Zheng Xiao raised his head, looked at Li Wen, hesitated for a while, and then said: "Don't regret it if I tell you."

Li Wen looked at Zheng Xiao in surprise, "I have nothing to regret. Why don't you tell me what happened?"

"Just now, the company has launched a new welfare system. Salaries and bonuses have been increased by 10% respectively. For those who perform well, they will be increased by 50%!"

"Fortunately, I hesitated at that time, otherwise I wouldn't have encountered such a good welfare system."

Zheng Xiao happily muttered to himself, already starting to calculate his salary in his mind.

Li Wen next to him had a very ugly face. Even if he tried hard to hide it, he couldn't hide it.

Originally, when he came out today, he wanted to persuade Zheng Xiao to resign and go work for Zhang Group.

Now it seems that he feels like a clown.

I feel infinite regret!

Lin Feng's reforms quickly reached Zhang Feng's ears.

Zhang Feng was a little unbelievable that Lin Feng actually directly increased employees' wages by 10%, as well as bonuses.

This person is crazy!

In this way, the salary level of Lin Group will be much higher than the salary level in other places, so there will definitely be many people who want to work there.

Ye Tian heard from the side and was also surprised.

"Mr. Zhang, what on earth is Lin Feng doing?"

"You don't have to worry about it, you don't understand this anyway!" Zhang Feng said impatiently.

Ye Tian's expression froze and he said nothing more.

"I've been suffering from back pain recently. Come over and give me a couple of injections to clear up my blood vessels." Zhang Feng lay on the sofa and asked Ye Tian to give him an injection.

Ye Tian's face turned grim.


"I said your skills are quite good. Every time you take a photo for me, I feel refreshed and my energy is much better." Zhang Feng praised.

Ye Tian smiled slightly, "Really? Then I will give you a few more injections if I have nothing to do in the future."

"After all, you work hard and need to relax."

Ye Tian stared at the back of Zhang Feng's head, unable to see a trace of a smile.

Help you relax?


It’s almost enough to help you meet the Lord of Hell!

A month passed quickly.

Under Lin Feng's management, the Lin Group became prosperous and everything was in order.

Lin Feng thought that Lin Jianfei was coming back. Who knew that when he went to pick up the plane, Lin Jianfei called him directly.

"Baby! Your dad can't come back for a while. I really feel uncomfortable when I get on a plane. You should look after the company first! If it doesn't work, I will just transfer the company to your name!"

Lin Feng's face was gloomy, "Dad, are you not planning to come back?"

Lin Jianfei obviously paused for a moment, then smiled and said: "Hey, son, what are you talking about?"

"How could I leave such a big company to be managed by you alone? Your father and I are not that kind of person."

"Hey, hey, hey! Oops, the signal here is a bit bad, I'll hang up first."

After saying that, Lin Jianfei hung up the phone without giving Lin Feng time to react.

Lin Feng looked at the phone dumbfounded.

This old guy must have gone somewhere to have a good time.

Lin Feng shook his head, turned back to the company, and told everyone the news that Lin Jianfei would not be back soon.

The crowd howled.

They thought that if Lin Jianfei came back, they would be able to change the system back, but they didn't expect that now Lin Jianfei wouldn't even come back at all.

It seems that Lin Jianfei passed down a company to Lin Feng.

After the previous incidents, these senior executives and shareholders all knew that they could not offend Lin Feng again, otherwise they would only be the ones to suffer.

One day, Lin Feng was immersed in work.

Secretary Liu knocked on the door and came in.

"Mr. Lin, someone from Zhang's Group wants to discuss business with us."

If Secretary Liu didn't tell him something, Lin Feng would almost forget that Lin Group and Zhang Group still had business relationships.

"Okay, I understand, please invite people in!"

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he stood up, took out the fine tea leaves, and brewed the tea.

"Mr. Lin!" Zhang Feng's voice rang in Lin Feng's ears.

Lin Feng looked up. He didn't expect that Zhang Feng came in person and brought Ye Tian with him.

At this time, Ye Tian was no longer as high-spirited as before, and there was a bit more sinisterness in his eyebrows, a bit like a villain.

"Hello, Director Zhang! I didn't expect you to come in person!" Lin Feng hurriedly called Zhang Feng and Ye Tian to take their seats.

Zhang Feng laughed loudly, "What? Don't you still welcome me?"

Lin Feng shook his head hurriedly and said: "No! No!"

Is there any reason not to do door-to-door business?

Although Lin Feng wanted to deal with the Zhang Group, he also understood that he should not act too hastily.

Everything should be done slowly.

Boil the frog in warm water.

"I don't know what kind of business Director Zhang came to visit this time?"

Zhang Feng nodded to Ye Tian next to him, and Ye Tian hurriedly took out a document.

Above is the development plan for Chengxi Resort.

I have been eyeing this place for a long time, but I have never found a suitable opportunity to take action. Unexpectedly, Zhang Feng came directly to the door with a project.

"Mr. Lin, look at this case, can you do it?"

"If you can do it, we will gain 30 to 70 cents by then."

Lin Feng looked up at Zhang Feng.

"Who three?"

A trace of imperceptible embarrassment flashed across Zhang Feng's face.

"Mr. Lin, you may not know that your Lin Group has always been a contractor. All you have to do is work hard. As for the procedures and other matters, our Zhang Group does it. It costs a lot of money. It's useless." Naturally, there is a lot of effort involved.”

"So! You know." When Zhang Feng said this, he already understood very clearly. If Lin Feng continued to pretend not to know, he would be unable to say anything.

"Okay, I understand!" Lin Feng threw the case on the table.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Feng looked at Lin Feng in surprise.

Lin Feng sneered: "Don't you understand, Mr. Zhang?"

"Or do you really think our Lin Group is a fool?"

"Mr. Lin, what do you mean by this?" Zhang Feng's face gradually turned ugly.

Lin Feng continued as if he couldn't see it, "I'm sure what I said was not clear enough."

"Director Zhang, to be honest, we have been following this case for a long time. We, Lin, know the rules and regulations here much better than you."

"Besides, this case is on my territory. Isn't it easier for me to go through the formalities than it is for you?"

"I feel there is no need to talk between us."

Zhang Feng's face was blue with anger at this time.

"you you……"

With a "wow" sound, Zhang Feng spit out a mouthful of blood.

Lin Feng was so frightened that he hid back twice, thinking that it wouldn't be the case!

I just said a few words, and this old guy was so angry that he vomited blood?

I remember that Zhang Feng was in good health, but he shouldn’t be!

Lin Feng thought of this, looked at Ye Tian who was not worried next to him, and realized something was wrong.

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