I became a priest in the beginning

At the beginning I became a priest. Chapter 246

"what happened?"

Looking at the girl, Chen Ye frowned and asked in a deep voice.

Upon hearing Chen Ye's inquiry, the girl named Yina suddenly trembled, her eyes full of panic and grievance.

"Yes, on the back, there is a strange feeling

The girl was worried and uneasy about the unknown.Said nervously towards Chen Hua.

After that, the girl slowly took off her coat, then turned around, facing Chen Ye from her back.

"Is this?" Chen Ye stared at the girl's back.

"It's the trace left by the devil. We can't get rid of the influence of those demons in our entire life."

With the strange scarlet pattern on the girl's back, all the girls around became nervous.

Hearing those people's words, Chen Ye suddenly said, causing everyone to focus on Cong Yina's body.

"Not the mark of the devil."

Looking at the familiar pattern.Chen Ye looked serious and shook his head lightly.

"On the contrary, it is the'stigmata', the power that the sacred has given her to draw out and hunt demons.

Chen Ye took a deep breath, but he didn't expect that the Demon Transmitter of the female priesthood profession would actually be activated by the power of the devil.

Name: Ina


Gender: Female

Level: 34_

Occupation: Demon Seeker

Look at each other's information.positive

As Chen Ye expected.After gaining the power of light, this Ina's professional Cong Exorcist became a seducer, but because without Chen Wei's permission, she could not learn anything about Wang Tou Demon's profession.

"The power that can hunt down demons?_

Hearing what Chen Ye said, even Yao Jin and the other witches were taken aback.

And those girls opened their eyes wide, looking at Chen Ye in disbelief, and at the same time asked nervously, "Yes, those demons before?"

. "That's right."

Chen Ye nodded, and then continued to look at Ina.


As a member of the Order, I hope you can be loyal to the Order, otherwise, the Order will take back everything given to you.And you will be chased by the cult forever."

Chen Ye said calmly towards Yina.

"Religion? 280 is the sacred church that believes in God of Creation?"

Hear what Chen Ye said.Yina was taken aback, looked at Chen Ye and asked.

"Creation God? Holy Church?"

Chen Ye frowned.My own religious group has never decided what to believe in.

"My lord, the Holy Church is the native religion of the West Continent.

Counting believers, unlike the Order, the Holy Church is only a work used by the ruler of the West Continent to control and fool mankind.

At this time, Yao Jin, who already had some understanding of the West Continent, spoke out and explained to Chen Xing.

"Furthermore, the Holy Church has always declared to the people of the Western Territory that the Holy Order is only a branch of the Holy Church.

After a pause, Yao Jin went on to say that she was very angry at the remarks made by the Holy Church. If it weren't for the demons who had escaped from Cong Hell, she would have gone to the door with Shu Witch Group.

Hearing Yao Jin's words, Chen Ye's eyes were also suddenly-

Cold, if the names are similar, that's fine, but what the other party did was obviously not paying attention to his cult.

"In that case, erase this holy church.

247. Chen Ye's Plan (2/6)

At this moment, the Pope of the Holy Church didn't know that the two cuts he had done had angered Chen Ye and touched the bottom line of the Order.

"Your Majesty, according to what you said, after we announced that purifying the devil is a miracle of our church, believers all went to the church to pray, and there were even many exorcists who donated the demon pills they had obtained in Lingtian. And the Ling Lingzhu.

In the glorious palace, the former bishop in white came to the pope and said excitedly.

Listen to the other party.The pope was not happy.

Because he got a piece of news that Chen Ye, the spokesperson of the Order of East Asia

It seems to have come to the continent of West.

It is Chen Ye or someone from the sect that is likely to destroy the devil.

He worried about what Chen Ye would do when he knew that the church was under the banner of the cult.

"Follow him, the church is also working hard for the survival of mankind. They are all the same organization. If the church really does what they preach. It shouldn't embarrass us, and there is no reason to do something to the church. People will stand on our side.

After hesitating, the pope took a deep breath and defended himself.

He knew that the Order was very strong,

However, no strong organization can be better than the Exorcism Council.

If the members of the cult dare to do anything to them, the earth-sages will not sit idly by.

However, it was impossible for them to know that Chen Ye did not intend to do it himself.

Instead, after summoning the Continent of Chess Cong Yat to protect Yao Jin and the others who preached the sect here, as well as summoning other separated clansmen, they left the scope of the Continent of West.

"Door of hell."

Chen Ye muttered softly, and a huge portal was opened.

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