The store manager was in a bad mood that day.

Everything seems to be a very unusual mixture of artifacts bought from hunters fishing for ancient ruins.

Karon, who was mopping up what the customer had thrown up in the corner of the shop, didn't want to hear it, but their conversation popped into his ear.

Even though I don't like the sound of the store manager's dumb voice, Karon's excellent hearing catches the sound even if he doesn't like it. The more alcohol is put in, the louder the voice becomes, so I feel bad.

Around the shop manager, there were regular customers gathered around, and the shop manager looked at the loot spread out on the central table with interest.

Magic stones, gems, precious metals, some magic equipment. There's one thing I've never seen in a lot of places like that.

It was an egg-shaped stone the size of Karon's face, shining rainbow like an opal.

It seems to be such a precious item, and it is placed on a small red cushion.

"This bright colour gloss. Such a precious beast must be sealed up."

One of the surrounding guests exclaims.

"Yeah, I've never seen anything like it. How much does it cost to compete?"

Another regular customer is depressed. The manager looked at it with satisfaction.

Judging from the conversation between the customer and the store manager, it looks like a magic stone with a Magic Beast seal.

Even so, it seems that the technology to seal the Magic Beast on the Magic Stone itself was lost a long time ago, and it was sealed hundreds or thousands of years ago.

In other words, it is possible that the extinct beast is sealed in modern times, so it will be traded at a high price.

Moreover, magic stones are shining in rainbow color.

This appeared to be sealed with a very powerful beast, and the store manager was proud of it.

I don't know how to solve the seal, and when I solved it, such an ancient beast was extremely dangerous, so I said I would trade as a magic stone. It seems to be an item that tickles the pride of such owners, such as being able to boast just by holding it, or attracting strong luck.

"Maybe it's dragon class."

"If it's an extinct dragon, how much is it worth? No, you're romantic. This is what the nobles want."

The store manager shook his stomach and laughed with satisfaction.

"That's right. As a matter of fact, the Earls of the Virginian Empire have also spoken. Next time, I'm going to see you. I'm just wondering how much to put on right now."

Oh, and the voice of exclamation leaks from the surroundings.

It was Caron who was cleaning the floor while looking at it from afar, but the floor was finally clean. Push the mop into the bucket and stretch your tired hips.

At that time, I saw Clinston in a table seat nearby.

I started talking to him a little bit since the day he applied the wound medicine.

It was rough enough to have a conversation, but I still felt that the days that just waited for my death were a little better.

The guest who was drinking with Clinston on his lap stood up and walked here with his hand pulled. Behind Karon is a staircase leading upstairs. I suppose you're going up there.

Clinston looked rather gloomy, so it seemed to be quite popular with customers. I've never seen it veterinated before.

Karon strayed aside with the handle of the bucket and made way for them. In the meantime, I will support you in your heart ~.

Well, I was about to go to the back entrance to wash the mop.

Suddenly, a blinking flash rushed through the store.


It's like I don't know what happened.

That must have been the case with all the people in the store.

For a moment, the screams of the women who said, "I'm late."

The customers in the store rushed towards the door to the outside at once. A panicked customer bumps into the table. The chair was kicked out.

In the middle of the shop, only the store manager stood up with a stunned look.

In front of him is an egg-shaped magic stone that says the beast is sealed.

(... what is that?)

The magic stone was sitting on the cushion and spinning.


And while making strange noises, he was spinning at high speed and emitting light.

"Ah... ah..."

The store manager was amazingly hardened, but was drawn away from the egg-shaped magic stone by one of the employees.

Just like that, the Magic Stone's rotation speed slowed down and finally stopped. And then...


A small noise broke the magic stone like an egg.

Between those cracks, a white thing blows out.

It was a giant wing. Dextrously folded, pure white, huge enough to reach the ceiling.

Each feather seemed to be pale with light.

"What is that?! Is it some kind of beast!?

I can hear the manager screaming.

"I don't know! I've never seen a beast like this before...."

The employee who pulled the store manager was screaming back.

The tightly folded wings of Sole were pure white giant birds with several layers of wings.

Suddenly, people who were trying to escape in surprise were attracted to their divine appearance and stopped their feet.

Karon just stood up and looked at the beast as if it were inhaled.

I couldn't let go of my eyes.

Yellow pimples and red eyes.

The eyes looked terribly inorganic at the store. Move slowly.

"You're crazy."

The beast said so with an uncontrolled voice.

It was as tall as soprano, but still echoing in the bottom of my belly.

"Oh, what are you! A kind of dragon!?

The store manager screams.

"I can see the wolves.

Human yo-yo

Increasingly Orocaninataka "

When a giant bird spreads its wings tightly and wings one, there is a fierce wind in the store.



Screams rose everywhere. The chairs and dishes were lifted up like they were in the middle of a whirlwind, and they flew around the shop as they became cloudy.

Karon crouches on the floor with his head in his arms. Something hit my back hard and unexpectedly moaned, but it shielded me from other things.

How long has it been? Maybe it was enough, maybe it was just for a moment.

The wind chip that covered the area stopped wiping.

Karon probably raised his face. The man on his back was an employee. I can't feel it moving, whether it's dead or fainted.

When I push it down, I look around. And the surprise hardened too much.

The walls and ceilings were completely blown away. The upstairs part also disappeared completely, and a yellowish sky of dust was visible.

There were tables, chairs, and people all rolling around, noblemen and slaves alike. There are moans everywhere.

But in the middle of the room was the giant bird.

No, because the shackles of the ceiling are gone. It is obviously bigger than before.

A giant bird about the size of a mountain spread its wings to stretch. There are six wings in total.

I'm sure if God really existed, he would look like this.

Looking up at the god's misfortune, Karon wondered why.

The giant bird folds the stretched feathers again and looks at the surrounding misery with glassy eyes.

"I am Jiz.

[]/(n) emptiness/emptiness/

Monolithic. "

The tragedy had just begun.

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