I became a priest in the beginning

I Became a Priest Chapter 216

One of them just got in and out of their worries.

The friendly sage said immediately,

"In that case, let's vote.

In the end, a sage who had not spoken suddenly said, and the others immediately looked over.

Since its creation, the Exorcism Council has always had a native capitalist

When things need to be resolved by the Senate, a vote will be taken.

And one of them, called the judge, generally does not participate in the voting, and only ten people actually vote.

And one of the ten people will not take the initiative to vote.But when other people put forward their opinions, they will stand up and put forward their completely opposed opinions.That was

People collectively call it the second decider.

Only when the natives who made the proposal and the second decider saw that they could not vote for the final result, the final judge will cast a crucial vote.

Today’s Exorcism Council is rotten,

The decisive vote of the final person has not been used for thousands of years.

This time, the judge's vote was still not used.

Walking out of the meeting room, Chen Ye couldn't tell whether it was good or bad.

However, it can be said that Chen Ye was a little disappointed.

As a human being, the organization that stood up in the face of the change and helped humans create the profession of exorcist has actually become so rotten.

Humans follow such guys.There will be no good future.

Chen Ye also strengthened his idea of ​​replacing it.

At least, Chen Ye doesn’t

I want to let myself and my own religious group be controlled by outsiders.

As for the organization he didn't like, Chen Ye felt that there was no need for the other party to exist.

"Chen Ye, today, you may be dissatisfied with the Senate."

Following Chen Ye back to the palace hall, Tong Zhibo sighed and said to Chen Ye.

"What do you think I should? Compromise? The shadow apostate becomes a running dog of the Senate?"

Chen Ye smiled and asked Tong Zhibo when he turned his head.

Hear what Chen Ye said.Tong Zhibo's expression moved, thinking of the current situation in the Exorcism Council, once again

Sigh, if you are in Chen Bi's place

Perhaps this is the best way.

"Chen Ye, I will tell you the truth."

Looking at Chen Ye.Taking a deep breath, Tong Zhibo suddenly said.

At this time, Xia Kang and Chenxing also came over and looked at Tong Zhibo curiously.

Each of the various forces has his own secret.But most Xia Kang knew it.

But 597 is the only Exorcist Guild, and Xia Kang doesn't know Tong Zhibo's secret very well.

Seeing Xia Kang and Morningstar, Tong Zhibo didn't mean to avoid suspicion.

"The reason why the sages did not have an attack is largely because of the face of Daxia.

Tong Zhibo looked at Chen Ye and said seriously.

"Taixia Kingdom?"

Xia Kang was taken aback, and he looked at each other like Morning Star. They were all very different. When Daxia Kingdom could make the sages afraid.

"This secret shouldn't be told to you all my life.

Looking at Xia Kang, Tong Zhibo pursed his lips and said to Xia Kang.

Hearing this, Xia Kang said nothing.Just listen carefully to Tong Zhibo to continue to enter.

"Don't look

The national power of Taixia Kingdom is not very strong.But actually.There is no real big power in the world who dares to do what about Daxia."

Tong Zhibo continued, hearing Xia Kang as both ashamed and curious.

"In fact, it is the strong man who once walked out of the Great Xia Kingdom that made those sages and big forces truly jealous.

Tong Zhibo paused and glanced at several people.

"That is, the current president of the World Exorcism Association, Xia Qiyang!


219. Open the profession of enchanter.(4/6)

"Exorcist Association, long?"

Xia Kang was taken aback, his eyes widened, and looked at Tong Zhibo in surprise.

"Aren't you kidding me!"

After a pause, Xia Kang continued to ask in disbelief, and at the same time, he was a little excited.

Because that person is still surnamed Xia 1

In the entire Daxia Kingdom, only their family had the surname Xia. Obviously, that person came out of Daxia Kingdom’s royal family.

"That's right, when you count it, the president of the president should be your grandfather, and the guardian Zhao Cheng was personally arranged by the president of the president.


, Tong Zhibo said towards Xia Kang, but the scene of a middle-aged man entering the house of an old man who seemed to be over half a hundred years old, Grandpa Taizu, was extremely funny.

"Ah? It's really a sage in my clan!

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