Karon sat down as if he had fallen out, and his eyes were still blinded by his divine misfortunes.

And the giant bird of Ziz took his name, and said unto himself, A thing that reigneth in the sky.

The giant bird's gaze finally rose. Behind the red eyes was a cage of beasts. The wall blew up, so I could see it from here.

"Aytuha Mada Wake up Tehaoranuyodana

Walleno Jurisdiction Dehanaiga Sicata Alumi "

When he murmurs, Jiz wings only one of the six wings.

With that little movement, Jiz destroyed all the cages in an instant. It was too early to see what had been done, but the cage was cut with sharp cuts like a giant clam.

"Human yo-yo.

Minu Uchini for a while

Zubunt's arrogance.

The cage was smashed to pieces, but the beasts trapped inside didn't seem to be hurt. The beasts looked around and wondered what had happened, but when they realized that the cage was broken, it was time to escape the cage and run away scattered.

And when they saw it, all the men in the store, and all the men that could move, began to flee.

This beast is different from a normal beast. Humans are no match for us.

Yes, instinct sounds alarm.

But Jiz didn't seem to panic, and slowly spread out six wings.

"Shosen, we have nothing to lose."

Along with the words, there was a white whirlwind around the jizz. The whirlwind itself was quickly fixed, but something white popped out of it and flew in all directions.

The white thing wrapped around the feet of the fleeing people. As soon as I get caught up, my feet turn white and I can't move.

"No, what is this!!


There were screams everywhere.

Karon was no exception. I wondered if something like a white wind had stuck to my feet, but my feet were completely immobile. There is no sensation from the knee to the top to the tip of the nail, and the skin becomes white.

Touch it and it's surprisingly cold. It looks like ice. It may have been frozen.

For what?

I soon understood the reason.

Because Jiz stretched out his neck and sucked up a man who couldn't move.

"Wow, ahhhh."

The man clasped his hands with fear, but Jiz looked up and swallowed the man who fell to his throat with his mouth wide open.

Soon she sucked up another woman and swallowed it lightly.

Jiz took humans one after the other.

Only then did this place turn into a feeding ground for that giant bird.

(Ah... I see. Do I end up here?)

Humans are eaten one after the other in front of their eyes.

Guests, women, employees, children in the same situation. They are all swallowed up one by one.

Karon looked at it blurrily.

I can't move my legs so I can't escape.

Even fear seemed to have frozen.

(I don't care....)

Because in the first place, it didn't mean anything to me to live. It doesn't matter if it's over here. It was such a strange cold feeling.

The only hope was that the last moment would be as little pain and suffering as possible.

But then...

Feeling the warmth of a tingling senseless foot, Karon drops his eyes on his feet.


Someday, there was something red on my feet.

Red lizard. Salamander pit.

But the redness is a little less than usual.

Apparently, when the building was blown up, the fireplace cage broke and ran away.

The feeling returns rapidly from where the pit is touching. My white feet were completely back.

In contrast, the pit color changed even more dark.

It's as if Pitt is sucking the cold air out of his feet frozen by jizz.

Someone grabs the pit.

When I raised my face, I saw Criston in front of me.

As he carefully wrapped his pit in cloth, he took Karon's hand and whispered in his ear.

"Pitt wants to help you, too. We can walk. Let's get out of here."

Indeed, my feet, which had not moved at all until now, started to move.

Karon nods small, takes his hand and stands up.

Then Jiz ran out into an upward-facing gap trying to suck one of his employees.

But it wasn't that sweet.

"Nampito and Nigashihasenu"

Jiz turned to us with his inorganic eyes, abandoning his employees. A sharp thunderbolt approached their backs.

When they were about to be sucked together by the big tick, something passed over their heads at high speed and hit them between their eyebrows.


Jiz screamed and pulled his neck in.

Looking back, a deep and elongated sword (Rapier) was stuck between Jiz's eyebrows.

"Shit. I wish I'd stepped in a little sooner. I didn't expect you to wake him up like this. What is it, this stupid big bird?"

A woman walked up to Karon and Clinston, despised to be stupid.

A bright red shortcut woman dressed in Knights clothing. She stared sharply at the jizz with burning red eyes like her hair, holding Rapier in both hands.

As she passed by them, she confronted Jiz to cover Karon's back. And he kept looking away from Jiz and shouted as he turned his back on us.

"Run as far away as you can! Run!"

When did you get here? There were many carriages and cavalry surrounding the shop. There is a large cannon on the carriage carrier.

With the signal of the red-haired woman, the cannon sprayed fire at once.

In the meantime, Karon and Criston grabbed hands and ran desperately with their feet about to get caught.

The place where the shop was located was completely like a battlefield.

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