I became a priest in the beginning

I Became a Priest Chapter 220

"Actually, really, there are even such things!"

Seeing the golden crystal on the screen in front of Duan Tiannan, the exorcists around were all heartbroken.

But when they saw the number 1000 followed by the golden crystal, their faces became embarrassed again.

Now most exorcists can do almost all tasks with a contribution of only a few soil points, and the free exorcist group composed of exorcists with the highest contribution value has only 8,000 contribution points.

This is when Chen Ye started the contribution value transaction.

The contribution value of both parties can be recognized in the system

It is determined to be free to trade under non-forced circumstances. Of course, for each transaction, the intermediate system will deduct 10% as a handling fee

Originally, when the exchange function did not appear, the contribution value was just a display for those who drive the "Seven Four Earth" magicians.

But now the emergence of the exchange function has stirred everyone up.

Duan Tiannan glanced at his contribution value of more than 800 points, and finally sighed and looked back.

Then, I quickly found that in the upper right corner, there was an option for all items in descending order.

Although he knew that he couldn't afford to exchange it, his curiosity drove Duan Tiannan to order

Go down.

First came Duan Tiannan's eyes.That is-the long blade of ice blue.

"Is it a sword?"

Duan Tiannan was taken aback.

[Glacier Rift Sword]: The cold air in the blade can be used to freeze enemies whose strength does not exceed Tier 3, and the created ice cannot be broken at the Tier 3 peak.Exchange price: 3 million contribution value

"Hi! Three. Can third-tier seekers be frozen?"

Seeing the information of the Glacial Rift Sword, Duan Tiannan felt heart-pumped and couldn't help but scream again.

Tier 3, he who has hardly seen him even Tier 2,

He actually saw an artifact that could even be frozen in Tier 3, how could this not shock him.

"Tier 3 seeker?_what?"

The seekers are now the goal of the exorcists, but they are all based on the first and second-order seekers. Too many people have not even heard of the second-order seekers, and now they suddenly heard Duan Tiannan mentioned Tier 3 makes everyone stunned.

Many people looked at the meeting again, and the first time they fell on the exchange screen.


"This, this is a divine tool!"

_"Will not be false


"Impossible. If this represents the face of the cult, if it is fake, then the cult has taken down its golden sign.

"How big is the cult? It can even get things out, even appearing as a Daoxian that can be exchanged?"

Seeing the information of the Glacier Rift Sword, there was an uproar on the field, but the first thought of the exorcists was that this was a fake.

But thinking that it was the handwriting of the cult, and felt that it could not be fake, they no longer doubted, looking at the glacier rift sword on it, one by one felt that their hearts were about to jump out.

At that time, the series of numbers behind made them feel powerless.

"This sword is a holy sword. It must be reported to the Pope. This can be used as a treasure of the church."

A blond man looked at the Glacial Rift Sword, his mind was violent, and he secretly decided.

"This sect is so powerful, it seems that we must report this matter to the wise men as soon as possible.

There were also many people who had the same idea. News about the Wang Binghe Rift Sword was passed back, and the various forces saw the report about the Wang Binghe Rift Sword.They were shocked.

The Glacial Rift Sword has directly become a globally recognized artifact.

Even some other continental countries.Envoys were sent to Daxia Country to meet Xia Kang, hoping that through Xia Kang's application, Chen Ye could set up a place in their country that could accept tasks.

After all, it’s not only Yadongtailu that has the vision. Other continents are also suffering from the sudden appearance of strange invaders. If you can get rid of those monsters, you can also increase your strength and gain Treasure, why not do it.

Even Xia Qiyang, president of the Exorcist Guild, personally contacted Tong Zhibo.


Ye, what do you think of our president’s suggestion? As an exorcism club, both the demon pill and the Yin Lingzhu are still very rich

In Chen Ye's villa, Tong Zhibo looked at Chen Ye and asked with a smile.

"Impossible, everything in the cult can only be exchanged through contribution value."

Chen Ye shook his head, even though he was very excited.But he had already linked the Glacier Rift Sword to the exchange system. If he rashly agreed to exchange the demon pill for the party, he would kill himself.

"But our Exorcist Guild has always been an organization that publishes tasks. In the middle, you can get a bonus after the exorcist completes the task.

Yes, but now the cult directly releases all the tasks to the exorcists, we have less commissions, and we have no time to do the tasks for nothing. It is also very difficult for us to do.

Seeing Chen Ye's refusal, Tong Zhibo's face was bitter.

Originally it was just gaining experience points. He didn't think it was anything. Everyone's experience points can only be owned by themselves, but the contribution points are different.That can be exchanged for artifacts. If the exorcist guild can decide whether to release the task to others, they can also ask the exorcist who took the task for some handling fees. The problem is that the people who take the task are already there. It's self-help.

Although they

It is set to enter the Exorcist Guild Hall-you need to pay a little contribution value at a time, but this is only a drop in the bucket. After a day, it is better to go out to do two tasks and get 3.4 contributions.

After Xia Qiyang knew about it, he immediately asked him to come and find Chen Ye, in any case he wanted to benefit from the Exorcism Guild.

Looking at each other, Chen Ye was lost in thought, as if he had forgotten the Exorcist Guild.

Chen Ye knew very well that when he first sent the mission to the Exorcist Guild, he had to use the mission format of the Exorcist Guild, but he had forgotten the interest involved among them. The Exorcist Guild had always had no conflict with him.

Suddenly, on the contrary, he has been helping himself.

Turning his eyes, he seemed to think of something, and looked at Tong Zhibo with a fox-like smile.

"However, I have a deal and I can cooperate with the Exorcism Guild, but let me talk about it first. I am looking at your face, and it has nothing to do with Xia Qiyang."

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