I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 534

He doesn't care what the main god is not the god.He is very angry now.

After so long in Blue Sea Star

Yang, let him already have his own arrogance, the other party is already very obvious, it is provoking himself with the majesty of the main god, which makes Chen Ye extremely disgusted.

Judging from the levels of the lower gods and the upper gods, the so-called main god is in his view.It's just a one-hundred-tenth-level guy, let alone an apostle.I'm afraid that the strength of the apostle is not as good as the miscellaneous soldiers.

Chen Ye's eyes stared at the Chiyang God coldly, and the killing intent in his eyes was undisguised.

"What? Do you still want to kill me? Tell you. This is the will of the Lord God. If you dare to go against the Lord Shadow Lord God, you will be suppressed personally."

Aware of Chen Ye's eyes, God Chiyang refused to accept the restraint just now. He didn't expect that the Lord God would suddenly notice him, and he didn't expect that he would issue a supernatural power because of these people in front of him.

Behind him was the support of the Lord God.At this time, Chiyang God was also very confident.Even Zhen Na next to Chen Ye didn't pay attention to it.

He knew that his body was planted by the main god, so he could know everything that happened on his side. Although he didn't like the feeling of being watched, he was able to feel confident in this situation.

"you wanna die."

Listening to the opponent's continuous provocation.Zhen Na finally couldn't help it

, With a low drink, directly stretched out his little world.

Zhen Na's small world has evolved completely based on the profession of elementalist.It is directly-the shadow of a volcano, surrounded by black clouds and thunder.

On the surface of the volcano, a thick layer of frost is attached

An extremely contradictory power in the eyes of ordinary people.Now they are all gathered together.

And there is no sense of violation.

"This... the four-fold attribute rule?"

Feeling the fluctuations emanating from Zhen Na’s small world, the three gods behind Chiyang God suddenly looked

Change, can't help but exclaim.

They have never seen such a weird little world.

And Chiyang God also had his pupils shrunk with a touch of unnatural face.

But it just passed away in a flash,

"Unexpectedly, let the small world integrate multiple attribute rules, greedy more than chew._"

Looking at Zhen Na, God Chiyang said with disdain.

However, Chen Ye and the others felt Zi's deep jealousy in the eyes of God Chiyang.


Zhen Na didn't have time to care if this guy was jealous of herself.

After a cold snort, Zhen Na waved her hand directly, and the sky full of thunder instantly converged on everyone's head.

_ "Boom~!"

With a roar, the huge thunder pillar turned into a blue and white thunder dragon, and quickly whizzed down towards the red sun god below.

The raging thunder is like a flood.Poached the three lower gods and did not dare to move.

"Is this the power of the upper gods? The mere divine power exuding made me feel brave."

The god who had just escaped from the dead felt the most at this time.His eyes widened.Looking incredible at Zhen


Chen Ye also noticed the changes in the expressions of those gods.

Simultaneously.He also felt that Zhen Na was indeed much stronger than when she first met.Before Zhen Na, because of her relationship with the false god who robbed the small world through secret methods, although she reached the level of the upper god, 2 but with defects, she went to the level of the lower god.

Now, I have a small world again.His strength finally reached the level of the upper god.

If I say Zhen Na's state at this time, it can completely kill her the state when she first saw Chen Ye.

"After reaching the God Realm,

Is it a hurdle every five levels?"

Chen Ye frowned and murmured inwardly.

He is now different from when he was at Blue Sea Star.

Every stage and level requires his own exploration. Those gods who are high above will not show Chen Ye their status and strength for no reason.

Even because of the decline of Yaozu.Even Zhen Na and the others don't remember what kind of strength the upper god and main god should have.

Looking at these gods, the thoughts and inspiration in Chen Ye's mind were blasted.

He's not just scrutinizing

The strength of those gods and main gods.

same.He is also considering how big the universe is.

As a traverser from the earth in the 21st century, he remembers the understanding and inferences of the universe of the king on earth.

As mentioned by Zhen Na before, she has also encountered a world where technology exists.This made Chen Ye have a desire to explore this Galaxy.

This is just a starry sky.I don't know how big the universe is beyond the starry sky.

"No, wait for the giant void beast called Xinghe to come back and ask him if there is an end to the starry sky.

Chen Ye shook his head and temporarily left the speculation in his mind behind his head, muttered in a low voice, then raised his head to look forward, the thunder of the god of red sun falling down the stack

, L

522. Defeat Chiyang with one move!

The imposing God Thunder comes from Zhen Na's small world.

At the same time, he is also the skill of Zhen Na’s elementalist profession, Tianlei s

Like the spear of victory used by Chen Ye, the level of opening the sky thunder is not high compared to the level of Zhen Na before.

But this does not mean that the power of skills will be weak.

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