I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 134 Goodbye Protagonist

However, one should not act too quickly and concentrate on dealing with the Zhang Group.

There has been no movement from the Zhang Group yet.

Lin Feng plans to slowly deal with the bugs in the company first, so that the company can better develop and grow, so as to fight against the Zhang Group, or even devour him!


Lin Feng's cell phone rang. Lin Feng picked up the phone and saw that it was Mr. Wang.

"Hey, little brother!"

"Mr. Wang, what's the wind blowing today? You actually remembered to call me!"

"You little kid, what are you talking about?"

"I can tell you that the month you opened it last time, I had the famous craftsman carve the Jade Guanyin. Do you want to come over and take a look?"

"If you come over, help me see the other treasures by the way!"

Lin Feng couldn't refuse. After all, in order to deal with Ye Tian, ​​he still had to find ways to build a good relationship with Mr. Wang.

"Okay, Mr. Wang, I'll be there soon!"

After Lin Feng hung up the phone, he looked at Lin Jianfei's secretary, Xiao Liu.

"Secretary Liu, you must have heard the contents of the previous meeting."

"Now you should secretly find a few people in the company to investigate corruption and other matters. Don't blame me for not reminding you that the key person to be investigated is Xie Hong!"

"Okay, Director Lin!" Secretary Liu said.

Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction, "I still have a dinner party here. You can help me keep an eye on it in the company. If you need anything, call me."

"Okay, Director Lin!"

"I'm leaving."

The reason why Lin Feng believed in Secretary Liu so much was because he had read it in the novel and knew that Secretary Liu was loyal to Lin Jianfei.

After Ye Tian acquired the company, Secretary Liu did not follow Xie Hong, but chose to resign and work in another city.

Wang family.

Lin Feng looked at the antique door in front of him and thought that older people have really unique tastes.

Just as Lin Feng was about to knock on the door, Mr. Wang opened the door from the inside and welcomed Lin Feng.

"Hey! Little brother is here, come in quickly! I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Let me tell you, as soon as you called me, I rushed over without stopping, without even a moment's delay." Lin Feng said with a smile.

Mr. Wang shook his head helplessly, "I understand, come and take a look at my Jade Guanyin. The craftsmanship of the carver is really good."

Lin Feng followed Mr. Wang into the house and saw a lifelike Jade Guanyin in the center of the room.

Not to mention just a quick glance, Lin Feng could tell that this jade Guanyin was worth 50 million.

Of course, this is also due to his golden clairvoyance.

Lin Feng praised: "This master's craftsmanship is really good. The carved jade Guanyin is lifelike. From a distance, it seems as if there is a real Guanyin sitting there."

Mr. Wang nodded appreciatively, "Yes, I found this master specially."

"Okay, let's sit down and drink some tea. We'll wait for the other guests to come and eat together later."

Mr. Wang invited Lin Feng to take a seat.

"Are there any other guests?" Lin Feng looked at Mr. Wang in surprise.

Mr. Wang nodded, with a mysterious smile on his face.

"You'll know who it is in a moment. Sit down and drink some tea first!"

Lin Feng saw that Mr. Wang didn't say anything, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Mr. Wang showed Lin Feng his tea skills and placed the brewed tea in front of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took a sip of the aroma of the tea, then took a sip to taste it.

"Yes, Mr. Wang is really good at his craftsmanship!"

"You boy, you are really good at talking."

Lin Feng chuckled and said, "Mr. Wang, you came to me today just to let me see Guanyin from a distance! Is there nothing else for me to see?"

These words completely touched Mr. Wang's inner thoughts.

"You are so shrewd!" Mr. Wang scolded with a smile.


Mr. Wang continued: "A friend of mine said that he met a treasure appreciating wizard and brought him over to let me get to know him. I thought that you were also a treasure appraising wizard, so I recommended it to him. He said that he would let you two Let’s compete to see who has the better ability to identify treasures.”

"No, they will be here in a while."

Mr. Wang lowered his head and looked at his pocket watch.

Just when Lin Feng wanted to continue asking, the doorbell rang.

Mr. Wang stood up hurriedly, but did not go to the door to greet him like before.

Lin Feng stood up and turned around to see an extremely familiar person.

The person in front of him was clearly Zhang Feng, and the young man behind him was naturally Ye Tian.

Mr. Wang was slightly surprised when he saw Ye Tian. He still had some memories of this young man.

Zhang Feng and Ye Tian naturally noticed Lin Feng and were slightly stunned, but soon returned to normal.

"Old Wang, you didn't even say to pick me up, you are really unjust!" Zhang Feng said with a smile as he walked away.

"This is not your first time, you old boy. Do you still need me to go out to pick you up? Sit down quickly, let's all chat, and by the way, you can try my craft again!" Mr. Wang took care of Zhang Feng enthusiastically.

After Zhang Feng sat down, he began to introduce Ye Tian to Mr. Wang.

"This is the little brother I met a few days ago. He has certain attainments in medicine and treasure appraisal!"

"I remember that you like collecting treasures, so I brought him here."

Mr. Wang nodded, not feeling much new about Ye Tian.

Mr. Wang also introduced Lin Feng to the two of them.

"This is Lin Feng, the eldest son of the Lin family. Unfortunately, Lin Feng is also a prodigy in treasure appraisal. Why don't we just do what we said on the phone and let the two of them compete?"

Mr. Wang’s words go straight to the point.

Seeing this, Lin Feng and Ye Tian stood up knowingly.

Mr. Wang pointed at the jade Guanyin.

"You two, look at this Jade Guanyin!"

The two set their sights on Jade Guanyin.

Mr. Wang poured tea for Zhang Feng calmly.

"Lao Zhang, drink some tea and don't be nervous."

Zhang Feng laughed loudly, "Why should I be nervous? But Lao Wang, please be careful!"

"What kind of bet should we make this time?" Zhang Feng narrowed his eyes, as if he was bound to win this time.

The same is true for Mr. Wang.

"Let's take that Jade Guanyin as a bet! As soon as you came in, I noticed that you, an old boy, have been staring at the Jade Guanyin without even turning your eyes."

"Hey, Lao Wang, you know me, ah, when I win, I will accept it without any courtesy!"

Mr. Wang said disdainfully: "Let's wait until you win first!"

Ye Tian naturally recognized the jadeite used for this Jade Guanyin, which was the one that was sold at the Stone Gambling Market that day.

Now after such careful work, the value has increased several times.

"In my opinion, this Jade Guanyin is worth at least 50 million!" Ye Tian said firmly.

Everyone looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng frowned, "Mr. Ye is right, this Jade Guanyin is worth at least tens of millions, but if there is such a crack, it may only be worth ten to twenty million."

"Isn't this stone the stone that was dug that day?"

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