I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 502

"Do you know the road?"

Zhen Na frowned and faced Mengxue's dissatisfaction.

"Of course I know. That's how my sister brought me here, and she told me that after I saw the first man, I would take him to collect this little world."

Mengxue heard Zhen Na's questioning.Suddenly, like a kitten stepped on its tail, he said loudly, but in the end, he became less and less confident.

"Qu you, you believe me, I can help you find the image of the world,"

Mengxue looked at Chen Ye again, as if afraid that he would

He didn't believe in himself, so he pleaded.

"It's okay. Find it slowly. It doesn't matter if you can't find it. Let's go and see if there are no treasures here."

Chen Ye's main purpose was not to be like this world, he just nodded faintly, and then said quietly.


492. Female and Male Lion.

The three of Chen Ye wandered around in the water god's domain, as if they were visiting their own back garden.

Both Chen Ye and Zhen Na came here for the first time.

The last time Mengxue entered the realm of Vulcan was tens of thousands of years ago. Although she vaguely remembered some scenes, it was impossible for her to find her original way.

Suddenly, Zhen Na squatted down.

_"Master, there are many famous people thirty kilometers ahead."

Zhen Na frowned and reported to Chen Ye.

"Let's take a look."

Chen Ye raised his brow. He didn't expect to meet so many people here, and he suddenly became interested.

At the same time, he is also a little curious.I've met a person from Mu Haixing before, and I don't know if the more than one hundred people are also Mu Haixing.

Not long after, the three came to a clearing about the size of a football field. In front of the clearing was a valley.

There were more than one hundred people in front of them. Half of them were stuck in the valley entrance of the valley. They all wore uniform gray attire, with a wolf head embroidered on their sleeves. Obviously these people came from an organization.

In addition, most people have different costumes and appearances, and their faces are a little bit angry.

The arrival of Chen Ye and the three also attracted the attention of those people, but after just a glance, they immediately withdrew their gazes.

In the realm of Vulcan, the gods are generally not easy to come over, but there is no shortage of masters, except for the fact that all the interests are involved, otherwise no one wants to establish an enemy for no reason.

"Sorry, my young master is grabbing beast souls inside. Outsiders can't bother you. Don't worry, everyone, we won't take any of the treasures guarded by the fire beast.

In front of the people who uniformly dress, there is an old man with a kind face

Said toward the young talents from all sides.Although their number is half, but they are not arrogant and unpopular.

As he said, the old man's eyes always inadvertently glanced at the three of Chen Ye.

The sentence just said seemed to be speaking to Chen Ye and the others.

"Master, that person seems to have suppressed the power just like me. I guess he should have also reached the gods.

Zhen Na squinted her eyes and swept across the old man, then leaned over to Chen Ye's ear and whispered.

I don’t know if it was intentional or undoubtedly, the actions of the two are extremely intimate.

Mengxue next to me tried to take them away several times.

Hearing Zhen Na's reminder, Chen Ye raised his eyebrows and cast his eyes on the old man.

Chen Ye looked at the other party, and the other party's information naturally appeared in Chen Ye's eyes.

Name: White Noodles

Race: Yaozu (Nether White Lion)

Gender: male

Level: 103

"Huh?" Looking at the opponent's race information and level, Chen Ye's face suddenly "moved and looked a little surprised.

Level 100 or above should be considered a god worshipped by 10,000 people, but at this time

Hide your evil spirit and dare not rashly attract attention,

"It's also a hidden monster race."

Chen Ye said to himself with great interest.

This word came to Zhen Na's ears, but it made her very surprised.

She didn't expect her owner to be able to see through other people's body.

At the same time, Zhen Na was a little grateful. Fortunately, Chen Ye was not a hypocritical god, otherwise their monster race would really have no place to hide.

In fact, Chen Ye himself didn't expect that after defeating the twelve sages, he would continue to deal with the monster race.

Before, Yaozu was specially for him to upgrade.

Baimian was also constantly beating his heart at this time, and suddenly he felt a strong divine power from his body.

Ability to borrow divine power.Not only must the status be lofty, but the strength must also be close to God.

This made Bai Mian, who was already a monster race, dare not act rashly, for fear that the three people would notice him.

That's why he said the words just now, hoping to draw the other person's gaze to the young master and the fire monster inside...

At this moment, there was a beast in the valley behind the old man

Roar, making the crowd outside more curious about what happened inside.One by one can't wait for a longer neck.




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