I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 146 Don’t know what’s good or bad

Su Mingda's face was gloomy.

That time he swiped hundreds of thousands back and was dealt with by his father.

This time I meet this guy Lin Feng. If I don’t ask for it back, he won’t be called Su Mingda.

"Lin Feng, you fucking have the nerve to say that! Last time after ordering, you skipped the order and didn't come back to see us. As a result, I spent hundreds of thousands and maxed out my credit card."

Lin Feng looked at Su Mingda with an innocent face, "Sorry, I really forgot about this. I went to coax my son, who knew she was showing off to me."

"I was so angry that I took her home and fucked her hard before she became honest."

"I forgot about it when I got excited. I'm just so sorry!"

Seeing this, Su Mingda said nothing more.

"Okay! Then I will forgive you, but you have to give me something to compensate."

Lin Feng smiled like a pug.

"Okay, okay, I'll make it up to you whatever you say."

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Su Mingda couldn't help but feel proud.

The young master of the Lin Group was tricked around by him.

It's just a piece of trash.

"Then I'll let you rob me. How about you and I, buddies, go to Diehua to spend some money?"

Diehua is the most high-end service club in the city, and the consumption on one side can easily reach hundreds of thousands, or even tens of millions.

If Lin Feng treated so many people, they would probably be worth millions.

Lin Feng naturally knows this.

However, these people were so determined to deceive me, so I couldn't let them down too much.

"Okay, I'm treating you today." Lin Feng took out his Supreme Black Card and waved it in front of everyone.

Everyone and Su Mingda's eyes glowed when they saw this black card.

As the name suggests, this black card is a credit card with no limit, and you can use it as much as you want.

If they deliberately spend too much and make a little difference, then Su Mingda's hundreds of thousands of dollars will be back in a minute!

Maybe I can make millions by then.

Thinking of this, Su Mingda couldn't help but start thinking about her beautiful life in the future.

Several people came to Butterfly Flower together.

Su Mingda ordered a lot like last time, estimated to be about 3 million. Su Mingda also ordered a few people to accompany him.

But this time Su Mingda was smarter and stared at Lin Feng, for fear that Lin Feng would escape the bill.

Lin Feng didn't panic, he just sat there quietly by himself, saying nothing.

Not a bite to eat, not a bite to drink.

Halfway through the game, someone came over to ask them to pay.

Su Mingda pointed at Lin Feng, and the waiter went to Lin Feng to pay.

"Sir, please settle the bill. The total consumption is 3.24 million."

Lin Feng looked at the waiter in surprise, "Why do you need me to pay? I haven't eaten or drank a bite. I'm just sitting here as an audience. These are all consumed by them. If you want to pay, you should go to them."

The waiter thought for a moment and realized that was indeed the case.

Then the waiter went over to Su Mingda and said, "Sir, please settle the bill."

Su Mingda frowned, "Didn't I tell you? Go find the person who pays the bill. I don't have any money."

The waiter suddenly became unhappy and said sarcastically: "You come here to spend money when you don't have money, pretending to be rich?"

"I can tell you that the gentleman said he wouldn't pay the bill, and he didn't touch anything here."

Su Mingda was shocked.

"What did you say?"

The waiter reluctantly repeated it again.

Su Mingda ran to Lin Feng, "Lin Feng, what do you mean? Didn't you say you were treating? Why didn't you pay the bill?"

Lin Feng looked at Su Mingda calmly, "I mean I'm going to treat you, but I didn't order these things, so why do you say I'm treating you?"

"I said I was treating you, so I should be the one ordering it. Why is it you who ordered it, and I just made you look like the host!"

"To tell you the truth, I'm not stupid. I don't want to be treated like a monkey by you. I haven't touched any of these things!"

"Anyway, I won't settle this account. I'm here to completely dissociate myself from you. Don't pester me again in the future."

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he was about to turn around and leave, but Su Mingda hurriedly grabbed Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, what do you mean by this? You want to sever ties with me, but don't forget that it was you who wanted to be my friend by licking your face in the first place!"

"Now that you want to sever ties with me, I tell you it's not that easy!"

"If you don't settle the bill here, see if we let you go!"

Su Mingda waved his hand and everyone surrounded Lin Feng.

Therefore, none of them are short of money to spend, but they can only be regarded as a small second generation of rich people. They still cannot afford such large-scale consumption.

So they had to let Lin Feng settle the bill this time, otherwise they would be the one to settle the bill.

Lin Feng sneered, feeling that these people in front of him were so shameless!

Seeing this scene, the waiter didn't dare to stay here any longer and hurriedly called the bodyguard.

"Let me ask you again, Lin Feng, do you want to pay or not?" Su Mingda said angrily.

Lin Feng glanced at Su Mingda nonchalantly, "What if I say I won't settle the bill?"

Su Mingda sneered, "Then you are simply looking for death!"

"Someone, call me!"

Su Mingda gave an order, and a group of people gathered around to attack Lin Feng.

However, what they didn't expect was that before they could touch Lin Feng's clothes, they were all knocked away by Lin Feng.

Although Lin Feng is not as powerful as Ye Tian now, it is enough to deal with these little guys.

Su Mingda stood aside and looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.

He remembered that Lin Feng was just a rookie before, how could he be so powerful now!

Lin Feng looked at Su Mingda coldly, "Next time, if you dare to pester me again, you won't just be taught a lesson like this!"

After saying that, Lin Feng turned and left.

No one dared to stop Lin Feng from leaving.

Su Mingda vaguely felt that Lin Feng was a little different from before.

Soon, the waiter came with the bodyguard and the boss.

The boss was shaking with anger when he saw the chaotic scene.

"You guys, please pay me!" the boss yelled.

Lin Feng heard the roar from a distance and couldn't help but pick his ears.

The boss of Diehua is not easy to deal with, and this is enough for them to drink a pot.

Look at this group of people, if they dare to provoke me again next time!

Lin Feng walked out of Dielian humming a tune.

However, Lin Feng didn't expect that as soon as he came out, he saw a familiar figure sneaking around and flirting with a woman.

Lin Feng was curious and secretly stepped forward to check.

Unexpectedly, it was Ye Tian and Song Yunxue.

At this moment, Lin Feng's heart was filled with thousands of horses galloping!

How did these two get together!

Didn't Song Yunxue say that she only likes herself before? Now we are fighting fiercely with Ye Tian!

Sure enough, you still can’t believe what a woman says!

Although Song Yunxue is Ye Tian's official spouse, she wants to break them up for the sake of the villain's energy!

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