I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 532

That's why Chi Yang is so eager to get Mu Wudi's small world.

And he got Mu Wudi's small world, he could also know everything Mu Wudi knew.

Including Mu Wujie's understanding of these people in front of him.

He believed that Mu Wudi was not a reckless person. If something was wrong, Mu Wudi would definitely slip faster than Duan Shanhe.

In his opinion, Mu Wudi is definitely the secret of knowing the secrets of these people in front of him, so that he doesn't even want to run away and have to fight for it.

"What do you think? If you feel at a disadvantage. Just ask your


Chi Yang watched Chen Ye and the others silently.He frowned and continued to speak for a while, his tone was very generous, he had already planned to kill all the other three gods who came with him.

At this time, the other three gods didn't know that they were now Chi Yang's bargaining power with Chen Xie.

The eyes of the three gods looking at God Chiyang were full of doubts. They didn't understand that Mingpeng was a high-ranking god with the backing of the main god. At this time, he would be so polite to these young people in front of him.

Listening to Chiyang God's proposal.Zhen Na's eyes swept away-the three gods beside the Chiyang god in the distance.Then I looked at

Chen Ye.

Although Chi Yang was watching Chen Ye.But Jin Guang was constantly scanning Zhen Na and Chi Yan, looking at the people in front of them as if they were looking forward to Chen Ye.I also have to doubt the identity of Chen Ye.

_ "You mean, if we are willing to call out Mu Wudi's little world, do these three guys' little world belong to me?"

Chen Ye raised his brows and looked at Chi Yang and said in a frivolous tone.

He was a little annoyed deep in his eyes at this moment.Originally, he managed to kill all the five guys in front of him, but because of the idiot's self-righteous tongue, he actually scared one away.

Seeing that a god is missing, Chen Ye is really unhappy

Bi Yi is missing a god, that is, a small world and a considerable amount of experience.

"what? !"

"Boy, what are you talking nonsense?"

"You guy!"

Listening to Chen Ye's words, the three gods blushed in anger, and immediately shouted at Chen Ye.

If you didn't know that Zhen Na is a higher god.They directly killed Chen Ye and went up.

"You and I are smart people. Why should I say so clearly?

White? If your Excellency wants it, don't mention the three of them.Even the small world of Duan Shanhe that just escaped, I can help you find it."

Chi Yang laughed.Said casually to Chen Ye.

It seemed that he was complaining that Chen Ye was talking about Taiming, causing the three gods to resist.But from his own words, it seemed that he didn't pay attention to the gods who came with him at all.

The lower god in the eyes of the upper god.It's like the sub-god in the eyes of the lower gods.The two are not at the same level at all.

So for him, although Duan Shanhe and the others are also gods,

Chi Yang is confident that he can deal with it all.

Of course, this still depends on the main god behind his back.Otherwise, a high-level god like him would not be so arrogant.

Although the upper god is strong.But it was not that the king really regarded the lower gods as ordinary people.

"Little this? Go"

Chiyang's words-one place.The god Yun, who was still filling the eagle with outrage at Chen Ye, turned his face pale with fright.

They never expected that the Red Sun God, who came with them to make trouble for the other side, would in turn use them as a bargaining tool.

At the same time, they also understand why

Will run away in such a hurry.

I am afraid that when the opponent showed the strength of the upper god, the red sun god had already carried the idea of ​​sacrificing them.

The three gods were all startled and angry at once.But he didn't dare to speak out the red sun god.

In their opinion, the Red Sun God shouldn't be like this, maybe this Red Sun God is just to stabilize the other party.Then they launched a sneak attack on (Zhao Zhao's) Fang.

Thinking of this, the three gods-none of them spoke much.

"Really? I not only need their small world, I also solve them by myself.".

Chen Ye

The corner of his mouth raised when he listened.Said to Chi Yang, as if testing Chi Yang's determination.

"This guy." Chen Ye's words passed into the ears of the three gods.They wanted to tear Chen Ye to pieces now.

"no problem."

Just as the three gods were gritting their teeth and looking at Chen Ye, waiting for the Chiyang god to refuse, Chiyang god gave an answer that they could not accept.

At the next moment, one of the gods had no time to react. The Chiyang god had already stretched out his palm, and two of his palms, which were several yards wide, instantly grabbed the god and sent it to Chen Ye._


520. Call of the Lord God.

Suddenly, the three gods didn't even think that Chi Zhu would actually do something to them.

_ "What are you kidding? Chiyang God. We are here together!"

The face of the god who was held in front of Chen Ye by Chi Yang with divine power turned pale.Seeing Chen Ye who was ill-intentioned ahead, the god yelled immediately.

However, God Chiyang didn't pay attention to the nature of the god at all, but looked at Chen Hua calmly.

"How about it, it's brought to you. You can kill him."

Looking at Chen Ye, God Chiyang said unhurriedly


Sacrificing three lower gods who had nothing to do with him, if they could exchange the secrets of the other party, would definitely be a good deal for Chiyang God.

The plain words of the Chiyang God were passed into the ears of the three gods, making the three gods like many ice caves.

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