I became a priest in the beginning

At the beginning I became a priest. Chapter 585

At this time, Chen Ye did not change his face.

"Okay, there is a way to heaven. You don't want to go. Hell has no way. You can vote on your own. Just as I am in the Western Regions Palace, it's not your home?" The prince grinned.

With a sneer on his face, Chen Ye threw two pieces of broken clothes on the ground from behind.

The prince saw the clothes on the ground.The look was stunned.

"What do you do to my eldest sister


"Naturally killed."

Chen Ye replied calmly, as if obliterating an ant at will: "You are looking for my troubles and want to kill me. I will come by myself now. I want to see what you can do to me."

Chen Ye took out the character frame of the curtain-closing scholar in the sky.That powerful breath caused the prince to change in an instant.

"The sky is over!" The prince called out.

Chen Ye didn't give the prince any chance to fight back. He was extremely fast, deceiving him, and the light of the earthen character frame in his hand soared!

At the same time, Chen Ye has instantly imposed

With BUFE, the power of light has skyrocketed, and the effect of Chen Ye’s BUFF increase is terrifying.”

The cross turned into a golden sledgehammer, and it pressed down against the prince's head.


The prince let out a heartbreaking scream.However, Chen Ye couldn't stop the power of the light, the prince turned into flying ash during the Golden Festival!

Facing Chen Ye, neither the eldest princess nor the prince had the slightest power to parry, and one shot would kill in an instant!

"Wang! Congratulations on obtaining the Western Region Demon Prince Orb, which can be enchanted to Fang County, with attributes

Strengthen plus 20!"

Another enchanted orb was dropped.Chen Ye was so surprised that he picked up the orbs and put them away. These orbs found the master of enchantment in the future.Let them attach to their equipment.Can bring extremely strong synergy.

At the same time killed the prince.The fourth part of the Thousand-Year War set is also dropped!

Now that Chen Ye has four of the thousand-year-old suits, it is not difficult to find Roye again and collect the five-piece suit!

At this moment, there was a strong breath outside, Chen Ye turned around and looked around, only to see a tall old man wrapped in a black robe, slowly walking in, his whole body

It was enveloped in a black atmosphere.

Demon Caesar!

The strongest demon in the Western Regions is now standing in front of Chen Ye!

"Kill my children."

In his own territory, both his son and daughter were killed. At this time, Caesar was like a demon falling into the abyss, trying to bite Chen Ye's bones to pieces!

"I want you to pay for it!"


566. The Old Man in the Snow, the Dark Church

With a roar that stunned the soul, Caesar rushed towards Chen Ye. The speed was hard to see with the naked eye!

Chen Ye frowned and immediately applied a shield to himself. Caesar's attack fell on Chen Ye's shield, and it shattered instantly, and the powerful force did not dissipate!

Chen Ye's eyes widened, and he quickly moved back, but Caesar was extremely fast, far above Chen Ye!


Chen Ye hit Caesar's hand and slammed heavily against the wall. His strong staying power directly shook the entire enterprise palace almost collapsed!


Ashamed of the strongest Western Regions

The name of the devil!

Chen Ye got up with difficulty, immediately gave himself the rest of his life, and his blood volume was full in an instant.

Chen Ye was short of blood-skin just now, and was killed in seconds!

If he had not absorbed the power of Jin Quan to face this Caesar, Chen Ye would have died just now!

Chen Ye still has a big gap with such powerful demons.

"Caesar, sooner or later I will punish all of you demons."

"The weather is not small, but I want to see what you can do! Come out!"

Caesar snorted, a dark light

Mang flew into Caesar's body, and at the same time Caesar's power soared to a terrifying level!

The original blood volume of trillions, 2 reached a trillion in an instant!

Stand not far away.It is z priestesses wearing black clothes. It is this priestess who imposes BUFE on Caesar. The priestess of the demon race is similar to the existence of the thinker 1

At the same time, Chen Ye also felt that the surrounding space was closed}

In order to prevent Chen Ye from escaping, Caesar blocked the space for the first time!

Chen Ye was in it with confidence.After all, I’ve already prepared the transfer scrolls on my body, things about the Western Regions

It's almost done.Chen Ye also had no need to stay here.

The teleportation scroll is exchanged from the sacred mall and will not be subject to any restrictions, so Chen Ye has no fear in the face of the extremely powerful Caesar.

"Goodbye, Caesar. I believe that our reunion day will not be too long, when the time comes. I will make you a mess.

Chen Ye smiled, his figure turned into a group of white light.Instantly disappeared in place.

Caesar saw that Chen Ye couldn't be trapped by his blockade, and he was so angry that he screamed from the sky.The tyrannical aura spread wildly around, and the original gorgeous palace was rushing

Knocked down and instantly turned into rubble.

The white light gradually dissipated.Using the teleportation scroll, Chen Ye was teleported to an unknown forest. The surroundings were quiet, and the screams of wild beasts could be heard from time to time.

There is fine snow in the sky, and the temperature here is very cold.

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