I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 503

Immediately afterwards, the earth began to tremble, and a huge figure came out of it.

I saw a huge red lion walking out of the bushes with its feet on flames. The lion's height was nearly one hundred meters high. The huge head and the fangs that grew out of the mouth looked very scary, and there was a strange thing on its eyebrows. Golden symbol,

"White slave, all right. We can go now."


A slightly exhausted voice came from the head of the scarlet lion.

I saw a five or six-year-old girl sitting above, and the girl’s eyebrows also had the same golden rune on the lion’s head.

Hearing the girl's words, the white face of the demon race, who had hidden his identity, immediately drew away respectfully. Chen Ye noticed that although the face of the white face looked respectful.But there was a cold glow in his eyes, as if planning something.

The lion looked at the white face inadvertently, and the two eyes met, as if they had known each other a long time ago.3.4-


Zhen Na let out a suspicion because he felt

Suffer.That lion is also a guy with hidden strength.

"Master." Zhen Na yelled, and before he could speak, she was stopped by Chen Ye.

"It's kind of interesting, it's actually a male and a female, both reached the gods."

Chen Ye looked at the joy of the scarlet flame lion and murmured with a smile.

Name: Chi Yan

Race: Yaozu (flaming lion)

Sex, female

Level: 103

At the first time the flaming lion appeared, its information had already been revealed to Chen Hua.

And after listening to Chen Ye, Zhen Na knew.The two lions want to leave here probably not so easy._

493. Mu Invincible who came out halfway.

While Chen Ye looked at the lion, the lion was also constantly scanning Chen Ye with his spiritual thoughts.

And Zhen Na naturally felt the lion's rude behavior, she wanted to get angry but was suppressed by Chen Ye.

He looked at Chen Ye weirdly.The flame lion didn't ask for trouble either, as if he didn't see Chen Ye and the others, he planned to leave with the girl above his head.

"The blazing lion! I can actually find the remnants of the monster race here!

At this time, two surprise shouts suddenly came from the rear.

Everyone looked back.Found two old men taking a young man on an empty walk


"Walking in the air? Being able to walk in the air in this Vulcan Realm means that at least they are all sub-shens.

A group of people looked at the three people who stepped into the air.Suddenly couldn't help but exclaimed.


Zhen Na stared at the three people as well.

Because she saw that Mu Mu Fang who was supposed to have died was also among them.

Chen Ye and the three of them did not stand with the group of people, and they seemed a little out of place, and 18 that Mu Shifang naturally noticed the three of Chen Ye at first sight.

"Ancestor, there are three people over there. That golden

The woman in the clothes, she is a sub-shen."

Mu Shifang quickly said to Mu Wudi in front of him, looking at Zhen Na with a bit of resentment.

If his ancestors were no longer before.He definitely didn't dare to look at Zhen Na like this, but his god ancestor descended.The face is here to help yourself get revenge.If he was looking forward and backward, he would be a fool.

Hearing Mu Shifang's words, Mu Wudi, headed by the front, glanced at Chen Ye's trio slightly, but didn't care.

At this time, compared to the revenge official of Mu Shifang, he can let him go first. He didn't expect that there was a sub-god-level monster in front of him.

in case

If he can catch and dedicate it to a higher Radiance Moon World, he will definitely be able to obtain great benefits.

In contrast, the little things of the younger generation are not worth mentioning.

"President Yan, protect Fang'er. I'll go and collect the evildoer,"

Mu Wudi waved his hand and motioned to the old man beside him to take Mu Shifang away, while he himself stared at the blazing god lion below.

The red-haired old man next to him heard Mu Wudi's instructions and immediately nodded, leading Mu Tufang towards Chen Ye and the others.

As soon as Mu Shifang landed, he immediately looked at Zhen Na.

Because of his lack of strength, he was chased by Zhen Na with his head in arms. If an ancestor of a god descends, and there is an ancestor servant of the peak of the gods, Mu Shifang is immediately proud of the villain.

Zhen Na had already left an indelible shadow in his heart before, if Zhen Na could not be allowed to surrender today.Mu Tufang's future achievements will definitely be cut off.

The Yan servant also knew this very well, so he took Mu Shifang directly and took the opportunity to eliminate Mu Tufang’s demon,

"Woman, it's not difficult for me to apologize for you, and I will be arrested. When the god of your hope comes, I will beg your ancestors to let you go.

Mu Shifang sneered, his face still elegant and easy-going, but such a person is a poisonous snake who chooses people.

Here, the gray-robed old man and the blazing god lion were also heartbroken when they saw Mu Wudi who suddenly slew out.

Mu Wudi did not conceal the aura on his body. Although he did not release his divine power, the powerful aura far surpassing the sub-shen was enough to prove that he had reached the gods.

"Well, how can a god enter this small world."

The gray-robed old man frowned, his heart could not help but secretly said-sound

But here, Na Mu Wudi has already swooped down directly

Without staying behind, he stretched out his hands and grabbed the palms of a basketball court towards the flaming lion below.

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