I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 298

"Please, kill me 1 I beg you, I can tell you everything, please kill me.

The traitor in front of Chen Ye was lying on the ground feebly, without the slightest wound on his body, but his whole body was wet with sweat, and his face was pale and he pleaded towards Chen Ye.

"Where is the stronghold of your traitors now?"

Chen Ye looked at each other calmly.The traitors of more than 60 levels are considered high-end combat power in the Exorcist Council. There is no reason for this guy not to know where their lair is.

"Yes, in the mainland of Chinan.

Super Chen Ye who was a little frightened by the traitor said.It seemed that there was something terrible in Chinan Continent that even he didn't want to think of.

"Chinan Continent?"

Chen Ye was taken aback.I thought that the lair of these traitors would be in the Western Territory, which was originally hidden in Chi Nan Da ~ Lu.

"It seems that Chinan Continent has to go."

Chen Ye said to himself.

"Do you have any other plans-?"

After a pause, Chen Ye continued to ask.

"Yes, but I don’t know. The upper part just told me to monitor the movement here. I really

I don't know, I dare not lie to you!"

The traitor said to Chen Ye nervously, fearing that Chen Ye would continue to torture him, so he added another ten days.

After a glance at the other party, Chen Ye could also understand that the other party did not lie to him, and finally waved his hand.

Buddistan next to him nodded, moved his palm, and quickly pulled out the revolver from his waist.


The traitor was taken aback for a moment, and his pupils suddenly shrank. In his opinion, even the Exorcist Daoxian would not be able to break his body protection spiritual power, and he thought Chen Ye would continue to torture him.

There was a gunshot and the bullet quickly passed through the

The traitor had a good line, and left a blood hole with thick fingers in the center of the traitor’s eyebrows, and the traitor immediately went silent.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host. Your puppet killed the pretender*1, and you gain experience value +1 billion and sacred value +10."

Following the death of the traitor.The system's prompt sounded, but Chen Ye's eyes were condensed.

"pretender?. "

Chen Ye's eyes were surprised, and some weird murmured.

As a priest, he knew exactly what pretender meant.

A product born in the Dark Holy War.Chaos

The product of the ghost god Ozma imposing the'Curse of Blood' on humans.

"Chinan Continent, Black Earth. Those traitors actually colluded with Ozma of Black Earth!"

Chen Ye kept guessing in his heart and quickly deduced an accurate answer

"If this is the case, then the current gathering place of those traitors should also be changed to the black land where Ozma of the Kanan Continent is located.

Chen Ye also quickly deduced the den of those traitors.

"Perhaps they should be called pretenders."

Chen Ye pursed his lower lip and muttered to himself


The original traitor's improvement in power was just an additional ability to absorb choking.

The "curse of blood" imposed by Ozma on the face traitors has inspired their desire for blood, allowing them to absorb other people’s blood during the killing to increase their strength. I’m afraid there were a lot of battles in the previous few days. The pretenders are fishing in troubled waters, and their strengths should all have improved by leaps and bounds.

But what really made Chen Ye cared about was the generous reward that the system had just prompted. The reward he received was even higher than those of the demons, which surprised Chen Ye.

"If this is the case, no wonder those traitors

Of course, I dare to do something to my cult. It must be the instruction of the fellow Ozma. I think that the strength of that fellow should not be worse than that of Polodin."

Chen Ye knows very well that Ozma almost destroyed mankind under Helder’s conspiracy. It was the priest who had obtained the oracle and enlightenment and possessed the power of light that blocked his conspiracy. Now Ozma is making a comeback. Zima hated Wang Chen Ye.

"Fortunately that guy can't leave the black earth. Otherwise, the world will be messed up."

Chen Ye breathed a sigh of relief. Ozmar of Chaos was the same mage as Kazan in the Perus Empire. If he could run around, now

I'm afraid the curse of blood is everywhere.

Most importantly, this guy was once defined as-- _the apostle,

"If even Ozma appears, then it is very likely that other apostles will appear, and it seems that we must accelerate the improvement of the strength of this world.

Thought of Ozma's other: heavy identity.Chen Ye suddenly felt a lot of pressure. After all, not everyone was confined to the black earth as the first apostle like Ozma.

"Would you like to send a group of people in to infuse Ozma with the'Curse of Blood' and then I will get experience?'

Chen Ye's mind

Then remembered a thought.Then eyes-narrowed.

Obviously Chen Ye was moved.

Although let him throw ordinary people or exorcists who have no grievances and no grudges into the black ground and become pretenders and then kill them, he can't do it, but if it is those criminals or thugs who are extremely sinful, Chen Ye will not have the slightest bit. Psychological pressure.

"This plan can be kept. When I look back, let people gather all the executed prisoners from the West and East Asia-Next, the people in the Exorcism Council should also hate me now. Look back and see if I can find a way Get them to the black earth too."

Chen Ye squinted his eyes, Chen Ye at this moment.

It's really like a devil who is always ready to harm people.

As for the surrounding GSD, none of them were surprised by the expression on Wang Chenye's face.No matter what order Chen Ye gave to Dashi, they would not go against the shadow. This was a doll, even a special doll.

"GSD, you will continue to guard the Great Xia Country. Others, follow me to the Western Territory. We will snatch the ghost train by the way."

Depressing all the inspiration first, Chen Ye gave a command to GSD, and then flew out quickly.

The two Loli and Budistan also quickly caught up.

295. Expanded, expanded (2/6)

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