I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 145 Zhang Feng is poisoned

Lin Feng hurriedly activated his golden clairvoyance eye to observe Zhang Feng's physical condition and found that it was very pessimistic.

There was a black energy flowing in Zhang Feng's body.

If his guess was correct, Zhang Feng should have been poisoned. As for the person who poisoned him, it was obviously Ye Tian.

What was the reason for Ye Tian to do this?

Lin Feng couldn't think of it for a moment. After all, Ye Tian was now weak and he needed to rely on Zhang Feng to survive better.

Now that he is doing this, he is simply ruining his own way of survival!

Zhang Feng became even more angry when he saw Lin Feng not saying anything for a long time.

So, Zhang Feng stood up from the chair fiercely and sneered: "I didn't expect Lin Jianfei and Director Lin's son to be so arrogant and arrogant. It's just like the rumors. It seems that I, Zhang, have reached a higher level!"

After saying that, Zhang Feng left angrily. Ye Tian followed Zhang Feng and gave Lin Feng a meaningful look.

Lin Feng met Ye Tian's eyes and felt fear in his heart.

Suddenly, Lin Feng realized that this Ye Tian must be seeking power and usurping the throne!

No, Ye Tian must not be allowed to succeed, otherwise he will be even more difficult to deal with in the future.

Lin Feng must find a way to stop Ye Tian from murdering Zhang Feng.

But since then, he has indirectly saved his enemy, what should he do? Lin Feng was caught in a tangle.

Suddenly, Lin Feng had an idea and came up with a great idea.

Lin Feng called Lin Jianfei and asked Lin Jianfei to find a way to make an appointment with Zhang Feng alone, saying that he had something important to discuss.

Lin Jianfei was surprised, but he didn't ask any more questions.

Zhang Feng received a call from Lin Jianfei and thought that Lin Jianfei wanted to apologize for his son, so he agreed to Lin Jianfei's request.

Zhang Feng arrived at the agreed place, only to find that Lin Feng was the only one there.

Zhang Feng turned around and was about to leave. Lin Feng hurriedly stepped forward to catch up with Zhang Feng.

"Director Zhang, why are you so stingy and don't even want to say a word to me?"

Zhang Feng sneered, "Mr. Lin, don't you take Zhang's Group seriously?"

Lin Feng chuckled, "I didn't mean that. This is all your own imagination."

"But I have something that is definitely interesting to you. If you don't sit down and listen, you will regret it."

Zhang Feng turned to look at Lin Feng in surprise, "Why do you say that?"

Lin Feng smiled mysteriously, "If Director Zhang is curious, then come into the box with me! I will tell you everything exactly."

Zhang Feng looked at Lin Feng's back and hesitated. After all, Lin Feng's attitude towards him was not good before, and he was even a little bit against himself.

But what Lin Feng said just now made him very curious.

After thinking about it, Zhang Feng decided to follow Lin Feng into the box. After all, Lin Feng would not dare to do anything to him.

The two of them entered the box, and Lin Feng pulled out a chair for Zhang Feng in a very gentlemanly manner.

"Director Zhang, please take a seat!"

Seeing this, Zhang Feng knew that Lin Feng must have something to ask of him this time, otherwise he wouldn't be so polite to him.

A mere brat still wants to go against me. Now that he is in trouble, why should he find himself and beg for mercy and admit his mistake?

Thinking of this, Zhang Feng suddenly became proud.

But he never expected that the next plot would not develop in the direction he imagined.

Lin Feng took a sip of tea and said calmly: "Director Zhang, your time is running out!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Feng was immediately stunned.

He never expected that Lin Feng would curse himself to death when he opened his mouth.

Zhang Feng was furious.

"Lin Feng, what do you mean by this?"

"Although there has been a little friction between us, there is no need for you to curse me to death!"

"I, Zhang Feng, believe that I have never felt sorry for you Lin and his son."

Lin Feng was not too surprised when he saw Zhang Feng's angry look. This was completely expected.

"Director Zhang, you don't have to be so angry. If you listen to what I have to say, you will agree with me very much!"

"You agree with me! Get out of here! From now on, my Zhang Group and your Lin Group are at odds with each other!"

Zhang Feng stood up angrily and prepared to leave.

Lin Feng remained calm and continued to say calmly: "Mr. Zhang, haven't you recently been feeling tight in the chest, short of breath, agitated, and unable to exert your strength at work?"

"And the day you vomited blood in my office, have you forgotten?"

When Zhang Feng heard Lin Feng's words, he stopped and took back his hand on the door handle of the box.

Naturally, he had doubts about that time when he vomited blood.

But when he asked Ye Tian, ​​Ye Tian only said that it was because he was too tired and worried recently.

Moreover, Ye Tian gave him an injection and then prescribed two sets of medicine for him. After taking the medicine, he immediately felt much better, but his body would soon return to its original state the next day.

Zhang Feng looked back at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said: "If you don't want to die yet, sit down quickly."

"After all, I didn't call you here to watch you die."

Lin Feng's tone made Zhang Feng very uncomfortable, but Zhang Feng still sat down obediently.

Because nothing is as important as life.

"You yourself feel that your body is not as good as before, but you still rely on Ye Tian very much. Have you never doubted him?"

Anyone who is not stupid can understand what Lin Feng said.

Zhang Feng looked shocked. He had never doubted Ye Tian. After all, Ye Tian had always seemed loyal.

"Impossible! How could it be him?"

Zhang Feng was still in disbelief.

Seeing this, Lin Feng continued to expose Ye Tian's disguise.

"Ye Tian is a very ambitious person. Do you think he would be willing to be inferior to others?"

"But he poisoned you, and you won't be able to find out if you go to the hospital. To be honest, no one in the world can save you except me!"

Lin Feng's words certainly made sense, but in the second half of the sentence, when Lin Feng said that only he could save himself, Zhang Feng didn't believe it.

There are billions of people in the world. Is there no one who can save them?

Zhang Feng didn't believe it.

This was also expected by Lin Feng.

"If you don't believe it, go ahead and check it out, but I advise you not to alert the snake and let Ye Tian find out."

"Otherwise, you're not guaranteed to survive a week."

After saying that, Lin Feng continued to drink tea with his head down.

Zhang Feng stood up and left, his figure swaying.

Lin Feng bets that this guy will definitely come back to find him within three days.

Lin Feng finished his tea and ate some food before coming out.

However, Lin Feng didn't expect that he would run into the same cuckold friends as before.

Su Mingda saw Lin Feng from a distance, and rushed to Lin Feng with a few people.

"Lin Feng! Long time no see!" Su Mingda looked unkind.

Lin Feng looked at Su Mingda with a smile, as if nothing had happened.

"Brother Su, what's wrong?"

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