I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 548

The number of main gods is limited, but the jealousy between the main gods and the main gods is worse than those of ordinary gods.

Even, feeling the presence of another main god.

This is also the reason why the moon-watching gods did not take action to suppress Chen Hua.

Now that Chen Ye and the others are being dragged away by other main gods, this makes Guanqi main god's face a little unsightly.

He was very curious about where Chen Ye's things and secrets came from, and he looked at their status.Those secret methods that can improve strength have no strength limit at all

System, so this made him extremely eager to get that secret method.

Even, in its view.If you can get that secret method, you may not necessarily touch the threshold of the Supreme God.

Although the thirteen Supreme God's seats are fixed, the position of the Supreme Dragon God has been vacant for a long time, and countless Lord Gods hope to be able to enter the ranks of the Supreme God with eyesight.

And the secret of the young man he discovered might be the key to his entry into the ranks of the Supreme God.

If it is normal, other gods want to protect the person he wins, he may give up.

But this

Secondly, it is no trivial matter to him, he absolutely does not allow anyone to compete with him.

"No matter who you are, I must find you."

The look of the Lord watching the moon gradually turned cold.Finally, gritted his teeth and spit out a second pack of words.


At this time Chen Ye and the others didn't know that the Moon Watcher God had completely regarded them as their prey.

Chen Xing, who had returned to the blue sea star, did not rush to return to the land.

Instead, he opened his own small world directly in the small world of the Lord God.

As Chen Ye’s small world opened up, the small

The world immediately rebounded, wanting to suppress Chen Ye's small world.

However, when Chen Ye's small world exuded a strange wave, the divine power in that main god's small world instantly disappeared like a mouse saw a cat.

Chen Ye knew that that wave of fluctuations hadn't been there before, so it should be the reward he received just after completing the task, the device that can crystallize divine power after fusing with his own small world.

The divine power in this small world of the main god is hidden.

Chen Ye set his sights on the two gods in his small world.

Chiyang God is trying to use God

Li recovers his wounds, but where others can't see, above the ghost swordsman's world image, the power of ghosts and gods is emitted directly, suppressing the recovery of the red sun god.

"Mountain you, you finally appeared. Why do you have the power of the dead world in your body 2. Are you a spy from the dead world? !"

When the Chiyang God saw Chen Ye appear, his face suddenly changed (Zhao's), and he pointed at Chen Ye and said in fear.

If it was because of Chen Ye's force that made him feel terrified before, then now he is terribly scared of Chen Ye's identity.

"Dead World?."

Listen to the other party.Chen Ye was taken aback.It seemed a little surprised.

Zhen Na and others next to her were also unclear. So obviously they didn't know what the dead world meant.

On the contrary, it was Mengxue, who was originally blushing and following Chen Ye's side, her whole body was shocked, she looked at Chen Ye's back in a daze while her face was still pale.

"What is the dead world?"

Chen Ye frowned and said to the Chiyang God, it was the first time he heard of this name.

But Chen Ye's performance fell into the eyes of the Chiyang God, but it was as if he was pretending to be stupid.


535. Terror of the dead.

"No wonder you have this

Chiyang God changed the panic before

At this time, God Chiyang faced Chen Ye, feeling.

"Well 2 what is going on in this dead world?

In the state of Chiyang God, Lu Ye frowned

Then Chen Xing glanced at the three of Zhen Na.

"What about you 2 do you know what this death penalty is?"

Chen Ye frowned and asked at the three of them

But it was destined to disappoint Chen Ye.

Facing Chen Ye's inquiry room.Zhen Ma and the three of them can also hear

None of the three are clear.It's Laobian's Mengxue.

"Drink 2 Mengxue, you know?"

Chen 263 noticed Mengxue's face.Changes.Then uttered intercession.

The three of Zhen Xi heard Chen Ye's words.Suddenly it's like returning to curiosity treasure

"You. Are you really from the dead world?"

Mengxue hesitated, and asked Chen Ye with some uncertainty.

Obviously, she knew the dead world. And it seemed.-

In response to Yu Mengzhi's inquiry, Chen Wei turned the white league.Then he shrugged.


Am I like?" Chen Ye turned back towards Mengxue

The Weiyang god of Tianguan County was still Mengxue's attitude towards the dead world at this time.What kind of place is it that can make the gods so depressive?

"No, the Nujia believes in her husband."

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