I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 213

"Yes, what are you

Chen Ye nodded, and then

Zhang Zhibo saw that Chen Ye was fine,

.Gankougu. Lei 2 is him."


Chen Ye looked still

"Your Majesty

Tong Zhibo was taken aback.

"I don’t know Yi, but I got news. He is on the top of the Tower of Reaper.

Xia Kang shook his head, then frowned, and said to Tong Zhibo.

Such a character.Face and still seeker.Isn't it right for Suixong?

.⊥What is that cat demon council?


Chen Xiong frowned.Destroyed a dark magic temple before.This value

"The Demon Hunting Council is an organization active in the Western Territory.

Tong Zhibo explained Chen Ye in detail.

For the Cat Council.Tong Zhijiao didn't feel anything:

"This Demon Hunter Council is a fool."

(Money gets Zhao) Chen Ye frowned.Suddenly some kings

I don’t even know the specific situation.

"Maybe. But he oiled their evil hands.,, even the second-tier seekers may have 2

Xia Kang on the side sighed and said, I apologized on the spot.

.Enjoy the joy of reading

216. The relationship between the Association and the Senate (1/6)


Chen Ye's words: One out.Xia Kang couldn't help rubbing their ears.

Get rid of, they are going to assassinate you, the other party is in the dark, you are in the light, how can they kill you in such a blatant way?

Although the Hunting Council is notorious for all major forces to scream, there is no such strength that really dares to be as arrogant as Chen Ye.

No matter how powerful your cult, but your own strength lies there, no one can guarantee absolute foolproof.

No one would choose to offend a killer organization hidden in the dark.

"Do as I say."

Chen Ye didn't even look at Xia Kang and the others, and directly stopped them from trying to persuade him next.

"Well, I will arrange for someone to release this news."

Xia Kang looked at Chen Ye, sighed, and said nothing.

"By the way, what do you ask me to come back for? Is it troublesome to have an official again?"

Xia Kang compromised, Chen Ye raised his head and continued to move towards Xia Kang


Hear Chen Ye's inquiry.Xia Kang and the Morning Star Westerners suddenly hesitated.

Huh?" Chen Ye said suspiciously.

"It’s the first sage of the Exorcism Council. They want to make a video call with you. It’s not really troublesome. Now it’s not necessarily.

Xia Kang gave a wry smile and shook his head.

The news that Chen Ye was about to let him release was too sensational. He was really afraid that Chen Ye would challenge the Exorcist Council.

After all, the Exorcism Council is truly the largest organization in the world, especially a sage. No one knows what strength they have. If Chen Ye underestimates the other party, he might suffer too much.

"The Exorcism Council?"

Chen Ye was taken aback. His knowledge of the Exorcist Council was limited to what he had learned in textbooks when he was in the Exorcist Academy. It was all the great achievements of the Exorcist Council, which created the stable age of mankind. All sorts of miscellaneous, in short, are all praise but no criticism.


After all, he was a legendary character, and Chen Ye didn't think it would be bad to meet him.

"Sages have time at all times. Let me communicate directly through the separate address left by them after you come.

Xia Kang saw Chen Ye agree, and said directly to Chen Ye without entanglement.

"Then connect with them."

Chen Ye thought about it for a while, then nodded lightly.

Chen Ye would also like to meet these eleven sages, and see what level each of the strongest in the world would be.

"I don't know if I can see the profit-making information through the screen system."

After a pause, Chen Ye murmured in his heart.

"Come with me."

Although he always felt that Chen Ye's meeting with the House of Representatives would not be too easy, he could not refuse the meeting request agreed by both sides at the same time.

Led by Xia Kang, Chen Xing and Tong Zhi Bosi also followed.

A surprised look at Zhang Zhibo. The Exorcist Guild should have been founded by the Exorcist Council. Why didn’t Cong Lai hear this guy say something about the King's Council?

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