I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 215

What they really want to know is the real sect, and they want to tell Chen Ye from time to time whether this sect is really just a fabricated lie as they thought.

The other party's ideas are very rich, of course, the distance is really close.

But who is Chen Ye? Any negative effects can be purified.What's more, it’s just the tension deep in my heart, which was suppressed by Chen Ye just as soon as he showed up.

"Those monsters came to this world after breaking through the defensive line of the Order. Others

I have no comment, but I can only suggest that you be prepared.These are just the frontline troops of the invaders, the real strong. They are still being pinned down by the predecessors of our cult.

In the slightly disappointed gaze of the sage, Chen Ye did not reveal any flaws in his meaning, but in this serious atmosphere, he threw a heavy bomb.

"Is there something stronger?"

Hearing Chen Ye’s words, Xia Kang and the others couldn’t sit still at first, because there have been large-scale riots in various places recently. Those monsters are no longer what ordinary exorcists can deal with. If there are stronger enemies, then What methods should humans use to resist?

"Huh, bewitching

When the other party heard Chen Ye's words, his face became more gloomy, and he gave a low voice to Chen Ye, but Chen Ye still caught the opponent's eyes-Si was shocked.

"Aren't these guys singing a blushing face to me?"

Seeing other people, although there was a hint of shock, Cong's expression was calm from beginning to end, and he didn't speak. Chen Ye narrowed his eyes and said in his heart.

Sure enough, just when Xia Kang and the others were worried that the other party would directly send troops to punish Chen Ye, one of them: a sage suddenly made a sound.


The Order is also for the sake of mankind, that is, like us, we are all triggered for the survival of mankind, and there should be many things in common.

It was a blond man who was speaking with a smile. He looked very kind and made people feel good.

Chen Ye didn't speak, he knew that the other party had something to say.

"It's better for you to bring us the secrets of the Order. Any benefit the Order gives you, the Council can give you 5.8, even,".

"If you want to be a sage. We can also consider training you."

"We also believe that

Your talent is absolutely qualified to be a human sage."

The other party said a lot in one go.The content of the words was not very much, but the three of Tong Zhibo Xia Kang who were present were all trembling.

The expressions of the three of them were strange.It seems to be constipation, and it seems to be inspiring to restrain the excitement in the heart.

Sage, the eleven supreme members of the Exorcism Council, the top human figures.

Just thinking about the three people's heartbeat speeded up.

"Being a sage? It sounds tempting, but I refuse!"

Chen Ye sneered: once, look right

Fang said lightly.

218. The Background of Daxia Country (3/6)

_ "Refuse?."

Hearing Chen Ye's words, Xia Kang and the others were not surprised by his wife this time.

Every time Chen Ye did.They would be surprised too much, so this time it was a little relieved.

Even when they first watched Chen Ye, they didn’t have the expectation of his wife.

"Can you tell me why?"

Hearing Chen Ye's refusal, the other party's eyes showed a chill, but it didn't happen on the spot, just asked indifferently.

"It seems that you still haven't understood how the cult exists."

He glanced at the screen, and dropped a word without any haste.Chen Ye got up and left,

Seeing Chen Ye getting up, Tong Zhibo also stood up immediately and walked out behind Chen Ye.

Seeing that in the end it still broke up unhappy.Xia Kang and Chenxing were not surprised, they were just a little helpless with each other.

"Sages. He is gone."

Looking at the screen, Xia Kang said with a wry smile.

"so be it."

After glanced at Xia Kang and Morningstar, the eleven sages also hung up the communication directly after speaking.

Xia Kang and Chenxing curled their lips, no

Thinking of myself as the leader of a country, there will be such a day that makes 18 people impatient.

After a wry smile, the two quickly got up and walked out the door.

In the home of sages in the Central Continent.

"What do you think?_"

After hanging up the communication, the sage who played the red face immediately withdrew from his anger.Seeing everyone there was a faint sound.

"This cult has been out of our control. Many people around the world have already recognized the existence of the cult for the continuation of mankind. It must not be allowed to

The sage who was very kind before is standing

Ke Ke let his face cool down, and said gloomily to everyone,

The Exorcism Council has been guiding the way for the survival and development of mankind.

And the Exorcism Council has always been the center of mankind.

The organization of this cult that has suddenly emerged now has the same meaning as the Exorcism Council.

The survival and development of human beings do not need two guides. It is enough to protect the important task of mankind. It only needs the Exorcism Council.

The other sages understood what the man meant and nodded one after another.

"But Taixia Kingdom is that guy's hometown, exorcism

The guild has now been out of our control, and it is not easy for us to do it in Daxia.

"Don't worry, if that Chen Ye wants everyone to believe and recognize the sect, he will definitely develop into other countries and continents. We just need to wait for him.

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