I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 549

Like Chen Ye's can.Mengxue smiled, then nodded.Seriously.

.The husband did not say. He is not from the dead world."

I believe Chen Ye’s Mengxue hasn’t forgotten to speak to the red sun god

"Say it quickly

Chen Ye left

The value of the chef to Chen Hua

.Chu Liang also retracted his gaze from Zou Yangming.Back to time

"Dead World,

"Living inside,

Mengxue's face

...Which one? Such words.Those should be friends rented by our dead relatives,

Listen to Mengxue's explanation.

Chi Yan and Zhen Na

He is a character from Blue Sea Star, just take himself as a female


God Chiyang looked at Bai Mian coldly and said.

Regardless of whether Chen Ye has anything to do with the dead world.

You guy.Do you want to die?"

Hear the words of God Chiyang.The white-faced complexion is so pumping.Can't help but eat coldly.

"He was right."

At this moment, Meng Xuegui suddenly took the call.Let Baimian have given up on himself."

"They don’t want to go back to May 8 all the time. Under the sun of -, they slowly merge into the dead world. They will never be born again in the fifth stage, and even the heart of the world cannot be pregnant again. Finally at 5.

Mengxue had a meal every word.I was very excited and even a

"I once saw a video saved by my sister.Yes, Manran will become

Puppet temperature.Even Duming can’t choose one

After a pause, Mengxue continued.

Upon hearing this, Chen Ye frowned.

Because Mengzhi said that the 2 is extremely stupid, the blue starfish used to build a virtual energy.

Invade with gas.Being able to let ordinary people directly talk about their actions has gone.

The earth soul inhales a lot of Ming Qi.It can also become a demon.

So I heard what Mengzhi said.It gave Chen Ye a hint of new straightness.

Even though he heard that even the gods can’t escape, he still picks them up.

In this way, anti

But Chen Ye looked forward to it.

Know better.His Holy Light attribute absolutely suppressed all evil black sleeping creatures.

It can cause multiple damage to those monsters and ghosts of Jade.

If you can encounter the invasion of the dead.So for Chen Dui

Of course, before that.Chenbu still has to look first.I can

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536. Divine power crystallization!

Chen Ye saw that the western god's eyes changed.

Zhen Na didn't feel much about them.But the two gods naturally felt it too.

"What do you want?"

He noticed that Chen Zeyu Lu pointed to a fiery sense of God.Chi resistance reacted clearly."Of course some of the most popular

And the lower god was also a little uneasy at this time.

Sir, I didn't do anything.They forced me to come.I didn't want to talk to adults

The lower god didn't care about the dignity of any gods at this time, and he just prayed nervously towards Chen Ye.

If he shot Chen Ye, then he deserved it.

But he has come now.Don't talk about it. From the very beginning, she has been subjected to various prisoners and prestige.

At this time, the lower god can be said to have suffering and no place to fall.Japan hopes Chen Ye can let him go.

But who is Chen Di.If the other party really didn't do anything.Chen Ye might still be happy.

Tongue, I'm afraid it is him who begged for mercy.

What's more, it has a divine power source transformation device.He is even more reluctant to let go of these gods.

I saw Chen Zuotuan and felt the power

How to use the original conversion device.Last year

Under Chen Ye's gaze, the lower god trembled.Silence immediately.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Ye stretched out his hand and gently two points towards the other


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