When Yu Die heard this, her face turned pale. She didn't know who could be so cruel.

Lin Feng paused, and then continued: "To be honest, it is not difficult to treat this disease, but it is very difficult to detect it with ordinary medical equipment."

"Don't worry, I'm sure to help you cure this disease."

When Yudie heard this, she felt a little relieved.

"But please allow me to ask, when did you get diagnosed with heart disease? Based on this, I want to infer how many years this toxin has been accumulated in your body, so as to better eliminate this toxin."

Yudie was stunned for a moment, thought hard, and then said uncertainly: "I don't know too well. I have been suffering from heart disease since I can remember."

Lin Feng's face darkened.

The original work didn't explain much about Yu Die's illness, but now after asking her in detail, I'm afraid Yu Die's illness is not that simple.

"Let me tell you something. In fact, I have discovered something is wrong just now. When I saw you yesterday, your condition was a little better than it is now, and the poison content in your body was also a little lower than today, although the difference is not big. But I can clearly feel it.”

"You'd better think about what you've eaten recently, what you've drunk, and who wants to harm you."

"Otherwise, even if I help you completely remove the poison today, when the day comes, this person may lose his patience and poison you to death in one breath."

Hearing this, a chill flashed through Yudie's heart.

How could Yudie not know who she had come into contact with in just one day, what she had eaten, and who else could be with her every day besides her mother?

Yudie didn't understand why her mother wanted to hurt her. Did she do something wrong to make her unhappy?

Tears were already filling Yudie's eyes.

"I will help you remove some of the toxins first so that others will not notice. In addition, I will give you a life-saving pill. When you feel that your heart is extremely uncomfortable, take it first to save your life."

Yudie nodded.

"Okay, thank you."

As Yu Die lay on the bed, Lin Feng began to give Yu Die acupuncture to draw out the toxins.

This process is extremely painful.

An hour later.

Yudie was sweating profusely, and so was Lin Feng.

When pulling out the needle, Lin Feng twisted the needle carefully and couldn't help but marvel when he saw the dark toxin on the tip of the needle.

Lin Feng didn't dare to think about it, fearing that Yudie's heart might have become dark.

"Okay, let's do this for now. Just wait a moment for the life-saving pill. I'll get some medicinal ingredients to make for you." Lin Feng put the needle away to prevent Yudie from seeing it.

In fact, the life-saving pill that Lin Feng made was a quick detoxification pill.

However, this elixir has certain side effects, so don't use it lightly unless absolutely necessary.

A quarter of an hour later, Lin Feng put the elixir in a small brocade box and handed it to Yudie.

Lin Feng warned: "Don't take this medicine unless it is a last resort."

"Okay, I understand, thank you!"

"If I have the chance, I will repay you." After saying that, he turned around and left. Listening to Yu Die's words, Lin Feng always had a bad feeling in his heart.

When Yu Die returned home and saw her mother who had prepared a table of rice, she suddenly felt nauseated, but Yu Die still smiled and sat down next to her mother.

"Mom, what did you cook today? It tastes really good!" Yudie looked like an innocent child.

Mother Feather smiled slightly, with a bit of kindness in her eyes.

"My dear daughter, sit down quickly. Mother has made your favorite steamed mandarin fish for you today."

"It smells so good! Thank you, Mom!" Yu Die took the dish and put it into his mouth, making his cheeks bulge.

"Mom, the food you cook is still so delicious." Yudie had a happy smile on her face.

Mother Yu looked at Yu Die kindly and elegantly ate the green vegetables next to her.

After a long time, Yudie suddenly put down the bowl.

"Mom, I have always wanted to ask you a question."

"If you have anything to say to Xiaodie, you can't wait until after dinner. Eat quickly!" Mother Yu still had a faint smile on her face.

Yudie raised her eyes to look at Mother Yu, with a bit of strangeness in her eyes.

Yu Die thought about many possibilities along the way, but they were all rejected by herself. She wanted to believe her mother, but since she came in, her mother's behavior had become strange in a series of ways that she had never noticed before.

"Mom, when was my heart disease discovered?"

Hearing this question, Mother Feather was stunned for a moment.

"Die'er, what's wrong? Why do you suddenly ask like this?" Yu's mother had a forced smile on her face.

Yudie smiled slightly, "It's okay, Mom, I just want to ask you, just tell me!"

Mother Feather stammered: "I can't remember exactly when, it was probably when I was one year old!"

"Really? But why did I ask my grandfather and my grandfather told me that he discovered it when he was three years old?"

On her way here just now, Yudie called her grandpa to ask.

When Yudie was young, her father died in a car accident. Her mother raised her alone, and her grandparents rarely saw each other, but that didn't mean there was no contact.

Mother Yu was slightly startled when she heard this, and her expression suddenly became a little scary.

"Yudie, you have to know that the only person in the world who loves you most is my mother. Don't listen to other people's slanders. You have to believe in mother!"

"As for how old you were when you were diagnosed with heart disease, your grandparents are older and there will be times when they can't remember accurately. You have to trust your mother."

Seeing Yu's mother's panic, Yu Die did not continue the topic, but instead began to test Yu's mother, "Mom, I went to the hospital for a review today. A new doctor came to the hospital. He told me that this may not be the case. It was a heart attack, but poisoning. I immediately cursed the doctor and ran out."

"Mom, do you think what this doctor said is ridiculous? Really? How could the heart disease I've had since childhood be caused by poisoning?" Yu Die said with a smile, looking relaxed.

The mother of feathers next to her was obviously not as relaxed as Yudie, with her eyes wide open.

"Who asked you to go to the doctor by yourself? Didn't I tell you that you need me to accompany you when you go to the doctor? What if something happens to you halfway? Why are you such a disobedient child?" Mother Yu's expression gradually turned crazy. stand up.

"I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable with my heart, so I went to the hospital for a checkup."

"Mom, why are you so nervous?"

Mother Feather's expression became flustered, and then she pretended to be calm.

"I'm not, your mom, I'm just worried about you."

Yudie nodded, "I still know."

"Besides, can my biological mother still harm me?" Yu Die's words stirred up huge waves in Yu's mother's heart.

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