared in everyone's eyes.

The golden light almost illuminates the southern sky, dyeing all the heaven and the earth into gold.

Then, Hammer Shadow fell.


After the colored hammer shadow disappeared from the people's rehearsal, a violent shock came from outside the city.The buildings in Xiadu City are all in violent Yaoxian County.

"Really, I learned the spirit fighting skills of the Order in two seconds, and I don't need to understand and practice 2"

Everyone headed by Tong Zhibo gave a heavy heart, and they all looked out of the city blankly.

"This guy


Feel the tremor of the hall.Xia Kang's face was Shen, here is Xia Du, he clearly saw a smash in the distance, and it is estimated that many civilians died.

Soon after.Xing came back excitedly from outside.-Without saying a word, just sit there alone and silly.

The people present looked at this evildoer.All of them showed envious expressions, even the stars were no exception.

He knew exactly what Chen Ye was for and agreed to let this guy learn the spiritual fighting skills of the Order.

"I knew the old man a long time ago and I took him there."

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