I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 533

Those words without the slightest emotion are undoubtedly pronouncing the fate of the three gods.

At this time, the hearts of the three gods were trembling, especially the god who was being grasped by the Chiyang god, even more frightened.

As a god, he is a superior existence in any world.290_ They used to think about it again

I die of old age, or die in battle.

But I never thought that I would be killed in such a humble way today.

Listening to Chi Yang's urging, Chen Ye didn't talk nonsense, and directly stretched out his hand.

In the palm of Chen Ye's palm, a red golden light burst out in an instant, and that light carried an incomparable sacred aura, as if to purify all evil and darkness in the world.

Seeing the solemn and sacred breath of Chen Ye, the pupils of the red sun god in the distance shrank. This breath made him feel surrendered, which made him feel instantly.

And the two brothers and sisters, Baimian and Chiyan

The look in Chen Ye's eyes at that time was even more like looking at a stranger.

Just now they knew that Chen Ye had ascended to that extremely evil and degenerate aura, and was even more favored by Twilight Unicorns, and even had the inheritance of true dragons on him.

Now there is such a sacred aura again, which makes Bai Mian and Chi Yang somewhat unacceptable.

If one kind of breath represents a kind of identity, then Chen (biaf) Ye seems to have assembled the characteristics and strengths of countless races.It seems to have won the blessing and inheritance of countless gods.This situation makes the white-faced brothers and sisters feel like they are dreaming.

"Spare, spare!

Seeing that Chen Ye had such a strange aura when he shot, the body of the god who was sent to Chen Ye was shaking.

He could feel the divine power gathered in Chen Ye's hands, obviously.Chen Ye was also a god of enterprise, which made his final confidence dissipate.I can only beg Chen Ye

He is a god, and he still has a long life, which makes him unable to give up everything he has now.

But Chen Ye ignored the enemy's plea.

I saw Chen Ye's palm: a grasp.That sacred light instantly turned into two scarlet spears, which seemed to be surrounded by lightning,

The dangerous breath made the begging god suddenly seem to be strangling his throat.The slightest sound was released.

This is exactly the spear of victory that Chen Ye often uses.

Although it is a low-level skill.However, the power should not be underestimated. As Chen Ye's strength increases, even the ordinary spear of victory can burst out with the power of destroying the world.

Two red rays passed, and the spear shot out of Chen Ye's hand, and quickly stab at the god.

The spear of victory made a ripple in the air.As if dividing the space,

Seeing that the spear of victory was about to pierce the god.

I saw Chi Yang grabbing the god's divine power suddenly dissipated, and unexpectedly pulled the god back again.

The assassination of the spear of victory failed.Shot directly into the earth.

The bottom is the small world of Chi Yan, and even the small world of the upper gods, its hardness is far beyond the ordinary steel.

However, the spear of victory pierced into the ground, as if a sharp blade pierced the tofu, without receiving the slightest barrier, it directly sank into the ground.


At the moment that the spear of victory pierced into his own small world, Chi Yan, the owner of the forbidden area of ​​Vulcan, also felt the spear of victory stabbed.

Area.The divine power was instantly disintegrated too half.

If it weren't for Chen Ye and the previous basic strength is not very high, I am afraid that his small world will be directly pierced by Chen Ye.

Thinking of this, Chi Yan looked at Chen Ye's eyes and changed his name to a bit of worship.

Putting on the sky suit, she is Chen Ye's most loyal servant. If she sees Chen Ye showing the power to make her peers desperate, she is naturally happy for Chen Ye and herself.

It feels like the god of death is passing by.The face of the god who was pulled back was scared.

Then I thought that I was saved by Chiyang God, and then quickly looked at Chiyang


"Thank you Chiyang-sama for your rescue."

The god thanked God Chiyang respectfully, without mentioning the back of the scene he was sent to Chen Hua by the god Chiyang just now.

When the attack failed, Chen Ye raised his head and looked at the Chiyang God of the Beginner, his eyes squinted, and there was divine light in his eyes.

If Tong Zhibo, who is still the Blue Sea Star, saw Chen Ye's expression at this time, they would surely be able to guess it, Chen Ye would have a killer heart in his heart at this time.

At this time, Chiyang God was looking at Chen Ye with a plain face.

"I thought about it, our transaction was cancelled.

Chi Yang said calmly towards Chen Ye.

At this moment Chi Yang seemed to be a different person, and they didn't even have the slightest fear of Chen Ye.

Even, there is a bit more confidence in the words.It seemed to be deciding Chen Ye and their fate.

Looking back at the three gods.At this moment, there was a look of joy, he thought it was the same as they guessed.Chiyang God has been testing Chen Hua and the others from the very beginning.

But then, a passage from God Chiyang thoroughly explained why he did this.

"The Lord God Watching Moon issued an oracle to ask you to meet him with me."

Chiyang God looked at Chen Ye and others.Said unhurriedly.But when he mentioned the main god, his expression was a little more respectful and fanatical.


521. The power of the upper gods.

"What? The call of the Lord God?_"

Hearing the words of the Chiyang God, the three gods behind him suddenly changed their faces, and after looking at each other in amazement, they quickly turned their eyes to the Chiyang God ahead.

Here, the white-faced brothers and sisters are also nervous.A little nervously looked at Chen Ye.

The other party's rebellion was obviously suspected of having a relationship with each other, which shows that the Lord God was also unkind.

However, Chen Ye showed a sneer on this side.

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