I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 132 The world of nothingness

But Feather Mother is still relatively calm on the surface.

"You silly girl, what are you talking about? Hurry up and eat. The food won't taste good if it gets cold!"

Feather Mother urged.

Yudie smiled sweetly, "Mom, I know, you can eat it too!"

Yu Die gave the fish meat to Mother Yu, who shook her head and said, "I don't like fish, so you can eat it."

As expected, Yu Mu took the fish meat back as usual.

Yu Die looked down at the rice in the bowl and said nothing.

Mother Yu stared at Yudie with a pair of eyes, revealing a bit of viciousness.

It seems that this little prodigal hoof has discovered something, and he can’t keep it any longer!

After Lin Fei gave Yu Die acupuncture, his physical strength was a bit exhausted. He lay on the bed and entered the world of nothingness as soon as he closed his eyes.

Lin Feng looked around and saw a vast expanse of white surrounding him.

"what happened?"

The sound of the system sounded around.

"Because the host is too tired, it enters the world of nothingness. The host can rest in this world, and the recovery of physical strength will also be accelerated."

"Are you so stupid?" Lin Feng didn't expect that there would be such an unexpected surprise.

Only half an hour had passed since Lin Feng woke up again. Previously, it took him a day and a night to recover after such a huge physical exertion. Now, it only takes half an hour to return to normal.


Lin Feng couldn't help but give the system a thumbs up.

Lin Feng looked at the time and it seemed that he still had time to go to the company today.

Lin Feng drove a Rolls-Royce to the Lin Group headquarters.

As soon as Lin Feng entered the company, he attracted a lot of people's attention.

"Hello, Master Lin!"

"Master Lin, good afternoon!"

Facing everyone's greetings, Lin Feng just nodded lightly.

Soon, Lin Feng reached the top floor.

Lin Feng in the original work is an uneducated and unskilled lothario. Apart from spending money to pick up girls, he spends money to pick up girls. He has nothing else to do all day long, let alone come to the company.

Therefore, people in the company were actually quite surprised when they saw Lin Fenglai.

"Master Lin, you are here! Are you here to see Director Lin? He is having a meeting inside."

A middle-aged man with a fat body, gray hair, and bright eyes walked towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at the man in front of him carefully.

If his guess was correct, the man in front of him should be Xie Hong, Lin Jianfei's most capable assistant in the Lin Group.

This man is cunning and fickle, but resourceful. In the novel, he is also a major assistant who helps Ye Tian completely overthrow the Lin Group.

Lin Feng suddenly became alert.

"It's okay, I'll just go in and listen, and I'll study on the way!" Lin Feng was about to walk into the conference room, but Xie Hong hurriedly stopped him.

"Master Lin, it's useless for you to go inside. The meetings are all about business knowledge. You will feel bored inside. Why don't you wait outside for Director Lin? Director Lin will come out soon."

"If you are in a hurry for money, I will give you some first. Don't disturb Director Lin's meeting."

As Xie Hong spoke, he began to take out his cards.

Lin Feng frowned, slightly unhappy.

"Did I say I came here to ask for money? Uncle Xie, are you insulting me with money?"

Lin Feng's words really surprised Xie Hong.

You must know that in the original work, Lin Feng rarely came to the company, and even when he came to the company, he always asked Director Lin for money. If Director Lin doesn't pay, he will make a fuss in the company.

Xie Hong looked at Lin Feng and felt that Lin Feng seemed to be a different person.

"I was rude. I wonder why Master Lin came to see Director Lin?"

"It doesn't matter!"

When Xie Hong heard Lin Feng say these two sentences, he immediately felt something was different about Lin Feng.

Lin Feng had never spoken so seriously before, but now he seemed like a completely different person.

"I'm just looking for a job. You don't have to be too nervous. I'm going in now to listen and learn." After saying this, Lin Feng walked towards the conference room.

Xie Hong was shocked by Lin Feng's words. When he realized what he said, Lin Feng had already entered the conference room.

Xie Hong also hurriedly followed.

Lin Jianfei was listening to other people's performance reports and was about to fall asleep out of boredom. When he saw Lin Feng coming, his eyes widened.

"Lin Feng?"

"Be good!"

Lin Jianfei rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

Lin Feng pulled up a chair and sat next to Lin Jianfei.

Lin Jianfei whispered: "You brat, why are you in the company?"

Lin Feng also whispered: "Dad, have you forgotten what I told you yesterday? We have to fight for our dreams now."


"So I'm looking for a job. Dad, please arrange a good job for me." Lin Feng chuckled, and Lin Jianfei immediately knew what Lin Feng meant.

His son was not raised in vain!

Lin Feng knew that according to the settings of the protagonists in the novel, he should work hard step by step from the bottom, but he was a rich second generation! Why should he start from the bottom?

Besides, Lin Feng has been at the bottom of the real world for so many years, hasn’t he done enough?

"Ahem!" Lin Jianfei suddenly said, and everyone immediately fell silent.

"Everyone saw today that my son Lin Feng came to the company."

"Lin Feng actually came to the company, so he needs to be assigned a position. I think the position of general manager of the sales department is good. Let Lin Feng work first. If he doesn't do well, he will be dismissed."

"The original general manager was transferred to the real estate department and continued to be the sales manager."

Lin Jianfei made the final decision without giving anyone a chance to refute.

Everyone present was neither blind nor stupid. How could they not know what Lin Jianfei's true purpose was?

It seems that Lin Jianfei trained Lin Feng as the heir to the Lin Group.

Everyone's eyes turned to Xie Hong.

Xie Hong's expression did not change, he smiled and congratulated: "Congratulations, the young master of the Lin family has also come to work in the company. If you don't understand anything about work in the future, feel free to ask me."

"Then I'll thank Uncle Xie first."

What Lin Feng said was also very appropriate, making it impossible for anyone to find anything wrong with him.

"Master Lin, you are so polite!"

Lin Jianfei corrected him dissatisfied: "Young Master Lin, this is our General Manager Lin."

"Come on, everyone applaud and let General Manager Lin deliver his inaugural speech."

Hearing this, Lin Feng couldn't help but glared at Lin Jianfei fiercely.

What Lin Feng hated most since he was little was giving speeches. No matter how I feel, the most I can say is happy or sad.

But now, the arrow is on the string and must be fired.

Lin Feng stood up and faced everyone.

"Hello everyone, my name is Lin Feng. I believe everyone is familiar with me..."

...Ten thousand words are omitted here...

"That's all I want to say. From now on, I, Lin Feng, will definitely work hard to lead the Lin family to prosperity, worthy of my father and everyone's love for me!"

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