I became a priest in the beginning

I Became a Priest Chapter 245

"The Wind of Saint Healing!"

Take a deep breath, and drink in a low voice with Chen Ye.

I saw a burst of golden energy coming out of Chen Ye's body.

Then a golden ball of light was held up by Chen Ye with both hands.

As the ball of light rose above Chen Ye's head, it began to turn red.

At the same time, a red circle quickly centered on Chen Ye, released from Chen Ye’s feet, and put Zhou

Everyone is covered in it.

Just breathing, the Wu people who had been dangled by the-tone instantly regained their spirits, all alive and well.

"Thank my lord for pity!"

Seeing that both herself and her clansmen recovered, Yao Jin immediately said to Chen Ye in a respectful voice.

"Thank my lord for pity!"

People of the Witch race saw that they wanted to enter here.Without any hesitation, he knelt down,

Nodded again.Replied softly.Chen Ye planned to turn around and take someone away.


People please stay!"

At this time, a young girl stopped Chen Ye, and then came to Chen Ye in fear.

Chen Ye didn't speak, just frowned and looked at each other.

Chen Ye discovered that these young girls were carrying the devilish energy on their bodies, which was obviously a good thing for those evil kings.

"Please take in us too, and we are willing to serve too much for life.

The girl knelt down towards Chen Ye, and the others knelt down quickly.Watching his companions under the devilish abuse 1. In the end, they couldn't support it and turned into a brutal monster.


know.The person in front of them is their only hope.The sacred radiance from Chen Ye's body before can help them suppress the demonic energy in their bodies.

"My lord, they all lost their relatives when we were imprisoned. It was also their secret help, otherwise we would not be killed. We would have starved to death."

Taking a sympathetic look at the girls, Yao Jin hesitated and said to Chen Ye.

Looking at the girls whose devilish energy changes in front of them.Chen Ye frowned and swallowed what he wanted to refuse.Instead, he nodded slightly.

Not because of sympathy for them.It's not because of Yao Jin

Pleading, but because of the peculiar magic in these girls..


246. Stigmata!(1/6)

It's different from the depraved soul infused into Dorchia.

Dorkia had been led by her own depravity and became a demon.

But these girls are not.

They still maintain the rationality they should have. They know what they should do. They are still humans, but they will become bloodthirsty and crazy monsters with the surge of devil energy. If they interfere, they don’t know What kind of effect will appear.

This thought gave Chen Ye a novel feeling, so Chen Ye decided to keep them.

At this time, I don’t know if it’s because of Lingtian

Too many stimuli can lead to too much emotional swings.In the crowd, a young girl suddenly began to tremble

. "help me!"

The devilish energy surged in the girl's body, and wanted to take the opportunity to invade the girl's spirit and control her.

"Ina, yes, I'm going to become those demons."

Seeing that girl's appearance, the others were all nervous, and the headed person couldn't help saying.

While she was speaking, the girl's whole body was attached to the 18 magic qi, and those magic qi began to spread to the girl's head and heart.

Seeing so, other

People can't help covering their eyes, because they have seen so many such situations.Their previous companions all turned into monsters like beasts after this.

At this moment, the girl's face was desperate, seeing the dark purple devilish energy continue to spread to her face.

At this moment, Chen Ye handed over his hand, and at the same time there was a golden crystal in his hand.

"Try breaking this up,"

Looking at the girl, Chen Ye said calmly.

Seeing that the owner of the palm was Chen Ye, the girl's face suddenly

The girl used all her strength in her pain, that golden

The crystal shattered at the sound, turning into countless light spots, and quickly passed through the girl's body.

In the blink of an eye, the girl's body was covered by golden light spots.

It was as if detergent was poured into a pool full of greasy dirt. The devilish energy on the girl's body began to swiftly reduce her legs, constantly being affected by the power of light.

"The devilish energy on Yina is fading!"

Watching the changes in the companion.The other girls were also excited, and some people shouted.

No one dared to blink, everyone looked at the girl named Ina nervously.

Soon, the devilish energy on Ina faded in her

It fades,-disappears without a trace.

"Huh! It's okay!"

Seeing Ina's devilish energy disappeared, the others breathed a sigh of relief. If Ina is okay, then it means that they can also be saved.

However, Chen Ye found that the girl named Yina was still shaking, as if she was afraid of something.

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