I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 133 Targeting Xie Hong

After Lin Feng finished speaking, everyone present applauded Lin Feng from the bottom of their hearts.

None of them expected that Young Master Lin, who was originally arrogant, domineering and ignorant, would now grow into such a handsome and talented person.

Xie Hong's hands under the table were tightly clenched.

He originally thought that the Lin Group would be his own sooner or later, but he didn't expect that Lin Feng would appear halfway.

It seemed that he had to take some extraordinary measures.

When everyone calmed down, Lin Jianfei continued: "By the way, there is something else I want to tell you."

"Originally I planned to talk about it in a few days, but Lin Feng happened to come to the company today, so I will tell the matter today."

"As everyone knows, I am getting older and I can't do too much in the company. It has always been Xie Hong who helps me manage the company. Xie Hong must be very tired both physically and mentally. So, I asked my son Lin Feng to do the same for me. My heir, he will act as my agent for a period of time, so that I can cultivate myself and regain my strength.”

"Do you have any opinions on this matter?"

Lin Jianfei scanned the audience with a pair of eagle eyes.

No opinion, that's impossible.

"Isn't it bad for the agency to let such a stupid kid be an agent?" a small shareholder said.

"That's right. After all, Lin Feng doesn't have much experience in managing a company. He must not be able to manage the company very well. It's better to let Director Xie assist Young Master Lin!"

"Yes, after all, Master Lin has just arrived at the company and is not familiar with the company's situation."

The major shareholders, small shareholders and some senior executives present had different opinions.

However, as the largest shareholder, Lin Jianfei still has a decisive vote.

"Everyone, be quiet and listen to me."

As soon as Lin Jianfei spoke, everyone present fell silent.

Lin Jianfei looked at Xie Hong with a smile, "Director Xie, although you have relatively few shares, you manage a lot of companies. You must have a lot of experience in managing our Lin Group."

Xie Hong smiled slightly and said, "Director Lin, you have thanked me!"

Xie Hong thought to himself, you are so old that you can't live without me?


As soon as he heard the word "but", Xie Hong suddenly felt that he was not well, and so did everyone present.

"Everyone must have noticed that the company's development has been stagnant in the past few years. Of course, this has something to do with me, but it also confirms from the side that the management methods of our older generation have fallen behind, and we need to let young people take over. Only by managing the company and injecting new blood can the company become bigger, stronger and develop better."

"But please don't worry, I will only give Lin Feng one month. This month will allow me to take a break, and it will also be a training for him. After one month, no matter what Lin Feng does, this company's The rights will still return to everyone and me."

Lin Jianfei had already said what he said, and it was hard for others to refute.

Xie Hong was the first to speak out: "Director Lin is right, let's just play with Master Lin for a while, and then we can play house!"

Seeing this, other small shareholders, major shareholders and senior executives said nothing more and all agreed with Xie Hong.

"Okay, then just listen to Director Lin."

"We agreed not to go back on our word for one month!"

"Director Lin, we look forward to your return!"

"Master Lin, come on!"

Lin Feng listened to the inner and outer meanings of these people's words with a hint of ridicule and a look at a good show.

However, these people probably wouldn't have thought that this Lin Feng was not that Lin Feng, and that they would be in a better position after Lin Jianfei left.

"Okay, since everyone agrees, I'll go home and rest first!" Lin Jianfei patted Lin Feng on the shoulder, "Lin Feng, you have to work hard and don't let us all live up to our expectations!"

After Lin Jianfei finished speaking, he couldn't wait to leave.

Seeing Lin Jianfei leaving, everyone else stood up and prepared to leave.

Lin Feng stood up suddenly.

"Everyone, stop here and don't leave." Lin Feng glanced at everyone.

Everyone turned around and looked at Lin Feng in surprise, not understanding what Lin Feng was selling now.

"I am the acting director now. I hope you all can sit down and don't annoy me." There was no trace of a joke in Lin Feng's eyes.

Everyone laughed when they saw Lin Feng's serious look, and then everyone sat down and prepared to play house with Lin Feng for a while.

Lin Feng had been looking at everyone since he came in just now, and he had a certain understanding of everyone's temperament.

"I hope you can take what I'm about to say seriously, because it concerns the fate of each of you."

Everyone looked at each other, thinking that this little baby was playing quite seriously.

Xie Hong said with a smile: "Master Lin, if you have anything to say, just say it quickly. Everyone has other work at hand to be busy with!"

Lin Feng looked at Xie Hong coldly, "Dr. Xie, please call me Director Lin, or your general manager. Don't call me young master!"

Xie Hong couldn't see a trace of joking in Lin Feng's eyes, which even made people feel fearful.

"Okay, General Manager Lin."

Lin Feng turned his head away and said slowly: "My father is old and can no longer manage the company. As a result, many people in the company are secretly entangled, and corruption is extremely serious."

"Since I am standing here today, I must thoroughly investigate this trend."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

I originally thought that Lin Jianfei sent Lin Feng here to play, but I didn't expect that he had other plans.

"Don't be too nervous. After all, if you have never done anything like this, you won't feel guilty. If you are like that kind of person with evil intentions, you may be trembling with fear by now!"

Lin Feng turned his gaze to Xie Hong coldly, which shocked Xie Hong and made him tremble a few times.

"I advise everyone to stay calm. I will secretly send a few people to investigate all of you. We will see you at the next shareholders' meeting."

After saying that, Lin Feng turned and left.

Everyone looked at each other, and they began to whisper.

"It seems that Lin Feng is not as simple as before."

"Just talk about that old fox Lin Jianfei, how can he trust his son to be the acting chairman?"

"I didn't expect that I still have this hand!"

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, I, Lao Zhu, act and sit upright, but I have never done anything unscrupulous. I'll leave first."

Xie Hong sat there blankly.

Only he knows best what he has done, and he also understands that Lin Feng is probably targeting him this time.

Lin Feng sat in his father's office, thinking about everything.

Lin Feng deeply understood that if he wanted to change the tragic fate of the Lin Group, it was essential to get rid of Xie Hong. After all, Xie Hong also played a vital role in the original work.

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