I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 219

The comparison has no contribution value has been sent to people.Taking advantage of the craze for the whole people to learn experience,

If you want to work hard, you must push out the contribution value as soon as possible.So I can talk 5

When returning, he can also serve as his own cult.Recruit some newcomers.

"The system, you can drop items directly into the hands of the changer."

Chen Ye never forgot to ask the system.

"Report the host. Cover has to consume spiritual power to make a medium,

The sound of the system sounded.It made Chen Ye interested.

"A shield? It's something similar to a space-time machine."

Chen Ye thought for a while, and asked curiously.

"In theory, it can be called that."

"How much spiritual power does that one need?"

Chen Ye thought for a while and asked towards the system.

"10 O'Clock.

The system gave Chen Ye a number.

"Okay. Then I want to give Xia

Mountain, Ye played 100,000 points of spiritual power. Chen Ye will still get this point of spiritual power


The host needs to visit and mark the location in person.And select the appropriate medium."

Chen Pai apparently ordered it, but the system didn't seem to be made directly for Chen Ye.But set yes

"Do you want to find it yourself?"

With a frown, Chen Di's eyes fell on an automated freighter on the roadside outside the window.

After half a day.

All the vending machines in the Central Exorcism Academy are missing.Even count

At the same time, there are a hundred more golden nothings in Xiadu Exorcism Guild

But those machines are better than vending machines

A lot of it.And the whole machine exudes a heavy atmosphere of Gudu.

"What kind of job is this"

"I don't know the error, when did this thing appear 3

Chen Hua just put those instruments away.


Chen Ye came to the center of the hall,

Hearing Chen Ye's voice, Ye's face.

Hearing that person's reminder, the exorcists who were still suspicious suddenly changed their eyes.

.That's right, that is another benefit my cult has given you."

.Your contribution value is enough

.You can exchange it for anything you want to love

Chen Ye looked down and nodded lightly.Finished.It seems that the exorcist will come to the electricity.

Wait until the exorcists pat their heads and look again.Where are the body problems of the students.

"What did he say just now? I didn't hear clearly."

One is to be able to redeem the above things with our contribution value 2-

"The above stuff?"

"I don't know, I heard it works

Hall bug, many people still don’t understand

But someone came directly

The instruments are divided into weapons

You can choose by yourself, the usefulness of the product.

Light Elf Potion:

Blue crystal

The white crystal's self-attack becomes a light attribute.Continue for an hour.Cover to contribute value. 200

Red crystal, self-attack becomes fire attribute.A country that lasts for one hour.

Sacred crystal.Used to dispel the invasion of ordinary evil spirits.There is no clear air

The roar of the mad dragon, the evil creatures below the demon king within one kilometer

Golden Communion within half an hour.The body's defense strength increases by 20...

Look at the item information of the dense bottom linen above.Everyone had a mental jump.

"Found it"

Duan Tiannan who happened to pick up the task here immediately

When everyone’s eyes fell on Duan Tiannan’s body

Golden crystals: make a few pieces of China's international trade.Preconditions, soil

Ten Guifei Ancient Novel Network (0. faoo. com) original works, on

222. The sensation caused by the Glacial Rift Sword (1/6)

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