I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 550

Chen Ye's small world immediately trembled.

At the same time, Yashan, who was being bloodletted in Chen Pai's small world, discovered the movement of the distant empty country.

"What's wrong with that guy's small world? Why has it been turbulent recently"

Yashan raised his head.Some strange whispered.

But no one can

Enough to answer him.

I don’t know if it’s because Chen Dui’s level has increased and he has opened up more professional Stars.

The sages of Blue Sea Star were not as high as theirs.

In front of Chen Ye.

The solid body of the lower god seemed to prop up the invisible power of Gonggu.The next god held up gently.

And the eyes of the lower god.From panic to confusion.

Then there was horror, and finally fear.

"My supernatural power! Even death. What are you doing?

1My favorite source is interesting"

The lower god felt the rapid loss of the original source in his body.

Different from the consumption trapped in the small world of others.The face is to give him a feeling of being turned away.

Just ordered a set.The next god's eyes condensed again."After the value, it fell dull.

From which crystal exudes extremely pure fire attribute supernatural power.

The divine power crystal appeared.It immediately attracted the attention of Chiyang God.

With the red crystals exuding strong interest and supernatural power, the God of Red Sun felt incredible.

He can

Feel.The huge energy contained in that crystal.If given to a demigod.Absolutely become a god.

To know,

The extracted divine power of Taiyuan can help other gods or demigods to be promoted, but if this is directly depriving others of divine power.

The man in front of him did it.Mianqi directly crystallized the supernatural power after leaving.

This shows that the person before the alliance can force the power from the gods.Cong and large-scale to carry out this principle of God.

Thought of this.God Chiyang only felt his excited heart jumped out.

It is excitement, but panic.

He believes that it is not just him, if such news is released.I'm afraid it will attract countless gods like him.

The gods have always been close so that they can live in peace.All because there is not much interest involved.

If Chen Ji's ability to crystallize the divine power of others and use it as his own, it would be shed.

When the time comes, the gods will see that there will be an unquenchable battle.

Those gods who are happy to use their own power to advance to the hopeless will never be kind to other gods.


, The source of the divine power of the next god has been stripped away.

And three red crystals formed in front of it.

Those two crystals are exuding a strong divine power.Even the God of Chiyang couldn't help but be moved.

However, the face of the lower god was pale at this time.Looking at the divine power crystal in the sky with a long complexion.


Lower god

Looking at the next god, I feel it.

Bao Ran the lower god cell snarled.Shuangsui evil raccoon attacked Chen Ye.Can't wait to swallow the Chen surname alive.

To this.


The golden light flashed by,

"Dumb L go

537. Burning Star Treasury!

After solving the lower god, Chen Ye's experience value has been increased by two more.

After another glance at the three red diamond-shaped divine power crystals floating in the sky, the corners of his mouth suddenly rose.

At this time, Chen Ye seemed to have discovered a new way to get rich, and he was happy again.

Finally, Chen Ye focused his gaze on the Chiyang God.

The Chiyang God originally saw that the lower god died like this, and he was still a little sad, but when Chen Ye looked over, he noticed Chen Bi's weird eyes, which made him suddenly startled.

He suddenly reacted, and he followed that

Like a god, Chen Ye is now a captive tiger.

Thinking of the fate of the next god just now.God Chiyang's heart twitched.

"You, what do you want for?!"

The Chiyang God looked at Chen Ye in horror, "Si Jiu Tu" He would rather die than look at the back of the field where his original divine power was deprived of 1.22.

"What do you say?,

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