I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 206


After a second sound, thinking of the arrogance that he was in the first place, Chen Xing suddenly felt ashamed of his father.

"Want to join the Order? Do you want to learn the skills of the Order?"

Here, Chen Ye's voice sounded again.Let all the fire-effect eyes gather again.

Chen Ye looked at everyone indifferently, and then the corners of his mouth raised, "Go, go to Mandu's Exorcist in exchange for everything you want with contribution points."

"Even if you join the cult, you become a high-ranking member of the cult."

Looking at everyone, Chen Ye said in a flat tone, but it spread to everyone's ears.But it seems like a perplexity from evil.Let people

Can not resist.

"Exorcist Guild? Why don't I know?"

Tong Zhibo looked inexplicably on his face, looked at Chen Ye strangely and asked.

"The means of the cult is something you will never understand,"

In response to this, Chen Ye just smiled faintly and spoke softly for a while.

_ "Didi!"

Chen Ye just finished speaking.A message rang from Tong Zhibo's cell phone.

Looking at Chen Ye's weird smile.Tong Zhibo immediately took out his mobile phone.

"The guild’s mission system was suddenly refreshed by a series of mysterious characters. And the mission

It continues to appear.The rewards are Shi Mo experience points and contribution points."

The voice of Bao Gucheng came from Tong Zhibo's cell phone.Let everyone second market again.They all looked at Chen Xiong in shame.If it wasn't for Tong Zhibo, he would not know the wall.They all doubted whether Chen Ye had colluded with him in advance.

"Then what is the experience value?"

Through the words of Chen Ye just now, Tong Zhibo faintly understood that the contribution value is

But this experience value is for them.It is definitely a new term.

It’s definitely not just Tong Zhibo who is curious about this experience value.

During the inquiry, everyone's eyes focused on Chen Ye again.

"In order that there may be a stronger power, the senior middle-level history of the Order decided to start the god-making project. Open the artifact that has been passed down for thousands of years in the Order. Absorb the spiritual power from the world famous places. Instill it to you. Because of the huge consumption. Therefore, only by completing the corresponding tasks... can the self-education team prove that you are sufficient to accept the blessing of the artifact.

Complete the task every time.Your strength will be improved.The number of your promotion depends on the strength of your name.

Anyway, if there are too many lice, I am not afraid of squatting. I used to blow the order so hard.Now what if we add another god.

One, "If you improve, you also need to complete the task." He paused.Chen Ye said to Xing Zhi, Lin Xue and the others

"Making God?_"

They all understand what this means, and there will never be another answer.

If they really want what Chen Ye said, then they finally understand why Chen Ye can improve so fast.

The last sentence that Chen Ye added was just telling them, even members of the cult.The starting point is definitely with them.

In other words.If they can complete the corresponding tasks, then they can also be like Chen Xiong

, Has become the existence of human beings.

The geniuses who had been listening in the back heard this, and they were all excited beyond words.

And Lin Qi seems to have caught something from it.Finally raised his head and looked at Chen Ye.

At this moment she seemed to look away.She caught the dawn beyond Chen Wei at this moment.

-"Complete the mission, I am the proud girl of the Great Xia Kingdom. I will definitely not be worse than this Chen Ye."

Lin Qi made a decision with great heart, but she didn't know, based on the allocation set by Chen Ye.It is equivalent to countless people practicing for Chen Ye.In her life, she has surpassed Chen


210. Troublemakers, kill without mercy!(1/6)

"Want to join the Order?"

"Want to learn the skills of the Order?"

_ "Go. It's in the Exorcism Guild in Xiadu, where you can get everything you want.

As the discussion in the hall dissipated, Chen Ye's words were spread out, not limited to Daxia Kingdom.

The entire Asian East Continent is boiling rapidly.

And this sentence, like a plague, was transmitted to other continents at an uncontrollable speed.

Suddenly, more and more famous people began to attach importance to this cult.

I thought Chen Ye was in college

It's incredible to be able to enter the temple.

It is actually possible to gain strength by completing tasks. Few people dare to believe this kind of thing.

However, as a descendant of a large family's direct-line waste child took the attitude of giving it a try and submitted dozens of accumulated demon pills to the repeated collection task, the body of the direct rank exorcist instantly strengthened to the fourth rank. .

Suddenly, the whole world was boiling.

Countless people began to scramble to come to Xiadu Exorcism Guild.

People who were still in the Tower of Death and planned to test after knowing this, began to gather in the summer.

With Chen Ye's acquiescence, Xia Kang even took advantage of this opportunity to update part of the transnational laws.

No one is allowed to cause trouble in the Yadong Continent, and those who discover it will be disqualified from task interception and all activities related to the religious group.

Even so, there are still people who do not believe in evil.

"Fuck away 1_ Lao Tzu is a first-order seeker, you guys dare to let me line up?"

-A dark-skinned man from the Chinan Continent stood in the hall of the Exorcist Guild, pointing to the staff inside and shouting loudly.Immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the hall.

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