I became a priest in the beginning

At the beginning I became a priest Chapter 297

Name: Lena

Race, demons

Level: 70

Occupation: Elemental Mage (Lightning Specialization)-Grand Magister

Lena, although she is not tall, she has almost developed her body. She is the only person in the legend who has long orange hair-a person who has reached the supreme level in the PK arena.

The first person has yellow hair all over his head. Don’t tie them into two ponytails. The two white loli dresses, plus the pointed ears on both sides, are very attractive to the uncles on the street.

Name, (cute) ha

Race, demons

Level: 70_

Occupation: Magic Scholar-Magician

Hani's eyes turned smoothly, watching the surrounding curiously, she looked more like an eccentric loli than Lena.

Name: (Shooting Madman) Badistein

Race: human (biba)l

Level: 70

Occupation: The roaming gunman is a gun god

"Baldistan, are you awakened?"

Chen Ye swept around, his surprised eyes fell on the far side

On the thin man with silver-gray hair who was biting a cigarette.

"Yes. 1 Just when my lord you went to the palace, I went to the Yunjin Ruins and completed my awakening.

Hearing Chen Ye's inquiry, Buddistan pinched out the cigarette butt and replied respectfully to Chen Ye.

Buddistan was wearing a somewhat torn blue orange windbreaker, and his trousers were also dusty, which looked a little bit western.

"Can your revolver break the defense of those seekers?"

Chen Ye nodded, and then asked suspiciously.

I'm used to staying here, thinking about the fixed damage of those exorcist's firearms, the attack effect is really horrible.

"My lord, please don’t doubt the strength of a sharpshooter. Guns are the soul of every sharpshooter. Give me a pistol. Even if it’s a god, I can help you.

Budistan was not angry about Chen Ye's suspicion, just smiled and explained seriously to Chen Ye.


Chen Ye remembered that the guy in front of him was the roaming gunner in the DNF that had been summoned, the perfect combination of physical skills and guns, and now he is awakened for the presence of the gun god, using them

In terms of

"Headshot is art!"

"My lord, are we going to set off?"

Seeing Chen Ye's return, Hani on the side immediately asked with excitement, they all had a passion for investigating the king, and she was also curious about the tasks Chen Ye would arrange with them next.

Looking at Hani, Chen Ye nodded. Fortunately, Lin Xue is no longer here, maybe she will be interested in this little Hani's clothes again.

"Ding! Your doll Death Natya kills Death Natya in the Tower of Death, triggering the fate system, doll Death Natya, etc.

The level is increased by five, and the level of Natya who died before the doll is level 65.

At this time, the voice of the system rang from Chen Ye's ears. It was Natya who entered the Tower of Death once again and defeated Natya, the Fateful Death on the 39th floor.

"It's already level 65, she chased it fast."

Chen Ye murmured to himself when he heard the system prompt.

Natya enters the Tower of the Second Death almost every day. During the period, he wins and loses. If he wins, he will increase to five levels.If you lose, you will drop by five levels.Natya has now reached level 65, and it is clear that he wins more and loses less.

I have to say that this is

Chen Ye said it was a good thing. Not only did Natya's strength improve, it also helped Chen Ye save a considerable amount of spiritual power.

"Let's go, target: Westland."

After receiving the system prompt, Chen Ye suddenly stood up and said to everyone.

Originally, he planned to leave a Tier 3 in the Yadong Continent to avoid any accidents.

It seems unnecessary now.According to Natya's state, within a few days, Natya will be able to reach level 70 or even level 75.

The three of them heard Chen Ye’s voice, and immediately stood upright. Their appearance

And it is to fight for Chen Ye, Chen Ye can use them, it is their honor

Soon, the figures of the four left directly from Xia Du.

The first time Chen Ye and the others left, in the mountains outside Xiadu, a traitor from another continent who was hiding outside Xiadu watching the movement here looked cold.

"Chen Ye left Xiadu and headed east, and the target may be the recent sea fog.

The man picked up a communicator.Whispered toward it.

"Are you traitors dare to come and watch me frantically?"

The man's voice

As soon as he landed, a demon-like voice immediately rang behind him.

The traitor was shocked, and quickly looked back and found that it was Chen Ye, and beside Chen Ye, besides the three of Lena, there was a blind old man with a bald head.

"An area of ​​a hundred miles. Any killing intent directed at our lord can't escape the old man's perception.

GSD.'Looking' at the traitor, he spoke word by word in an old voice.

294. The Pretender Appears (1/6)

Three hours later.

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