I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 214

Seeing Chen Ye's surprised gaze, Tong Zhibo seemed to have guessed what Chen Ye was thinking, and smiled faintly.

"Although the Exorcist Council was founded by the Exorcist Council. For so many years, it has been completely independent. The Exorcist Council exists for the stability of the people in various countries and regions, and the Exorcist Council is to stabilize the relationship between various continents.

"even though,

The exorcist guild must obey the dispatch of the Exorcist Council. In fact, if something happens, the Exorcist Council generally orders the exorcist guards under the Council to dominate, and the exorcist guild can give proper convenience. Up."

Tong Zhibo patiently explained to Chen Ye that the information in the words made Xia Kang and Chenxing both stunned. Obviously, it was the first time they knew that the relationship between the Exorcist Guild and the Exorcist Council had become so. Subtle.

"It's all for human development, there is no difference,?

Zhang Zhibo smiled slightly, but his smile was a bit bitter.

Both Xia Kang and Morningstar know that

The fact that the Exorcism Council has passed on for thousands of years, the original belief in working hard for the continuation of human existence has gradually been eroded and decayed by rights and desires.

Chen Ye nodded, and between the lines, he probably understood something or two.

With Xia Kang walking without hurries.

Not long.

Everyone came to a four-circle tightly guarded conference room.

On both sides stood several senior exorcists.There are even four exorcist masters personally guarding them.

After those people saw Chen Ye, their eyes were filled with fire. If it weren't for the heavy task, I'm afraid they would all come around.


"Generally, news related to the Exorcism Council is of great importance, so it cannot be easily leaked.

Xia Kang waved his hand to let the door open, then turned to Chen Ye and said,

Enter the meeting room.

Inside is a long table that can hold a dozen or so people, and at the other end of the table is a huge screen, and the camera can just take pictures of everyone in the room.

Chen Ye sat in the main seat, and Xia Kang sat down on both sides.

After sitting down, Xia Kang pressed a button on the table in front of him, and the monitor in front of the long table stood up.

The engraving lights up, and a snowflake appears.

The next moment, the picture became clear, and a luxuriously decorated hall appeared in front of everyone.

In the middle of the hall, there are three sofas, like a living room.

And in the screen, there is just right

It’s a person who looks about four or five years old, and a white robe with gold rims can’t hide the solid muscles underneath.

Chen Ye was looking at the screen, his gaze constantly swept across the person in Yingzhong Tu. What disappointed Chen Ye was that he did not see any information from the other party.

Just when Chen Ye was disappointed

At the time, the eleven figures on the screen were also looking at Chen Ye plainly.

People on both sides were silent, and no one knew what the other was thinking.

217. Become a sage?(2/6)

_ "Ahem, sages, this is Mr. Chen Ye."

Seeing the atmosphere a little subtle, it was Xia Kang that broke the awkward calm in the end.

The eleven sages on the screen just nodded faintly, and finally all their eyes focused on Chen Ye.

"You are younger than we thought."

Looking at Chen Ye, one of the tall and thin men said lightly.

The man has short black hair and his body is only in his robe. You can't see how it is, but Chen Ye can see the looming scars on his neckline and sleeves.

look carefully.

The same is true for others.There are some looming scars on his body, especially one of the men with silver curly hair. Three scars slid directly from his left eyebrow and shoulder to the right "one four three" side of his chin. The whole person looked terrifying.

"You are also younger than I thought."

Chen Ye also looked at the other party with the same eyes, and said lightly in the same tone.

Xia Kang and others sat beside him silently. Chen Ye was not himself, but represented the cult behind him speaking to the Senate.They were not able to intervene on either side.

They just need to listen

After the explanation, according to the results, he gave Chen Ye some opinions and suggestions. As for what happened during the process, they could not interfere, and they did not have the ability to interfere.

"Do you think we are young? Funny kid.

Hearing what Chen Ye said, those sages didn't seem to be angry, and they still looked at Chen Ye blankly.

But then, the other party's expression suddenly sank. "Do you know what will happen to people who dare to talk to us like you?"

The other party's tone suddenly fell cold.Hearing Xia Kang's face changed.

But Chen Ye

But he didn't move, his face didn't change at all.He doesn't know much about the Exorcism Council, and there is nothing to fear, even if he doesn't have enough resources.No stronger doll can be summoned, but there is an abyss of hell behind him.

I really pressed myself, I didn't mind letting the devil descend on the world.

Seeing Chen Ye unmoved, the speaking sage suddenly frowned.Chen Ye's calmness was far beyond their imagination.

However, as a sage of the Exorcism Council, he still felt that Chen Ye's so-called cult was nothing but a phantom thing. Behind Chen Ye's back, there must be a strong man controlling it.


They were in the Middle Continent, and they couldn't be sure whether their thoughts were right or wrong.

"Tell me, what kind of existence is the cult? Do the shadows have secrets? The visions that have appeared on various continents recently. Are they related to the cult? Or those strong men who suddenly emerged It was all caused by Taoist group.'

The sage's eyes gradually turned cold, and he looked at the low and majestic voice of Chen Ye's fish.

The person was obviously not very quick to speak, but to Xia Kang, they heard two kinds of aggressive feelings. Jiping made them want to bring Chen Ye close to them before they thought about it.

but.The other party obviously didn't want to listen to the news that Quanziqiang already knew.

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