I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 212

"Natya, you succeeded!"

Natya came out.Immediately, Lin Xue and the others came forward and cheered.They had already guessed the result from Chen Ye's expression just now.Congratulations to Natya.

"Thank you."

With strength restored, Natya is obviously in a good mood.He wrote to several people.Then turned around and glanced at the tower behind him.Sweeping across a certain floor of the Tower of Death without a trace, his fists tightened.

"The lifelessness on Y's head is more mellow. In every gesture, those lifelessness seems to be obedient.

Is it a benefit of life?" 733

Chen Ye narrowed his eyes.

"It's terrible."

Those lifeless spirits won't hurt Lin Xue and the others, but it doesn't mean that it won't affect others.

The exorcists around looked at Natya.My heart kept beating.They felt looking at Natya.It was as if he was concentrating on death.I always feel that my vitality is constantly being stripped away.

Chen Ye, who was looking at Natya with satisfaction, suddenly moved in his heart.I felt a different feeling from behind.

"Guardian of the Holy Light!"

In the next moment, Chen Ye’s

The body surface instantly diffused-a milky light shield.


In the next moment, a thorn in the light shield.It was blocked by the light shield.

"Enemy? Come on"

The Demon Emperor was shocked.He didn't even notice that Chen Ye was approached by the enemy, and his face suddenly sank.

Then I saw the Demon Emperor grabbed an ice blade and quickly cut it towards the figure behind Chen Ye.


The shadow that the ice sword cut through smoothly, but the shadow instantly collapsed without a trace.It's not interesting at all, and both are like hallucinations.-

215. Meeting of the Eleven Sages (6/6)


Chen Ye turned around, looking at nothing

"Subordinates are incompetent."

Hear what Chen Ye said.

That person is not strong.

"It's nothing.

Chen Ye did not give birth


Phone just taken out

Among them was Tong Zhibo's post, reminding him that someone was going to assassinate him.

of course.There is another message sent by Xia Kang.

.Let me go back to the palace 2. What did those two guys provoke?"

Chenbu frowned.Know in my heart.Xia Kang and Shixing find himself A

"Chen Ye, what's wrong with you"

Lin Zhong and the others did not expect that someone would assassinate Chen Xiong. They saw Chen Dui's reasoning.

"I'm fine. I'm going back to Xiadu, Demon Sovereign.

According to what Chen Xiaoduo said, just looking in the direction.

Chen Xing did not stay at all, even let

"You also heard what my lord said just now. Go in Lu Yi

If it's normal, Duhuang doesn't think it matters

"Twenty-fifth floor, can we really reach it?

Ning Yue couldn't help but feel a little nervous as she watched the photo on the sun.Chen Ye set them on the 25th floor and marked

"What are you afraid of? Don't forget that Chen Zhong came out

Condensed and sent so quickly to liberate one's original nature.For Lin Xue’s reason,

Several people entered the tower of death one after another.The exorcist outside suddenly became confused.

The scene was extremely noisy.

Chen Hua was actually assassinated, and such news is definitely headline.

What shocked the surrounding drivers even more.What kind of official

However, there are some drivers from other continents.

Magician.Know some.

It is the hand of the dark.it's said.He has assassinated countless seekers in the dark field,"

The voices of some people sounded in the crowd.More and more

Can come to the East Asian continent from other continents.I hate it very much.

"Hunter Council?"

Emperor Lu also heard the theory in the crowd.

When Chen Ye returned to the palace.

"How about, I heard you were assassinated?"

Saw Chen Xing coming in from outside.

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