I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 584

A prince and a princess.Won't shake the whole evil

"No, I have one here."

Princess Tai turned around and came to the cabinet.

It really is part of the Millennium War

"This suit is demon to us

I didn't get any effect and was given away by me, haha."Yana went to the decoration without any adjustments. I have one here. The other one is with my brother, and one more.

Give it away?_

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565. Kill two demons and get enchanted orbs

-[Priest System]

Name: Chen Ye

Race: Terran

Level: Level 100

Profession, arbitrator of justice.The thinker, the true dragon star, the judge of the end.

HP: 3 billion_

Spirit, 3 billion_

Note: Due to the absorption of the golden holy spring, the power of light increases and the base value doubles.

Skills, proficient in four skills of priests

Weapon, the cross of hell pioneers.The sky comes to an end.

Fangxian, three-piece suit of the Millennium War, three-piece touch

The effect is increased by two for the skill of one sleep, and fifteen for the enhancement of attributes, which increases the damage by two percent.

Holy Mall points: 500 points.

Prestige mall points: 0 points.

Note: To obtain prestige points, you need to complete local prestige tasks.Sacred points, you need to kill monsters to get points.

Attribute enhancement is an important attribute. For example, the skill of the Devil May Cry class is a dark attribute, so the higher his attribute enhancement, the more objective the damage caused when the skill is activated.

Chen Ye's power of light is light attribute.The Millennium War set has bonuses to attributes and is a very impressive set of equipment.

And it also increases the skill level of a sensation, which undoubtedly makes Chen Ye even more powerful.

Even more powerful also said that according to the damage it hits, it once again increased the damage by 2%.It is really scary, this is still a three-piece attribute.

As the suit is not yet completeChen Ye couldn't see the 840 effect of the five-piece suit. He didn't know that if the five-piece suit was put together, it would be so powerful!

Just now Princess Cong got the three-piece suit, and she couldn't wait to put it on.

After Chen Ye’s interrogation, the remaining two suits were from the Emperor Spear, and the other was given to Roye by the princess.

Shi's son is also the man who pursues Yana.

Chen Ye looked jokingly: _ "It's just that the enemy doesn't meet together. In the end, I have to look for this Roye!"

Princess Tai looked at Chen Ye pitifully, "I have told you everything I know, what do you want to do to me.

Chen Ye's power of light is the nemesis of demon's power, relying on Chen Ye's current power.With the handworm's sky ending the cross, it can completely kill the princess in seconds.

Therefore, the princess was in front of Chen Ye.He speaks very cautiously.

Chen Ye provoked the princess's delicate chin:

"It's really beautiful. It's a shame to kill the monster."

"You, what do you want?" The princess stepped back a few steps, her face flushed.

The corner of Chen Ye's mouth raised: "I want you to help me deal with your people.

The princess is of pure demon blood.Chen Ye asked the eldest princess to deal with his people, which was completely impossible.

Sure enough, the princess sneered: "You still kill me

At this time, Chen Ye’s mind heard the voice of Qi Ling

Enchanting orbs are enchanted on equipment and can enhance equipment

The attribute of is very rare, and generally can only be dropped on certain demons.

Since the princess would rather die, Chen Ye, in an attitude of cutting the grass and rooting out, burst out a golden glow from the earthen frame in his hand, turning the princess into fly ash on the spot.


Two white rays of light flashed in place.Chen Ye knelt down and picked up the two pill-like objects on the ground.

"Congratulations, master, for obtaining the Orb of the Princess of the Western Regions, which can be enchanted on the weapon. After enchanting, the attributes will be increased by 20 points.

The excited voice echoed in Chen Bi's mind

But how do you enchant this orb on the equipment? Chen Ye studied for a long time and couldn't operate it. Qi Ling replied: "Epic-level orbs require top enchanters to enchant them on weapons."

Top enchanter? Where can Chen Ye find a top enchanter?

I'm afraid I can only go to Yueya Mountain, there must be there.

In desperation, Chen Ye had to collect this precious orb first.

Leaving the princess's room, Chen Ye walked to the residence of Prince Chen Ye.

Yana had already left the imperial city at this time.Be quiet outside

Waiting for Chen Ye's news, the prince (bjfij) was drinking tea, looking very relaxed and comfortable.

When the prince looked up and saw Chen Ye swaying in, his pupils shrank sharply.

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